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MALTATODAY 11 August 2024

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9 OPINION maltatoday | SUNDAY • 11 AUGUST 2024 drains servitude from the overlying tenements to the public system outside the street and enjoys the right of passage with vehicles and on foot over the entrance and common passage that leads from the street to the garages situated in the complex, together with the other garages and is valued at €26,400. 12 th September, 2024 10.30am 14/17 – EGL Av. Edward DeBono noe Vs Hili Paul (ID 501758M) et Villa named 'Is-Sienja' formely named "Casa Sant Manduca" without official number in Triq Ras il-Wardija formerly known as Triq San Gorg in Wardija, limits of San Pawl il- Baħar together with the adjacent lands which form an integral part of it with approxiamate measurement of 15,800 sqm. The said villa and the adjacent lands are bounded by North with the said street and on the South and West by property of John Dei Conti Sant Manduca or his successors in title, which property is free and unencumbered, with all its rights and enjoyments, valued at €13,600,000. 12 th September, 2024 11.30am 23/18 – EM Dr Edward Debono noe Vs Borg Jean Pierre sive Jean (ID 473467M) A) Cave measuring approximately 29.41m2, accessible from a common pathway leading in Triq San Gakbu and bounded to the west southwest by the common pathway, to the northwest by property herein described - indicated as property A in the architect report and the attached photos, exempt from any ground rents and any other burdens B) Portion of agriculture land, currently being worked by John Gauci, known as "Tal-Laring", measuring approximately 774.28m², accessible from a main gate situated in Triq San Gakbu, bounded on the south and in part also on the west by property of Carmelo Scicluna or his successors in title, in part on the west with a common path, and on the east by property herein described - indicated as property B. This land along with other lands, enjoys reservoirs and water springs and it is exempt from any burdens as well as ground rents which the said property is subject to and is situated in Outside Development Zone, free and unencumbered, with all its rights and appurtenances. C) Portion of agriculture land as subjected to a right of pathway and of water canals, which currently is being worked by John Gauci, measuring approximately 958.99m², together with a water reservoir approximately length of 9.87m accessible from a main gate situated in Triq San Gakbu, bounded on the west by property of Carmelo Scicluna or his successors in title, east by a common path, north by property herein described and indicated as property C. This land along with other land, enjoys water reservoirs and water springs and it is exempt from any burdens as well as ground rents which the said property is subject to and is situated in Outside Development Zone, free and unencumbered, with all its rights and appurtenances. D) Portion of agriculture land which currently is being worked by John Gauci, known as "Iz-Zebbug ta' Fuq", measuring approximately 767.33m², accessible from a main gate situated in Triq San Gakbu, bounded by the east with Triq San Gakbu, south by property herein described and west by property of family Bugeja, at times also referred to as bounded by west by a sies and indicated as property D. This land along with other land, enjoys water reservoirs and water springs and is exempt from any burdens as well as ground rents which the said property is subject to and is situated in an Outside Development Zone, free and unencumbered, with all its rights and appurtenances. E) Portion of agriculture land is subjected to right of common pathway and water canal which currently is being worked by John Gauci, known as "Ir-Roqa t'isfel", measuring approximately 963.02m², accessible from a main gate situated in Triq San Gakbu, bounded on the north by property of Baron Salvatore Testaferrata Moroni Viani or his successors in title, south by property of Carmelo Scicluna or his successors in title and west by property herein described and marked as property E. This land along with other land, enjoys water reservoirs and water springs and is exempt any burdens as well as ground rents which the said property is subject to and is situated in an Outside Development Zone, free and unencumbered, with all its rights and appurtenances. F) Cave in the vicinities being used as a storage, part of which is underlying property of Carmelo Scicluna or his successors in title, approximately measuring 24.76m² accessible from a main gate situated in Triq ta' San Gakbu, bounded on the north by a common path, and the other compass points by property of Carmelo Scicluna or his successors in title – marked as property F, and is exempt from any burdens as well as ground rents which the said property is subject to and is situated in an Outside