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MaltaToday 19 June 2024 MIDWEEK

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7 maltatoday | THURSDAY • 19 JUNE 2024 NEWS HOTELIER Justin Zammit Tabona is proposing a 12-room guesthouse with- in the existing three levels of Casa Isa- bella in Mdina. The building is located in the charm- ing alley, Sqaq Ferdinandu, situated off Magazine Street. The proposal does not involve any change to the existing height of the building and is limited to minor inter- nal and external alterations including the creation of a new 'intermediate floor'. The only controversial aspect of the proposal is the inclusion of a roof top pool. This is because in 2022 a technical committee advising the government on the conservation of World Heritage Sites in Malta had called for a ban on rooftop swimming pools in the old cap- ital city of Mdina. The committee chaired by Mgr Jo- seph Vella Gauci. liaises with UNESCO and includes representatives of the Su- perintendence, the Environment and Resources Authority and the Planning Authority, to provide its advise on mat- ters affecting World Heritage Sites like Mdina and Valletta. The committee's objection to rooftop pools in Mdina had been cited by the Superintendencefor Cultural Heritage in its objection to a similar proposal made by Easysell Limited for a residen- tial development in Triq is-Salvatur. On that occasion the SCH warned swimming pools at roof level create an aesthetically unacceptable impact on aerial views of Mdina, and would create a need for screening walls which would increase the visual impact. The SCH also referred to the direction given by the National World Heritage Techni- cal Committee to object "in principle to any swimming pools at rooftop level in Mdina". The Easysell development, which involved the rehabilitation of the building, had been approved after the rooftop pool was eliminated from plans. JAMES DEBONO New Mdina guesthouse project seeks rooftop pool UNESCO technical committee had proposed a ban on rooftop pools in Mdina THE maintenance work on the Mal- ta – Sicily interconnector switch- gear was successfully completed late Monday afternoon, Enemalta said on Tuesday. The servicing commenced on Sunday morning on the switchgear at the Magħtab terminal station. Enemalta scheduled the main- tenance operation at the terminal stations to mitigate a fault that had developed earlier. During testing operations at 6.08pm on Sunday evening, a number of distribu- tion feeders tripped, subsequently causing a trip in a number of ma- chines at the Delimara plant. This affected several zones in different localities. "The situation stabilised in less than an hour, and full supply was restored by 7.26pm," Enemalta said in Tuesday's statement. Over the past 24 hours, Enemal- ta's teams of engineers and tech- nicians continued with the sched- uled works at Magħtab, addressed the root cause of the trip and as- sisted customers who required its assistance. "In this regard, En- emalta thanks its employees for their continuous work." Enemalta says maintenance work on Malta- Sicily interconnector 'successfully completed' During testing operations at 6:08pm on Sunday evening, a number of distribution feeders tripped, subsequently causing a trip in a number of machines at the Delimara plant

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