maltatoday | SUNDAY • 23 JUNE 2024
My essentials
Commercial role within IT
solutions industry
I am a husband and a father, I am passionate about sales, theatre and Xtreme
triathlon/swim run and anything outdoors.
1. Books 2. Film
3. Internet/TV
4. Music 5. Place
I love classic rock... 80's and
90's. Obviously, they were
not classics when I got into
them (Yes, I am that old). My
all-time top band is Metalli-
ca, I can pick no particular
song, but I constantly listen
to their first four albums
- they were my constant
companions throughout my
teenage years.
MAJISTRAL Park - this is
my playground, whether I am
swimming, running or biking.
This is where I find freedom
and where I am one with na-
GLUCOSE Revolution by Jes-
sie Inchauspe. I have to say my
mind was blown! The book
provides some great hacks
how to control sugar spikes
during the day to have more
energy. One hack is the or-
der you eat your food. Greens
first, starch last.
TOP Gun. The original (not
Maverick). I finally watched
it the first time this year and
it was great, the filming was
incredible. Kicking myself
for not watching it earlier.
I am extremely passionate
about mountain biking and
triathlon, so two YouTube
channels that I am sub-
scribed to are GMTB and
GTN. They provide loads
of informational videos and
tutorials that are practical
about these two sports I love.
Compiled by Laura Calleja
suggestions by email
This page is supported by Arts Council Malta