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MaltaToday 26 June 2024 MIDWEEK

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NEWS 14 maltatoday | THURSDAY • 26 JUNE 2024 THE Malta Tourism Author- ity (MTA) and VisitMalta Incentives & Meetings were honoured with the prestigious foreign destination marketing service company award at the 14th Annual Business Excel- lence Awards. The awards cer- emony took place on Wednes- day, June 12, 2024, at Birdie Events - Continental City Golf Club in Budapest, Hungary, recognizing excellence in busi- ness tourism across ten cate- gories. This accolade highlights MTA's significant efforts in promoting Malta as a premier business and leisure desti- nation within the Hungari- an market, enhancing brand awareness, and fostering ro- bust partnerships with media, leisure, and business travel sectors. Reflecting on this achieve- ment, MTA CEO Carlo Mi- callef stated, "This award is a testament to our unwavering commitment to positioning Malta as a top destination for both business and leisure trav- ellers. The Hungarian market has shown remarkable growth, and we are dedicated to con- tinuing our investment in this promising market through impactful advertising and PR campaigns to generate year round higher spending tour- ism to the Maltese Islands." John Mary Attard, MTA Re- gional Director for Eastern Europe and the Baltics, also expressed his satisfaction, say- ing, "Our success in Hungary is evident from the impressive growth in passenger numbers. In 2023, Hungarian arrivals ex- ceeded the record numbers of 2019 by almost 50%, and the first four months of 2024 have already shown a further 40% increase over 2023. We are ex- cited to build on this momen- tum and strengthen our pres- ence in this vital market." The Business Excellence Awards, created by Turizmus Kft., aim to honour tourism service providers who deliv- er top-quality services in the business tourism sector. This year, the awards featured an innovation in the evaluation process, allowing prizes to be won by submitting a bid. The organizers received 62 appli- cations, which were meticu- lously evaluated and ranked by a professional jury comprising delegates from profession- al organizations and editorial representatives. Additionally, Turizmus Kft. opened the top three shortlisted candidates in each category to public voting, garnering around 17,000 votes from readers. This year's awards recog- nized the best Budapest and rural business hotels, capital and rural business event ven- ues, mobility service providers, domestic and foreign destina- tion marketing service com- panies, leisure travel agents, best new market players, and for the first time, the most in- novative tourism AI-solution service provider. Hungary, while a secondary market for Malta, has demon- strated significant potential. The Malta Tourism Authority is committed to sustaining this growth trajectory in 2024 with robust advertising, PR initia- tives and collaboration with trade partners. MTA and VisitMalta Incentives & Meetings honoured at 14th Annual Business Excellence Awards ON a warm evening in Birzebbu- ga, Bank of Valletta demonstrat- ed its commitment to fostering a vibrant and inclusive work envi- ronment for its people by host- ing its largest trivia event to date. Organised by the Bank's Sports & Social Club, the Quiz Night saw 310 employees participate in a lively competition designed to test their knowledge, creativity, and teamwork. The atmosphere was electric from the start, with employees from across the organisation, coming together to compete in good spirits. Teams, creative- ly named and often dressed in themed costumes, brought an infectious energy to the event. This creativity and enthusiasm underscore the collaborative culture that sets Bank of Val- letta apart as an Employer of Choice in Malta. This event of- fered a perfect opportunity for employees to relax, mingle, and strengthen the bonds formed during their day-to-day inter- actions. The event was coordinated by the Bank's Sports and So- cial Club in collaboration with the Outdoor Living Crew. The quiz featured trivia categories that spanned Emojis, Netflix Series, Weird Sports, World Politics, and, of course, the Bank's history. These diverse categories ensured there was something for everyone, en- couraging broad participation and enjoyment. After several intense and exciting rounds, three teams emerged victori- ous. The winners were Debug- ging Dreams Team composed of employees from the Bank's IT function, Wenara Wizards featuring employees from the Bank's Customer Review Team took the second spot, while the BOVshells representing the Bank's Asset Management function placed third. Addressing the attendees, Kenneth Farrugia, the Bank's CEO, expressed deep satisfac- tion with the turnout and en- gagement. He emphasised the importance that such events have in reinforcing the Bank's commitment to being an exem- plary employer of choice. "The turnout and enthusiasm we witnessed tonight are a testa- ment to the vibrant and diverse community we have here at Bank of Valetta," he said. "Events like these highlight our dedication to fostering a workplace where cre- ativity, teamwork, and personal connections are valued, cele- brated and rewarded." Ernest Agius, the Bank's Chief Operations Officer and Pres- ident of the Organising Com- mittee thanked the committee members for their exceptional efforts in organising the event. He reiterated the Bank's com- mitment to investing in activi- ties that build a strong sense of community among employees, creating opportunities to thrive both personally and profession- ally. BOV organises quiz night for employees

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