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MALTATODAY 2 June 2024

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YOUR RIGHT TO KNOW WWW.MALTATODAY.COM.MT SUNDAY 2 JUNE 2024 • ISSUE 1282 • PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SUNDAY Muscat's friend and persecutor in Radju Malta confrontation PAGE 4 Pinetum gardens to be turned into 'family-friendly' destination PAGE 9 The political families for the 2024 EP elections PAGES 14 - 15 Face-off Green spaces Europe maltatoday NICOLE MEILAK & DAIVA REPECKAITE Joseph Muscat and Robert Abela: From 'dear friends' to parallel leaders ANALYSIS PAGES 11 - 13 Labour insiders: 'The party is sacrificing future for the present with Vitals strategy' KARL AZZOPARDI 'Vendetta' €1.95 Labour's Labour's leading MEP leading MEP candidate Alex Agius candidate Alex Agius Saliba on the electoral Saliba on the electoral campaign, EU's campaign, EU's security security and Vitals and Vitals INTERVIEWMT2 We don't know where 99% of all political party donations come from OVER 99% of donations made to Malta's political parties go unattributed, accord- ing to a Europe-wide analysis of where parties get their money from. A new cross-border project scrutinis- ing party funding in the EU has found that the vast majority of donations to Malta's two main parties come from unknown sources. PAGES 6 - 7 LABOUR insiders feel the party is sac- rificing its future for short-term suc- cess in the upcoming European Parlia- ment election it will surely win. "I feel we are making strategic mis- takes by pandering to voters who would have voted for us either way," a Cabinet minister who spoke to this newspaper on condition of anonymity said. MaltaToday spoke to Labour Party in- siders to understand the feeling follow- ing a tumultuous week, which saw for- mer prime minister Joseph Muscat and others charged in court with corruption over the Vitals hospitals deal. PAGES 2 - 3

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