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MALTATODAY 11 August 2024

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14 maltatoday | SUNDAY • 11 AUGUST 2024 NEWS COURT NOTICE The Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals notifies that the First Hall of the Civil Court ordered the sale by Judicial Auction of the following property to be held in room numbered 78, nearby the Courts Archives, Level -1, Courts of Justice, Republic Street, Valletta. Date Time Judicial Sale No Property 05 th September, 2024 10.30am 8/24 – AZ HSBC Bank Malta p.l.c. (C 3177) Vs Bonnici Duncan (ID 236073M) et The flat internally numbered number 2 forming part of a block of three flats unnumbered, named 'Lake View' previously Bellview, in Triq is-Sallur previously Triq il-Gardell in Marsascala, which block was built on plot number 3 of the land known as 'Ta' Sinis sive tal-Baħar', and which plot is subject to annual and perpetual ground rent of Lm8.33.3 today equivalent to €19.41 the rest free and unencumbered. The block is bounded on the North with the said street, West by property of Felix Abela and East by property of Norman Buckle or his successors in title. The flat is situated at street level and is underlying and overlying to third parties property and it has in common with the other flats the drainage systems together with a relative share of the common parts of the block and including with it has a divided portion of the roof of the block of approximately 54m² and it is that part of the roof facing on Triq is-Sallur and belongs to spouses Bonnici and built on this portion has two unnumbered washrooms which one belongs to spouses Bonnici and the other to third parties and valued at €225,000 05 th September, 2024 11.00am 4/23 – KRZ HSBC Bank Malta p.l.c. (C 3177) Vs Dr Cedric Mifsud et noe The villa called Villa Tufli with official number 12, in Has Sajjied Lane, Triq Has Sajjied, known as "Ta' Ħas Sajd" or "Ta' Kosbor", limits of Zabbar, with access from a road in Has Sajjied Lane, and which is situated in an outside development zone. The property consists of a large site measuring 1617sqm, including two buildings and a field with a pool on it and part of a pre existing room, and is bounded on the East by property of Carmelo Mizzi, West by property of the successors in title of the late Professor Sir Luigi Preziosi, and North by the lane called "Ta' Danier", free and unencumbered, with all its rights and appurtenances, or as better described in the acts of Notary Joseph Smith La Rosa dated the 31.07.2008 and in the acts of Notary Vanessa Buttigieg dated the 21.05.2009 and is valued at €1,707,400. This property was leased by means of a contract in the acts of Notary Patricia Hall dated the 16.06.2010 to third parties for 14 years, that started occuring on the 16.06.2010 for the lease of €100 per month. 10 th September, 2024 10.30am 25/22 – EGL Calleja Ivan (ID 335884M) et Vs Borg Tania (ID 389282M) et The garage internally marked number 5, situated at basement level, underlying a block without name and numbered 3, in Triq Axtart, Ħal Ginwi, Marsaxlokk, which garage is accessible from a common door that leads to this level through a ramp from the street, with a small window that overlooks the front area of the overlying block of apartments, free and unencumbered, subject to the passage of drains servitude from the overlying tenements to the public system outside the street and enjoys the right of passage with vehicles and on foot over the entrance and common passage that leads from the street to the garages situated in the complex, together with the other garages and is valued at €26,400. 12 th September, 2024 10.30am 14/17 – EGL Av. Edward DeBono noe Vs Hili Paul (ID 501758M) et Villa named 'Is-Sienja' formely named "Casa Sant Manduca" without official number in Triq Ras il-Wardija formerly known as Triq San Gorg in Wardija, limits of San Pawl il- Baħar together with the adjacent lands which form an integral part of it with approxiamate measurement of 15,800 sqm. The said villa and the adjacent lands are bounded by North with the said street and on the South and West by property of John Dei Conti Sant Manduca or his successors in title, which property is free and unencumbered, with all its rights and in the deed in the records of Notary Joseph Sciberras of the 24.05.1965 and also subject to the annual and perpetual subgroundrent of €69.88 with the relative conditions to the subemphyteusis concession as stipulated in the deed of sale and purchase which by virtue of which the debtors acquired by title of sale and purchase, with all its rights and appurtenances, and with perpetual and transferible right together with the said apartment the use of common parts, published in the acts of Notary Jean Paul Farrugia, dated 19.10.2007. The said development known as 'Vela Vista' is bounded North and North West with Triq il- Baħħara, East with property of the PAM Limited society, and South with Triq it- Turisti and West with Triq il-Klamari, while the said Block C forming part of the said development known as 'Vela Vista' which the apartment forms part of is bounded on the North East by Triq il-Bahhara, on the South West by Triq il-Klamari and on all other compass point