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MaltaToday 8 May 2024 MIDWEEK

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13 maltatoday | WEDNESDAY • 8 MAY 2024 NEWS Gozo in the MCESD spotlight: Strategic proposals by social partners and the GRC IN an MCESD council meet- ing called by the Gozo Regional Committee (GRC), the MCESD social partners and GRC mem- bers discussed current concerns and suggested strategies to shape a future for Gozo that balanc- es socio-economic growth with environmental sustainability. Chaired by MCESD's Chairper- son, Perit David Xuereb, and at- tended by the Minister for Gozo and Planning, Clint Camilleri, as well as the Parliamentary Secre- tary for Social Dialogue, Andy Ellul. Joe Borg, the Chairperson of the Gozo Regional Committee (GRC), highlighted the meet- ing's key role in addressing the progress needed to make Gozo a better place for its residents. He stated, "Gozo should in- deed be a beacon of new and sustainable development, mak- ing it a better home for us, just as it should be for Malta." Mr. Borg thanked all the social partners for their participa- tion, stating, "Your presence here today demonstrates a true commitment to enhancing our environment." In a presentation, Daniel Borg and Professor Alex Torpiano, representing the GRC, out- lined key initiatives to manage the sustainable development of Gozo. They emphasised the impor- tance of architectural design that preserves the natural to- pography, materials, textures, and aesthetic of Gozitan towns and villages, highlighting the need to protect key architec- tural features to rationalise positive visual impact. Torpiano also discussed Gozo's environmental, histori- cal, and social strengths while identifying challenges such as uncontrolled development. He underscored the necessity for robust planning policies to protect beaches and urban cen- tres and advocated for stronger climate change initiatives, in- cluding increased biodiversity efforts and the adoption of sus- tainable practices like rooftop gardens. During the meeting, MCESD's social partners offered key stra- tegic suggestions for Gozo's economic and social advance- ment. Proposals included Gozo's natural environment, which is supported by high-tech solu- tions like achieving carbon neutrality and positioning Gozo as a leader in sustainable technology. The partners emphasised the development of agritourism to diversify the economy and en- gage visitors with Gozo's rich and qualitative agricultural heritage. Additionally, they stressed the need for Gozo's tourism offerings to be more sustaina- ble and for a robust strategy to protect its invaluable histori- cal sites, ensuring that Gozo's cultural legacy is preserved for future generations. The social partners advocated for a com- prehensive national strategic plan for both Malta and Gozo, addressing key areas to benefit both islands. Camilleri explained that the main objective of the Ministry is to ensure economic and so- cial prosperity in Gozo while respecting the island's unique characteristics and making the Maltese Islands a desirable place to live. Parliamentary Secretary Andy Ellul emphasised the impor- tance of ongoing dialogue be- tween the government and so- cial partners for the benefit of Gozo. He reiterated the crucial role of the MCESD in meeting with Gozo's social partners to en- sure continuous progress in key areas of sustainability. The meeting served as an op- portunity for social partners to voice their strategies for Gozo's progress, emphasising the importance of a holistic ap- proach that benefits both Gozo and Malta. The commitment to ensure that Gozo's development re- mains sustainable and pre- serves the island's unique identity was echoed by all par- ticipants. IN 2023, registered business units within the statistical business register amounted to 140,540, an increase of 2.4 per cent, or 3,334 registered units, over 2022. Registered units in Profes- sional, scientific and techni- cal activities (Section M) ac- counted for 13.6 per cent of the total registered units in 2023; Wholesale and retail trade (Section G) account- ed for 13.4 per cent; Finan- cial and insurance activities (Section K) accounted for 12.2 per cent; and Adminis- trative and support service activities (Section N) ac- counted for 7.9 per cent. Most of the business units (97.4 per cent) employed between 0 to nine persons (micro). The population of small (10 – 49) and medi- um (50 – 249) businesses accounted for 2,899 (2.1 per cent) and 608 (0.4 per cent) units respectively. The large businesses employing 250 and more amounted to 152 (0.1 per cent). The number of reg- istered units employing be- tween 0 and nine persons increased by 3,297 units, re- sulting in an increase of 2.5 per cent when compared with 2022. The registered units employing between 10 and 49 persons increased by 37 units, equivalent to an increase of 1.3 per cent, when compared with 2022. Registered business units top 140,000 in 2023

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