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MALTATODAY 9 June 2024

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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 9 JUNE 2024 2 HERITAGE Restored tower and spire at St Paul's Pro- Cathedral officially inaugurated THE Save the Valletta Skyline Project Appeal Committee is delighted to announce the offi- cial inauguration of the restored Tower and Spire at St. Paul's Pro Cathedral, a significant land- mark in Valletta. This event, which took place on May 29, 2024, marks the culmination of a comprehensive restoration project aimed at preserving the architectural heritage and spiritual significance of the Ca- thedral for future generations. The ceremony commenced with a brief thanksgiving service, followed by speeches from key figures who played instrumental roles in the restoration efforts. Attendees were treated to a short documentary showcasing the meticulous restoration pro- cess. The evening's highlight was the ceremonial lighting of the tower and a joyous bell ringing session. Following the ceremo- ny, a reception was held to cel- ebrate the successful completion of this historic project. Built in 1844, St Paul's An- glican Pro-Cathedral is one of the most universally recognised features of the Valletta skyline. Back in 2017 expert inspections had identified serious architec- tural problems, with parts of the building officially described as unstable. Funding: The project to restore and repair the iconic Cathedral tower and spire cost €9 million. The restoration project bene- fited from 4.2 million EU funds under the European Regional Development Fund. The project was funded under PA 5 Protect- ing our environment - investing in natural and cultural assets. Further funding was raised through donations, benefactors, government support, the MCVS co-financing grant and National Development and Social Fund Architects: The restoration work was coordinated by AP Projects, specifically managed by Perit Charlene Jo Darmanin, Perit Konrad Buhagiar, and pro- ject manager Guillaume Drey- fuss. Different aspects of the resto- ration were carried out by mul- tiple entities: Tower Restoration: Under- taken by VAV Joint Venture, consisting of Vassallo Builders Ltd, Agius Stone Works Ltd, and Vaults Ltd. Timber Restoration: Com- pleted by Agius Stone Works. Accessibility Improvements: Conducted by AX Construction Ltd. Webcam Installation: Man- aged by 2000 Ltd. Project Publicity: Handled by Media Coop. EU Funding and Project Ad- ministration: Overseen by Mr. Godfrey Kenely. Project Committee: The Pro- ject Appeal Committee was ini- tially led by Mr. Martin Scicluna and Sir Martin Laing. After Sir Martin Laing's recent demise, Mr. Malcolm Miller took over as the chairperson of the Resto- ration Appeal Committee with assistance from Mr. Christopher Wicker as Secretary General. Mr. Anthony Grahame Wright was the Project Leader. Canon David Wright Chancellor, along with church wardens Bernice Caruana and Neil Hodgson, ful- ly supported the project. Their predecessors, Chancellor Simon Godfrey and warden Simon Walker also backed the project.

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