Development Zone, free and unencumbered, with all its rights and appurtenances. G) Portion of land currently is being used as a terrace, known as "Il-Mandra" in the same vicinities and surroundings, consolidated with rooms H, O, P, U and Z to form one property. Accessible from the main gate situated in Triq San Gakbu, bounded on the south by common path, west by property herein described and east by property of the heir of Carmelo Scicluna - marked as property G with land measuring superficially approximately 18.735m² COURT NOTICE The Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals notifies that the First Hall of the Civil Court ordered the sale by Judicial Auction of the following property to be held in room numbered 78, nearby the Courts Archives, Level -1, Courts of Justice, Republic Street, Valletta. Date Time Judicial Sale No Property 05 th September, 2024 10.30am 8/24 – AZ HSBC Bank Malta p.l.c. (C 3177) Vs Bonnici Duncan (ID 236073M) et The flat internally numbered number 2 forming part of a block of three flats unnumbered, named 'Lake View' previously Bellview, in Triq is-Sallur previously Triq il-Gardell in Marsascala, which block was built on plot number 3 of the land known as 'Ta' Sinis sive tal-Baħar', and which plot is subject to annual and perpetual ground rent of Lm8.33.3 today equivalent to €19.41 the rest free and unencumbered. The block is bounded on the North with the said street, West by property of Felix Abela and East by property of Norman Buckle or his successors in title. The flat is situated at street level and is underlying and overlying to third parties property and it has in common with the other flats the drainage systems together with a relative share of the common parts of the block and including with it has a divided portion of the roof of the block of approximately 54m² and it is that part of the roof facing on Triq is-Sallur and belongs to spouses Bonnici and built on this portion has two unnumbered washrooms which one belongs to spouses Bonnici and the other to third parties and valued at €225,000 05 th September, 2024 11.00am 4/23 – KRZ HSBC Bank Malta p.l.c. (C 3177) Vs Dr Cedric Mifsud et noe The villa called Villa Tufli with official number 12, in Has Sajjied Lane, Triq Has Sajjied, known as "Ta' Ħas Sajd" or "Ta' Kosbor", limits of Zabbar, with access from a road in Has Sajjied Lane, and which is situated in an outside development zone. The property consists of a large site measuring 1617sqm, including two buildings and a field with a pool on it and part of a pre existing room, and is bounded on the East by property of Carmelo Mizzi, West by property of the successors in title of the late Professor Sir Luigi Preziosi, and North by the lane called "Ta' Danier", free and unencumbered, with all its rights and appurtenances, or as better described in the acts of Notary Joseph Smith La Rosa dated the 31.07.2008 and in the acts of Notary Vanessa Buttigieg dated the 21.05.2009 and is valued at €1,707,400. This property was leased by means of a contract in the acts of Notary Patricia Hall dated the 16.06.2010 to third parties for 14 years, that started occuring on the 16.06.2010 for the lease of €100 per month. 10 th September, 2024 10.30am 25/22 – EGL Calleja Ivan (ID 335884M) et Vs Borg Tania (ID 389282M) et The garage internally marked number 5, situated at basement level, underlying a block without name and numbered 3, in Triq Axtart, Ħal Ginwi, Marsaxlokk, which garage is accessible from a common door that leads to this level through a ramp from the street, with a small window that overlooks the front area of the overlying block of apartments, free and unencumbered, subject to the passage of drains servitude from the overlying tenements to the public system outside the street and enjoys the right of passage with vehicles and on foot over the entrance and common passage that leads from the street to the garages situated in the complex, together with the other garages and is valued at €26,400. 12 th September, 2024 10.30am 14/17 – EGL Av. Edward DeBono noe Vs Hili Paul (ID 501758M) et Villa named 'Is-Sienja' formely named "Casa Sant Manduca" without official number in Triq Ras il-Wardija formerly known as Triq San Gorg in Wardija, limits of San Pawl il- Baħar together with the adjacent lands which form an integral part of it with approxiamate measurement of 15,800 sqm. The said villa and the adjacent lands are bounded by North with the said street and on the South and West by property of John Dei Conti Sant Manduca or his successors in title, which property is free and unencumbered, with all its rights and in the deed in the records of Notary Joseph Sciberras of the 24.05.1965 and also subject to the annual and perpetual subgroundrent of €69.88 with the relative conditions to the subemphyteusis concession as stipulated in the deed of sale and purchase which by virtue of which the debtors