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GOZOTODAY 16 August 2024

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6 gozotoday | FRIDAY • 16 AUGUST 2024 CULTURE IF life has been bringing you down, a Gozo beach holiday might have the elixir in the form of its many beaches. One of the world's earliest philosophers, Plato, said, "The sea cures all ail- ments of man." If so, Gozo's var- ious beaches sprawled around its perimeter are ideal for an in- spiring and rejuvenating beach holiday. If you're dreaming of a laid- back beach holiday in Gozo where the days lazily stretch out amid the soothing rhyth- mic sound of waves on a sandy beach or the crystalline tur- quoise waters in rocky coves evoke a laid-back sense of ad- venture, here are our sugges- tions for a holiday meant to embrace the invigorating salty seawater that leaves you re- freshed and revitalised. If you're seeking the unique vibe of a Gozitan morning bliss and waking up to a blended pal- ette of colours of sunrise over the sea, make sure that you pick up accommodation with the bonus of a sea view, as this will allow you to have a calm cup of coffee even from your balcony while the world is still asleep. If you stay close to the beach, you can relish an early morning dip as the sun rises. Mġarr ix-Xini & Ħondoq beaches are prime sunrise beaches where you can indulge in the majestic view of the sun breaking through the water. Both beaches are on the island's eastern side, and watching the sunrise at these beaches is akin to watching a painting come to life, where each moment is fleeting and quiet simultaneously, inspir- ing with a fresh aura of endless possibilities. A dip at this hour of the day, where the beach is still silent, reverberates with positive energy. If you're seeking the unique vibe of a Gozitan morning bliss and waking up to a blended pal- ette of colours of sunrise over the sea, make sure that you pick up accommodation with the bonus of a sea view, as this will allow you to have a calm cup of coffee even from your balcony while the world is still asleep. If you stay close to the beach, you can relish an early morning dip as the sun rises. Mġarr ix-Xini & Ħondoq beaches are prime sunrise beaches where you can indulge in the majestic view of the sun breaking through the water. Both beaches are on the island's eastern side, and watching the sunrise at these beaches is akin to watching a painting come to life, where each moment is fleeting and quiet simultaneously, inspir- ing with a fresh aura of endless possibilities. A dip at this hour of the day, where the beach is still silent, reverberates with positive energy. Plan your Gozo beach holi- day days by ensuring you get a dose of beachside serenity dai- ly while exploring the island's different beaches. If you love sandy beaches, Ramla has to be at the top of your list, followed closely by its sibling San Blas Beach, with the latter having a more rugged and raw appeal. It is important to note that Ramla Bay is more accessible, making it ideal for families with little children. Both Ramla and San Blas are notorious for the striking red sand in con- trast with the sea's deep blue and the sky's lighter blue. Once at the beach, find your per- fect spot, and if you're staying longer, an umbrella is a must to avoid being scorched by the sun. You might love the gritty feeling of the sand and spread Your ultimate Experience a rejuvenating Gozo beach holiday, exploring stunning sandy and rocky shores, indulging in local cuisine, and embracing the tranquility and adventure of this Mediterranean paradise. Unwind, revitalise, and be inspired.

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