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MALTATODAY 23 June 2024

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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 23 JUNE 2024 5 ALMANAC Nature Notebook 924. European storm-petrel IT'S tiny and dark, spends all day fishing far out at sea and only comes to land at night, and then only during the nesting season and (in Malta) mostly... on Filfla! No wonder most people aren't familiar with the European storm-petrel (M. kanġu ta' Filfla). But for all its low profile, this bird has placed Malta squarely on the ornithological map, and that's because Filfla actually hosts the largest known nest- ing colony of this species in the Mediterranean (5000–8000 pairs). We know this because every summer BirdLife scientists land on Fil- fla (with special permits because the islet is a strict nature reserve) to ring and monitor these birds. In recent years one or two small col- onies have also been discovered along the mainland cliffs. This tiny bird is closely related to its mighty and famous cousin: the albatross! Addressing Climate Anxiety Climate-related emotions are becoming more common as the aware- ness of the urgency to act on climate change has become more main- stream. There has been an increase in the number of people expressing their experience of negative emotions, such as climate anxiety and dis- tress about the future, as a result. The CALM-EY (Coping with Anxiety and Lowering Mental-health Ef- fects in Youth) project is dedicated to addressing climate-related anxiety and stress among young people. It focuses on educating youth about ac- curate climate change information, teaching coping strategies, and em- powering them to engage in climate action initiatives. Juliana Zammit writes more here: Victor Falzon, Ben Metzger (Photo) Green idea of the week 793 Visit Friends of the Earth's website for more information about our work, as well as information about how to join us. You can also support us by sending us a donation – Don't miss this Ed Sheeran: +-=÷x Tour 26 June Place: Ta' Qali Ed Sheeran in Concert promises to be a showstopper of epic proportions. This concert will be an opportunity for fans to witness his incredible talent live, with a performance that promises to be unforgettable. The organisers are thrilled to bring this great talent to the islands and this concert is set to be a landmark event. Get ready for a musical journey like no other, as global superstar Ed Sheeran is set to captivate the hearts of fans in the stunning backdrop of Malta. This one-night-only concert, organized by AEG Presents, greatt, and NNG Promotions in partnership with One Fiinix Live, promises to be a showstopper of epic proportions. Give nature a voice. Become a BirdLife member Vocal & Musical Concert by the Sliema Band 2 July Place: Sacro Cuor Parish Church, Triq San Trofimu, Sliema The Socjetá Filarmonika "Sliema" together with the Kummissjoni Festi Parrocca Santwarju Madonna tas- Sacro Cuor will be holding a Vocal and Musical Concert for the Feast of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Sliema, at the Marian Sanctuary of Our Lady of 0the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Sliema, . The concert will be held by the Banda Cittadina Sliema conducted by it's bandmaster Mro Lesley Tabone with the participation of the children's choir "Fathers' Angels" conducted by Rev Fr Joe Caruana ofm, tenor Angelo Muscat, baritone Ivan Vella and the Parish Choir. A GOOD WEEK Good Week/Bad Week A BAD WEEK American singer Taylor Swift impressed her fans in Cardiff on Tuesday by opening her concert in Welsh. She greeted the audience with "Croeso i Daith Eras" ("Welcome to the Eras Tour"). Justin Timberlake was arrested and charged with drink-driving. The US singer, 43, had reportedly been having dinner with friends on Long Island, New York, before his arrest in the early hours of Tuesday. One of her backing vocalists also used the Welsh term "Ych a fi" - used to describe something disgusting - when the star passed the mic over as part of their performance. The Grammy winner was held overnight and formally charged with a DWI (driving while intoxicated) misdemeanour at Sag Harbor Village Justice Court on Tuesday morning before being released.

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