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MaltaToday 10 July 2024 MIDWEEK

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12 maltatoday | WEDNESDAY • 10 JULY 2024 NEWS THE newly-elected mayor of Naxxar is protesting the remov- al of local councils' powers to approve permits for the siting of caravans, after these were usurped by the Department for Local Government. Naxxar mayor Chris Deguara said the measures, allowing the DLG to grant permits for a maximum seven-day stay on payment of €5 daily, had re- moved councils' autonomy in determining these applications. Deguara however said that the system was already under- mined by the fact that he had himself, without being a cara- van owner, managed to pay the reduced 50c daily concession for over-60s, to site a caravan in a non-designated site – the Naxxar piazza. At present, not all local coun- cils have developed designated sites for the placing of cara- vans. "Before, local councils would assign caravans to des- ignated sites, yet now they can claim a space anywhere they want," Deguara said. The temporary placement of caravans throughout sum- mer has to be notified to the Department of Local Govern- ment, limited to no more than seven days in any locality. The government has said the Regulations on the Temporary Placement of Caravans and Campers in Localities will ap- ply from June to September, "to address any abuse that may have occurred in the practice of this activity." The government suggested that the reason for taking on the direct permitting of the caravan siting was to create a deterrent against the abuse of public spaces for unreasonable lengths of time, promising that the system would be fairer to those who legitimately wish to practice this activity." Caravans will only pay just €5 per day, but a new rate of €0.50 per day will be introduced for those aged 60 or over. The right granted to local councils to administer designated areas for the placement of caravans or campers with services, once established, will remain in ef- fect. MATTHEW VELLA Mayor gets 50c permit to site caravan in Naxxar piazza, in protest at new rules Naxxar mayor says central government has usurped council powers to issue permits for caravans The Naxxar mayor claimed to have - without being a caravan owner - paid the reduced 50c daily concession for over-60s, to site a caravan in a non-designated site – the Naxxar piazza (Photo: James Bianchi/MaltaToday)

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