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MaltaToday 19 June 2024 MIDWEEK

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NEWS 14 maltatoday | THURSDAY • 19 JUNE 2024 THE CADE project, an ambi- tious initiative designed to em- power civil society organisations (CSOs) to participate more ac- tively in digital policy processes, was officially launched on 31 May in Geneva. The launch was attended by Ambassador Lotte Knudsen, Permanent Representative of the European Union to the UN in Geneva, Prof. Jovan Kurbali- ja, Executive Director of Diplo- Foundation, and project part- ners. Co-funded by the European Union, the CADE project aims to enhance the active partici- pation of CSOs in global gov- ernance and development initi- atives. This initiative is crucial in fostering inclusive and par- ticipatory democratic processes worldwide. In her address, Ambassador Knudsen emphasised the EU's steadfast commitment to the vital role of CSOs in develop- ment. The EU's Multiannual Indicative Programme (MIP) for the thematic programme Civil Society Organisations and Local Authorities from 2021 to 2027 highlights the importance of achieving high quality develop- ment outcomes through inclu- sive, democratic engagement. "It appeals to one of our top priorities: to support and devel- op civil societies, which is par- ticularly significant in the realm of global internet governance. This is about digital empower- ment, and we need civil socie- ty's active involvement. Our ap- proach has always been strongly multistakeholder," said Ambas- sador Knudsen. Kurbalija further elaborated on the project's goal to leverage technology for development, underscoring the CADE pro- ject's innovative approach to enhancing CSO capacities. He noted, "This project aims to bring meaningful and substan- tive inclusion of civil society. Although many forums, such as ICANN, the WSIS Forum, and the IGF Forum, have open doors for participation, the challenge remains in equipping CSOs with the capacity to effectively engage and impact discussions." Dr Stephanie Borg Psaila, CADE's project coordinator from DiploFoundation, intro- duced the eight partner organ- isations collaborating on this project: • European Center for Non- for-profit Law (ECNL), Netherlands • Forus, France • Collaboration on Interna- tional ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CI- PESA), Uganda • Kenya ICT Action Net- work (KICTANet), Kenya • Sarvodaya Fusion, Sri Lan- ka • Social Media Exchange (SMEX), Lebanon • Pacific Islands Chapter of the Internet Society (PICI- SOC), Fiji • Fundación Karisma, Co- lombia The launch event was fol- lowed by a technical session held during the WSIS+20 Fo- rum High-Level Event (27–31 May 2024 in Geneva), which showcased the CADE project's initiatives and concluded with a call to action for both indi- vidual and institutional efforts to promote genuine inclusivity and participation in digital gov- ernance. Launch of the Civil Society Alliances for Digital Empowerment (CADE) project Prof. Jovan Kurbalija, DiploFoundation, Amb. Lotte Knudsen, the EU's Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva, and Dr Stephanie Borg Psaila, CADE's project coordinator, during the project launch session in Geneva on 31 May 2024. Photo: DiploFoundation APS Bank is working closely with numerous Voluntary Organisations (VOs) that support vulnerable groups within society. Over the years, these organisations have established long-stand- ing relationships with the Bank, benefiting from support for various initiatives. Among the esteemed organisations support- ed by APS Bank are Fondazzjoni Sebħ, Hospice Malta, Inspire Foundation, Malta Trust Foun- dation, Missio Malta, Opening Doors Associa- tion, St Jeanne Antide Foundation, Women for Women Foundation and YMCA Malta. Each of these organisations plays a vital role in en- hancing the well-being of those in need, and APS Bank is committed to aiding their efforts. Jeremy Vassallo, CSR Manager at APS Bank, stated, "We are proud to collaborate with these organisations and to offer them support as they make a significant impact in our com- munity. Their dedication to helping vulner- able groups aligns perfectly with our values, while contributing to a better society for all." To learn more about how APS Bank is con- tributing to the community please visit aps- APS Bank supports VOs assisting vulnerable groups

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