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MALTATODAY 11 August 2024

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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 11 AUGUST 2024 7 COMMERCIAL Malta's first-ever mobile stage of its k ind, lVA Nt, successfully w raps up! THE Eastern Regional Council successfully wraps up the lVANt project, marking a milestone as Malta's first-ever mobile stage initiative. From July 3rd to July 23rd, lVANt, showcased local artists across twelve localities in the Eastern Region. This in- itiative was notable not only for introducing Malta's first mo- bile stage but also for being the first eco-friendly performance experience on a moving stage, utilizing battery-operated tech- nology. The project delivered diverse performances to various communities, creating a unique and impactful cultural experi- ence. Organized by President An- thony Chircop, Executive Secre- tary Jeanette Galea, and Artistic Director Daniel Cauchi, lVANt set a new standard in entertain- ment. Inspired by the conveni- ence of food delivery services, lVANt brought performances directly to communities, with a name that cleverly reflected its mobile nature. The sound and lighting systems for the per- formances were remotely con- trolled to maximize space and efficiency. Additionally, the van featured a custom-designed side structure for mounting equip- ment, enhanced acoustics, and a branded curtain, with the entire van being tailor-made for this innovative project. The tour featured a stellar lineup of performers, including The Travellers, Subversive Col- lection, Skald, Krista Sujak, Reb and Jon, David Cauchi, Klins- mann, Chanel Monseigneur, Keith Kiko Muscat, Liam Mizzi Peplow, Gilbert Gauci, Lyndsay Pace, Tal-Fuklar Folk Group, and Red Electric. Comedian Matthew Sant Sultana added a touch of humour to the per- formances. Highlights included special outreach programmes with Villa Bianca and engaging performances with Skola Sajf, showcasing the project's dedica- tion to connecting with various community groups and creating unique cultural experiences, es- pecially for younger audiences. The feedback from partici- pants and audiences was high- ly positive, with many artists praising the initiative on social media. Key themes included appreciation for the project's innovative concept, with terms like "successful," "amazing plat- form," and "fantastic oppor- tunity" frequently mentioned. Artists highlighted the project's eco-friendly approach, noting the use of "renewable energy" and "battery-operated" tech- nology. There was widespread recognition of the event's role in promoting local talent, fostering community spirit, and creating unique cultural experiences. Terms such as "vibrant," "sup- portive," and "well-organized" underscored the overall impact and success of the lVANt pro- ject. The Eastern Regional Council remains committed to support- ing local arts and culture, build- ing on the success of the lVANt project. As part of their ongoing efforts since being awarded the Region of Culture title for 2024, the Council is planning further monthly outreach programmes and projects throughout the year, with the aim to continue enriching the cultural landscape of the region until December 2024. For more information and up- dates on upcoming events, visit or follow the Eastern Regional Council on Facebook https:// jonalilvant . RMYC's Katrina Micallef produces another fine result at the U19 ILCA 6 Youth European Championships AN exciting season of international com- petition came to an end when the Royal Malta Yacht Club (RMYC) ILCA team competed in the U19 ILCA 6 Youth Euro- pean Championship in Bangor, Northern Ireland. The event was held between the 27th July and the 3rd August 2024. Marked by extensive preparation to pre- pare for their final journey for the season the team's journey saw them travel extensively to gain as much experience as possible. Bangor proved to be a challenging venue for the Maltese sailors who were faced with additional obstacles they are not used to in the middle of summer - rainy cold weather along with complex sea currents and wind effects that Belfast Bay is notorious for. None the less, the Maltese sailors expe- rienced both exciting and disappointing moments, but overall, the team performed very well and demonstrated significant improvement over previous seasons. Katrina Micallef, fresh from here recent Bronze medal at the ILCA 4 Youth Worlds in June, once again stood out with a strong performance in the ILCA 6 Class. Micallef moved back to the ILCA 6 Class, which is also the Women's Olympic Class to finish fifth in the U17 Age Group and 13th over- all, out of 111 competitors. Micallef show- cased her ability to adapt quickly to new challenges whilst aiming and obtaining top performances. Joining the RMYC Fleet was Ben Vassal- lo from Malta Young Sailors' Club, who delivered the best peformance from the Maltese team in the boys' fleet. Vassallo finished in the Gold Fleet and 43rd over- all out of a highly experienced fleet of 247 boys. Despite a penalty for a black flag that significantly dropped his overall position, Ben broke the previous national record in this Age Group, which was set in 2023 by Matthew Flores (RMYC) who finished 57th in the Gold Fleet. Despite being well-prepared and target- ing a higher result from his 2023 perfor- mance, Tomek Vaccaro made a few costly mistakes on the racecourse in the opening series, resulting in two penalties from the juries and his placement in Bronze Fleet for the finals. Vaccaro finished 128th over- all and in the Bronze Fleet for finals out of 247 athletes. Poyraz Fidanboy finished 203rd overall and 66th in the U17 age group. Another athlete who received penalties during the opening series, Fidanboy ended up in the Emerald Fleet. Although not his best pos- sible finish, this performance sets a foun- dation for 2024, with an aim to rectify mis- takes over the next winter. ON Tuesday 30, the Malta History Teach- ers' Association were honoured to make a curtesy call to Her Excellency, the President of Malta. A selection of the publications of the H.T.A. was presented to Her Excellency. These books were chosen to offer Her Ex- cellency an insight into the work done by the H.T.A as well as the care taken by the H.T.A. in providing a higher standard of education for history students and a high standard of support for educators. In particular, this selection included the textbook for Maltese History at SEC Lev- el, "From the coming of the Knights to EU Membership", the publication "History teaching in Malta on the threshold of the 21st century" which was published to cel- ebrate the 25th anniversary of the Associ- ation as well as the latest publication, the workbook for educators entitled "How to move away from mediocre use of historical Sources". A copy of a volume of Michael A. Sant memorial lectures was also presented to Her Excellency. These are publications represent the quintessence of the H.T.A.. Her Excellency discussed with the H.T.A. the importance of a holistic history educa- tion that involves not only the events and affairs of male historical figures but also of women and children. Women and children were present in all times in history. They had their own experiences and their own contributions. The contributions of women can be seen, for instance, in the insurrection of the Maltese against the French in 1798. Discussed also was the importance of teaching students how to think critically and to apply critical thinking beyond the ac- ademic sphere. Critical thinking is not only important as a skill for its intrinsic value but it is especially important in the fast paced world of today. Ensuring that students gain a holistic view of history through sources, not through set narratives as well as critical thinking, are fun- damental elements in the Source Method. These are especially salient points for the H.T.A. as providing a holistic history educa- tion and critical thinking skills are an intri- cate part of the Source Method of teaching history which the H.T.A. advocates for. The Malta History Teachers' Association extend their thanks and gratitude to Her Excellency for the honour of this curtesy call. The President of Malta receives courtesy call from the Malta History Teachers' Association

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