by property of Prestige Apartment Limited society or its successors in title or more accurate boundaries and is valued at €290,000. Further details can be obtained from the website: The bidders taking part in the auction must present their identity card Gaetana Aquilina For the Registrar of Civil Courts and Tribunals The complex Fontanella Gardens is unnumbered and is bounded on the north by the said public street, in part by property of Joseph Debono, in part by property of Mario Cassar, in part by property of George Camilleri, in part by property of Euchar Bezzina, and in part by property belonging to third parties, on the south in part by property of the Zammit family and in part by property of Louis Farrugia and on the west in part by an alley which abuts unto Triq il- Ghajn and in part by property of Joseph Spiteri and on the east in part by property of Felic Micallef and in part by property of the siblings Portelli. Both properties are free and unencumbered, with all their rights and appurtenances, this however that the penthouse airspace is subject to the servitude in favour of the three underlying apartments for installation of accessories purposes and this as described in the acts of Notary Anthony Hili dated 09.07.2007 and are valued at €288,000. 17 th September, 2024 11.30am 72/16 – EGL Bank of Valletta p.l.c. (C 2833) Vs Bugeja Pauline (ID 371461M) A portion of excavated land with a total superficial measurement of circa 297sqm which previously consisted of tenement numbered officially as number 44 and named "Santa Maria", in Triq Indri Borg, Haz Zebbug. This land has a development permit issued by the Planning Authority PA/1416/20 dated 07.04.2021 to build a garage and parking spaces at basement level, and three apartments at basement level and at first floor. The tenement is located outside the development zone at South West of Haz Zebbug, with access from a formed road, of width of circa 6.75m in front of the property. The façade of the tenement on the other side of the road is an area outside the development zone, however, on the back side of the tenement there is a building that used or is still used as an animal farm. The tenement was originally acquired by means of an exchange act dated 07.03.1989 in the acts of Notary Antoine Agius, free and unencumbered and valued at €560,000. 19 th September, 2024 11.00am 9/23 – EM HSBC Bank Malta p.l.c. (C 3177) Vs L-Avukat Joseph P. Bonnici et noe The penthouse internally marked number 4 situated on the fifth floor level forming part of an unnumbered block of apartments, but named "GT Court D", directly accessible from Triq Jean de la Vallette, San Pawl il- Bahar free and unencumbered, with all its rights and appurtenances, including an undivided pro rate share with the other owners of the apartments the use of the common parts of the block, intended for the common use but excluding the overlying airspace but the owner of the penthouse, with the other owners of the block, shall have the right of access onto the roof for the installation, maintenance and repairs of a water tank and television aerial and/or satellite dish, valued at €320,000. The block is bounded on the South East by the said street, on the North West by property of Raymond Galea or his successors in title and on the North East by property of Northside Company Ltd or its successors in title, and this as described better in the records of Notary Roberta Bisazza of the 18.10.2006. 24 th September, 2024 10.30am 5/23 – EM Bonello Edwina (ID 522953M) Vs Spiteri Norman (ID 41461M) et The Subutile dominium of the apartment situated on the second level, internally marked number 5, forming part of a larger building known as 'Block C' forming part of a larger complex known as 'Vela Vista' in Triq il-Bahhara, corner with Triq il-Klamari, and the latter corner with Triq it-Turisti, Qawra, Saint Paul's Bay, subject to the annual groundrent of €2.98c, with the emphyteutical concession in relation to the land on which the said development was built for the period of 150 years which commenced on the 24.05.1965 which on the expiration of the said original temporary emphyteusis period shall be automatically extended from time to time for periods of 100 years each period and this ad infinitum. Which groundrent is revisable as indicated in the deed in the records of Notary Joseph Sciberras of the 24.05.1965 and also subject to the annual and perpetual subgroundrent of €69.88 with the relative conditions to the subemphyteusis concession as stipulated in the deed of sale and purchase which by virtue of which the debtors acquired by title of sale and purchase, with all its rights and appurtenances, and with perpetual and transferible right together with the said apartment the use of common parts, published in the acts of Notary Jean Paul Farrugia, dated 19.10.2007. The said development known as 'Vela Vista' is bounded North and North West with Triq il- Baħħara, East with property of the PAM Limited society, and South with Triq it- Turisti and West with Triq il-Klamari, while the said Block C forming part of the said development known as 'Vela Vista' which the apartment forms part of is bounded on the North East by Triq il-Bahhara, on the South West by Triq il-Klamari and