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I'M sorry to disappoint all of you seeking the recipe for some esoteric drink. This isn't a tale of a demonic drink concoct- ed in the underworld. It's not about an elixir that transforms you into an Artificial Intelli- gence (AI) entity or implants you with nanobots. Instead, it's about a ground-breaking inno- vation in the beverage industry — a new energy drink entire- ly developed by an army of AI systems at one of the world's foremost manufacturers. Why does this matter? In an era where many companies are still figuring out the basics of AI applications, this manufac- turer has fully harnessed AI's capabilities to craft an entire product from start to finish. Such an achievement is not just about introducing anoth- er energy drink to the market; it's about setting a benchmark in technological integration in product development. The journey of creating this beverage began with AI sys- tems conducting extensive research into potential in- gredients; analysing data on consumer preferences, health impacts, and market trends. This was a complex selection process but a comprehensive integration of vast datasets to derive a potential formula that meets high taste and safety standards. The AI's involvement spanned every detail of the product's creation, from the initial concept to the finer points of flavour nuances. One of the most remarkable aspects was the AI's precision in selecting the drink's flavour. Through a process akin to dig- ital tasting, the AI accurate- ly predicted consumer taste response models to various flavour combinations. It then decided on a vibrant mix that it calculated would best appeal to the target audience. This digital synthesis of taste is a pioneering approach that might soon become a standard in the food and beverage in- dustry. We also see this trend in other sectors where several companies are using AI to re- duce human tests or complete- ly eradicate animal testing. Moreover, the AI's role ex- tended beyond just conceiving the drink — it also designed the visually striking packag- ing that communicates the youthful and energetic brand identity to its audience. This complete autonomy in design and development showcases a significant leap in using AI in production. Despite the revolutionary speed with which the AI com- pleted the development pro- cess, the company maintained its usual rigorous standards for safety and quality. The product underwent extensive testing to ensure it complied with all health regulations — a critical step, given its direct consumption by customers. Here, the AI's efficiency helped streamline and opti- mise the development cycle, but it did not shortcut the es- sential phases of product safe- ty verification. By using AI in the develop- ment process, the company achieved significant financial cost savings. Typically, a large team of highly paid experts, from research scientists to marketing strategists, would be needed for such a project. However, by harnessing AI, the company could reduce its reliance on human labour, slash costs, and overcome the challenge of sourcing talent in a competitive market. This clearly demonstrates the prac- tical benefits of AI in the in- dustry, particularly in cost ef- ficiency. The company's achievement of fully integrating AI into a consumer product demon- strates its unparalleled lead- ership in the ever-evolving world of technology. This edge allows them to set mar- ket standards and capture sub- stantial market share before competitors can respond. Be- ing the first in this space posi- tions the company as a leader and enables it to shape con- sumer expectations and indus- try trends. As we look at this innovative project, it's clear that this in- novative beverage represents a paradigm shift in product de- velopment. The implementa- tion of AI has not only acceler- ated traditional processes but also introduced a new level of creativity and intelligence into the mix. So, the next time you crack open this AI drink from HELL, remember that it's more than just a refreshment — it's a tes- tament to the future of inno- vation in the industry. With each sip, you're tasting the potential of AI to revolution- ise not just beverages but all products. Let's raise a glass to the wonders of AI, a marvel of ingenuity that proves the fu- ture is already here — cheers! Alexiei Dingli Alexiei Dingli is professor of artificial intelligence maltatoday | SUNDAY • 5 MAY 2024 4 OPINION The AI beverage from HELL The AI's role extended beyond just conceiving the drink — it also designed the visually striking packaging T his digital synthesis of taste is a pioneering approach that might soon become a standard in the food and beverage industry. We also see this trend in other sectors where several companies are using AI to reduce human tests or completely eradicate animal testing.

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