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GOZOTODAY 5 July 2024

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12 gozotoday | FRIDAY • 5 JULY 2024 CULTURE The best beaches to enjoy in Gozo this Summer Hollywood is in love with Gozo. The now-collapsed Azure Window has appeared in various productions including the epic TV series Game of Thrones. Brad Pitt is particularly enamoured. Parts of Troy and World War Z were shot here, as well as By The Sea, a joint project with his ex- wife Angelina Jolie. Many Gozitans will offhandedly drop in how they bumped into Mr Pitt while going about their daily business, as if it were of not too much importance. Hollywood loves Gozo Population kidnapped Gozitans are not related to anyone who lived on the island prior to 1551. That's because its entire population was kidnapped by Corsair pirates that year. When the Ottoman Navy attacked, less than 50 elderly folk were left behind; all the rest were either murdered or sold into slavery. After that, as Gozo slowly repopulated, everyone was required to sleep within the safety of the fortified Citadel's walls at night. Gozo fun facts The Gozo Citadella Ramla Bay The dreamy bay of Ramla with its sand dunes needs no introduction. For many, the pristine sandy bay facing the North is the best beach in Malta. Ramla beach is the place where Ul- ysses meets Calypso in the Odyssey and the place still exudes their mag- ical story. Other historic nuggets at Ramla beach include the Roman vil- la remains. By far Ramla beach is the biggest of all sandy beaches in Gozo. The area is still untouched and there are only a couple of restaurants and kiosks at the entrance to the bay. Hondoq Ir-Rummien A little way off from the village of Qala lies the bay of Ħondoq ir-Rum- mien. Following the descent of the valley, one arrives at the pretty bay which faces the island of Comino. Once you see the amazing azure and clean wa- ters, it is easy to understand why it is the choice for families and young- sters alike. The sun's rays shining on the white sand reflect magnificent blue colours. Perfect for snorkeling, Ħondoq beach is also a hub for water- sports. Beyond this blue-flag bay, lies the hidden beach of Bemberin. This is accessible only via a boat or a chal- lenging path along the coast. Xlendi Bay Buzzing and touristy, Xlendi Bay has been the typical postcard from Gozo for many years. Spending a day swim- ming, sunbathing and snorkeling is a must at this beach. Check out the spot that was once the nun's swimming spot away from prying eyes. Caroline's cave is locat- ed at the end of the steep staircase in the rocks. Beyond the main bay, lies il-Kantra, a tiny inlet that's more like a mini-lagoon. Swimming at this point can be tricky. Access is off-path along the edge of the gorge but the crystal- line waters are well worth the effort. The more daring will venture to the remote zone next to the coastal Xlen- di tower, for isolated sunbathing and more challenging dives. Marsalforn Bay Marsalforn is a buzzing seaside vil- lage and the harbour for many fisher- men. The wide bay nestled between the two headlands provides different types of swimming experiences. Fam- ilies with little children often opt for the sandy side, while older swimmers will enjoy diving off the rocks into the deeper waters. Next door to Marsalforn, one can also take a dip at the beaches of Qbajjar or Xwejni. On the other side of Marsal- forn bay lies Għar Qawqla. It is easily reached by climbing up the steps from the Marsalforn quayside and following the path. The Għar Qawqla swimming spot, cradled by yellow limestone on the shoreside and enveloped by the ethereal blues on the other, is a favour- ite among sunbathers and divers. Mgarr Ix-Xini Maybe you're getting to this beach aboard a boat. If not, you'll be follow- ing a serpentine, narrow and steep route along the edge of a rugged can- yon. The bay that lies at the bottom is a joy to behold at sunrise. This scenic inlet comes complete with a coastal watch tower. Popular among divers and also great for snorkeling, Mġarr ix-Xini's waters are the 'sea' of Angeli- na Jolie's production 'By the Sea'!

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