on all other compass point by property of Prestige Apartment Limited society or its successors in title or more accurate boundaries and is valued at €290,000. Further details can be obtained from the website: The bidders taking part in the auction must present their identity card Gaetana Aquilina For the Registrar of Civil Courts and Tribunals THE environment watchdog has given its go-ahead for the pro- posed Gozo airfield after studies concluded there will be minimal noise disturbance for residents. The studies also found the pro- posed development will have a low impact on Natura 2000 sites. The planning application for the extension of the existing heliport in the limits of Xewkija now needs final approval by the Planning Authority's planning board. The proposal calls for the exten- sion of the existing runway, which is currently 174m long, to a total length of 445m including a safe- ty area of 30m on each end of the airstrip. The envisaged upgrades are according to current interna- tional standards. The proposed airfield would enable the introduction of an in- ter-island service by small aircraft between Gozo and the Malta In- ternational Airport (MIA). The plans also cater for a con- crete-surfaced apron, three grass-reinforced aprons and pe- rimeter retaining walls, shifting of security fence and new landscap- ing. A technical report on the noise impact concluded that a 'signif- icant' effect from the noise will be felt on inhabitants in just two locations between Triq it-Torri Gorgun and Triq Tal-Kanal in Xewkija, the closest areas to the airfield. The impact is expected to be more perceptible at night-time, when a limited number of flights are being planned. Although the absolute noise level will only reach a maximum of 55dB at night, which is equiv- alent normally to that found in a residential street during the day, this will represent a sharp change relative to the present situation where noise levels range between just 1.9 to 6.7dB. According to the report this "may increase the risk of sleep disturbance" even if the risk of this happening is not ex- pected to be high. The report investigated both daytime and night-time noise ef- fects, in view that in addition to daytime air operations, a limited number of air-link movements are also proposed to take place during the night. The report sug- gests that night flights will be lim- ited to two per night, while the total daily flights is capped at 50. Moreover, the same report pre- pared by the Acousti-Cal Consul- tancy concluded the impact will be imperceptible in other areas of Xewkija assessed in the study. Neither will the proposed devel- opment have a negative impact on protected natural areas and birds. Following the presentation of the report and another one as- sessing the impact on the adjacent Natura 2000 sites, the Environ- ment and Resources Authority (ERA) issued its go-ahead for the proposed airfield while acknowl- edging "that air and ground oper- ations will likely affect residential receptors in the immediate sur- roundings of the airfield". But ERA concluded that "such effects are inevitable" due to the very nature of the development, noting that the already permitted but rarely used helicopter opera- tions create even more noise than the propeller aircrafts which will have engine mitigation measures. Curiously, ERA failed to consid- er an outright ban on night flights as happens in several secondary European airports. The noise impact study also considered the effects on the wid- er environment, including the nearby Ta' Ċenċ cliffs and the Mġarr-ix-Xini bay area. The re- port suggests that the additional noise from the airfield will be less significant than other human ac- tivities in the area. In response to the findings, the ERA's report discusses potential noise mitigation strategies, such as altering flight paths and con- structing sound barriers. However, the report also ac- knowledges that these measures may not fully eliminate the im- pact on the most affected are- as. For instance, rerouting flight paths might simply shift the noise burden to other communities, rather than reduce overall noise pollution. Other mitigations measures im- posed by ERA include avoiding noisy construction works during the bird breeding season, with works taking place between Sep- tember and December, and noise abatement measures for machin- ery and equipment. Lighting will also be limited to the minimum necessary for the safe operation of the facility. Au- tomated systems are to ensure that essential navigational light- ing is lit only when strictly neces- sary. The existing Gozo Heliport is currently administered by Gozo Heliport Limited under the re- mit of the Ministry for Gozo and Planning. Gozo Heliport Limited is a limited liability company ful- ly owned by the Government of Malta, through Malta Govern- ment Investments Limited. It was established in May 2002, following the upgrade and in- auguration of the existing Gozo Heliport terminal and related in- frastructure. Gozo airfield gets ERA go-ahead JAMES DEBONO & PAUL COCKS Noise impact study on Gozo airfield says absolute noise will reach 55dB at night but limited to two areas nearest to airfield

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