acquired by title of sale and purchase, with all its rights and appurtenances, and with perpetual and transferible right together with the said apartment the use of common parts, published in the acts of Notary Jean Paul Farrugia, dated 19.10.2007. The said development known as 'Vela Vista' is bounded North and North West with Triq il- Baħħara, East with property of the PAM Limited society, and South with Triq it- Turisti and West with Triq il-Klamari, while the said Block C forming part of the said development known as 'Vela Vista' which the apartment forms part of is bounded on the North East by Triq il-Bahhara, on the South West by Triq il-Klamari and on all other compass point by property of Prestige Apartment Limited society or its successors in title or more accurate boundaries and is valued at €290,000. Further details can be obtained from the website: The bidders taking part in the auction must present their identity card Gaetana Aquilina For the Registrar of Civil Courts and Tribunals underlying populist agendas at best, and political motivations at worst. It is ironic to observe how certain individuals, who claim to champion the rights of third country nationals, simultane- ously incite public outrage over sudden fare increases, conven- iently shifting the blame onto the government for addressing an urgent and long-standing issues. What happened next was shocking… but not surprising. A sudden spike in cab prices over- night. Representatives of one of the big three players in the ride-hail- ing industry confirmed that government's decision to refuse work permit applications was the sole reason for the increase in both cab fares, and waiting times. Surge pricing was the term used – a vague excuse for exorbitant and unrealistic prices. It is retaliation against govern- ment for seeking to regulate an abused market. The ride-hailing platform in- sists that the current supply is not enough to meet the compa- ny's demands, whilst also blam- ing government for the spike in prices. This is an incorrect argu- ment on so many levels. This recent decision was blamed for an exodus of drivers, but in reality, Home Affairs Min- ister Byron Camilleri explained that current workers in the in- dustry will not be affected. It is very worrying when a platform whose business model is solely intended to be a technology plat- form working on a commission basis, goes all out against a deci- sion intended to curb abuse. This reaction begs one ques- tion. How are these platforms classified; are they a ride hailing platform, or are they something else? Self-employed cab drivers such as myself have been lobbying for years on end on several issues, including the need for better earnings. We were always met with the same answer from these platform companies: 'It is up to government to regulate the over-supply.' When small operators spoke, these platform companies always gave crystal clear answers: 'If the job is not giving you decent earn- ings, find another one'; or 'if you don't like it, leave'. This hidden house of cards is starting to shake, and the effects are now being felt by the general public. Ride-hailing platforms operate in a largely unregulated land- scape, which has led to various grey areas concerning labour practices, passenger safety, and fare structures. This unregulated shift can be observed in various countries like the United States and Malta is no exception. The recent behaviour of one of the major ride-hailing platforms in recent days has been a testament to this. Effective legislation can ad- dress these issues by setting clear standards for the protection of the operator as well as the con- sumer, implementing compre- hensive safety measures, and en- suring fare transparency. This lack of regulation extends to fare structures, where dynam- ic pricing can surge dramatically as seen throughout these past days, leading to exorbitant and unrealistic fees. Legislation can address these grey areas by in- troducing minimum price caps, ensuring a fair and consistent fare structure that benefits both consumers and drivers. By es- tablishing a regulated minimum fare, the regulator can prevent exploitative pricing while guar- anteeing drivers earn a sustain- able income, thus promoting a balanced and fair marketplace. This regulatory approach can protect passengers from price gouging and provide economic stability for drivers, fostering a more equitable and transparent ride-hailing industry. Such frameworks can also es- tablish accountability mecha- nisms, ensuring that ride-hailing companies adhere to consistent and fair practices, fostering a more equitable and safe trans- portation ecosystem. By establishing a regulated minimum fare, the regulator can prevent exploitative pricing while guaranteeing drivers earn a sustainable income, thus promoting a balanced and fair marketplace

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