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MT 1 May 2024 MIDWEEK

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11 EDITORIAL maltatoday | WEDNESDAY • 1 MAY 2024 PRIME Minister Robert Abela's outburst on Sunday was a direct attack on the judiciary. It was not legitimate criticism over some administrative failing or disagreement with a judgment. No; it was a warning directed squarely at the magistrate who has been lead- ing the inquiry into the now defunct hospitals contract. Abela accused the magistrate of "political terrorism", a claim he repeated on Tuesday when it was confirmed that the magistrate concluded her investigation and passed on the findings to the Attorney General. It is unfortunate that the Prime Minister chose to use these words because the only act of terrorism witnessed in this country over the past seven years was the bombing of Daphne Caruana Galizia. It is evident that Abela's attack on the judi- ciary is an attempt to pre-empt the hypothet- ical situation whereby the police would press criminal charges against Joseph Muscat and others connected to the hospitals deal. That Abela chose to do so at the start of the European Parliament election campaign in front of Labour Party delegates gathered for the final session of the general conference is even more serious. The Prime Minister was simply fanning the flames of unbridled partisanship and unleash- ing a dangerous dog. It is already a fraught situation that a former prime minister could face criminal charges, let alone having the in- cumbent act as instigator-in-chief. What exactly does Abela expect his support- ers to do? Should they go on a rampage and ransack the law courts if Muscat is truly ar- raigned? Or is he expecting them to blow up the magistrate if she has the temerity to con- clude that there are grounds for criminal ac- tion against the former PM? How would Ab- ela react if an angry Labour supporter enters the courthouse and insults the member of the judiciary in front of who Muscat would be hy- pothetically appearing? Will Abela shoulder responsibility if his rhetoric instigates irra- tional behaviour by his supporters? It is a shame that Abela chose to go down this road and defend Joseph Muscat by lashing out at the judiciary. It is a shame that the Prime Minister of a democratic country is trying to torpedo the law courts by hacking away at the credibility of the judiciary in such a vicious way. It is even more incomprehensible since Ab- ela knows first-hand the mess he had to deal with when he took office in 2020 and Steward Healthcare were trying to renegotiate the hos- pitals deal. There are three extensive reports by the Au- ditor General outlining the mess of a deal the Muscat administration entered into for the running of three public hospitals by private investors. The rot was evident from even be- fore the request for proposals was issued. It only culminated in the following years when none of the agreed investments were made and to make matters worse, Muscat's admin- istration, gave the American company a guar- antee it would receive €100 million even if the courts struck down the deal. Fortunately, the hospitals deal and all side agreements to it were rescinded by the law courts last year. Meanwhile, Gozitans remain without a new state of the art hospital that had been prom- ised and St Luke's remains largely an ageing pigeon loft. Abela is fully aware of this mess for which Jo- seph Muscat, Konrad Mizzi and Keith Schem- bri were chief architects. Why he should throw all caution to the wind and defend Muscat by pointing his guns at the judiciary not only de- fies ordinary reason but is outright diabolical. Abela may have opted for this strategy be- cause it suits him electorally to energise the grassroots and try to win with a stratospheric margin on 8 June even at the expense of un- leashing a dangerous dog. On a more sinister level, Abela may have chosen this path because he is beholden to criminals who have an obvious interest in seeing a judiciary that is undermined and rid- iculed. We hope the Prime Minister sees light of day and changes course. Why is the Prime Minister unleashing a dangerous dog? maltatoday MaltaToday, MediaToday Co. Ltd, Vjal ir-Rihan, San Gwann SGN 9016 MANAGING EDITOR: SAVIOUR BALZAN EXECUTIVE EDITOR: KURT SANSONE EDITOR: PAUL COCKS Tel: (356) 21 382741-3, 21 382745-6 Website: E-mail: benefit from any embellishment to its grandeur, internally or ex- ternally should these commer- cial outlets be realised. Fr Marc Andre Camilleri simply wants to plug leaking roofs and repair crumbling stones by leasing out part of church property. There are many ways to raise funds for the cause. Fr Camilleri can take the example of his pre- decessors, learn from them and be creative. He should stop fantasizing and start a proper management pro- gramme that will command the respect of all. If he cannot do it the right way, he is not the man for the job and should make way for someone else. Other logistical points come into the fray. Prospective cus- tomers for the intended estab- lishments need to go up and come down in lifts. To cater for what is being intended as per application with the Planning Authority, there must be no less than two lifts each holding be- tween 8 – 10 persons, to handle the flow of patrons efficiently. One need only imagine the monstrosity of the structure that needs to be set up to accommo- date these lifts. A big eye-sore indeed. I am not sure if the re- quirements for these lifts have been included in the application to the Planning Authority. Hope- fully yes, as it adds to another big NO to granting the permit. I think this idea of commercial- ising such a historic and magnif- icent monument is too hard to accept as being realistic and not some fantasy of the mind. It is a desperate attempt by someone who so apparently failed in his mission of manag- ing his parish efficiently and for which the parishioners and the people of Malta are being asked to sacrifice such a monument. It should be opposed at all costs. I think Prime Minister Robert Abela was correct to express his feelings in the strongest terms as he did. I do not personally agree on anything with the Prime Min- ister, but on this one, for sure, he has my sympathy.

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