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GOZOTODAY 16 August 2024

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7 gozotoday | FRIDAY • 16 AUGUST 2024 CULTURE out your towel, or you might opt to hire a sun lounger. As soon as you recline, time seems to slow once the sun's rays and the magnificent vista envelop you in the rhythmic sound of the waves. If the beach inspires you to move, you can take a gentle jog or a walk along the water's edge. The sensation of the cool water lapping at your ankles is enough to entice you for a swim in the clear waters. Snor- kelling is one of the best ways to discover the spellbinding underwater world. Other Gozo sandy beaches include Ħondoq ir-Rummien and Daħlet Qorrot, renowned for their crystalline clear wa- ters and snorkelling. Ħondoq ir-Rummien is a perfect fami- ly beach, providing a safe area for younger children and a spot from where youngsters can revel in the thrill of diving off the rocks or engaging in water sports. Daħlet Qorrot offers the vibe of an authentic fish- ermen's place, complete with huts hewn into the rock over- looking the beach. The beach also has a pebbly and rocky area, and a stone's throw away lies one of Gozo's secret beach- es, San Filep. If you love rocky coves, Gozo's rugged beaches and hidden inlets will be a joy to discover. The cove of Mġarr ix- Xini, emerging at the end of the deep gorge, is a beautiful spot that divers also favour for the amazing underwater scenes. It is also the beach where Ange- lina Jolie's film 'By the Sea' was filmed. On the other side of the island lies Xlendi Bay, offering a smaller sandy spot and an array of rocky ledges, perfect for sunbathing or diving into the water. If you're up for an adventure, take a break from swimming and climb up the staircase chiselled in the rock that leads to Caroline's Cave. Like Xlendi, Dwejra is another beach facing the sunset. How- ever, Dwejra's beach is unique because you'll be exploring an inland lagoon connected to the open sea through a large tun- nel. Another cove worth not- ing is Gozo's mini fjord, Wied il-Għasri, a mesmerising in- let where the sea serpentines through the chasm, ending at a captivating beach that is on- ly reached via a steep flight of steps. Beyond Wied il-Għasri lie Xwejni and Qbajjar. Xwejni is more famous for its salt pans, and the beach of Qbajjar lies next door to Gozo's traditional summer resort, Marsalforn. If unwinding also means excite- ment, seek out water sports like jet skiing, towables, kayaking, and standup paddleboarding. Do not miss out on a boat trip h t t p s : / / w w w . v i s i t g o z o . c o m / blog/adventure- awaits-a-jour- ney-by-boat/that will allow you to set your eyes on the coastal vistas. When it comes to dining out or savouring a quick bite, you will be delighted to know that at most beaches, you will stumble upon beachside cafés, kiosks, or restaurants serving food. Make sure you try out the traditional ħobż biż-żejt. Tra- ditionally, this is what Gozitans take as a packed lunch for a day at the sea. The thick, crusty sandwich with a filling of to- matoes, tuna, olives, and capers is a Mediterra- nean scrumptious meal in its own right. Alternatively, ask for fresh seafood and discover some favoured seaside restau- rants. Many of the restaurants at beaches like Marsalforn, Xlendi, and Dwejra offer an ar- ray of authentic seafood dishes but you can also get seafood salads, seafood pizza, and plat- ters! If you're still keen on the beach after lunch, it is advisa- ble to seek shade or ensure you have adequate sun protection. However, retiring for a sooth- ing siesta in the comfort of your accommodation is favoured by many. After all, you can always return to the beach in the late afternoon just in time to cap- ture the sunset. Cherish the colourful hues of the sunset display while sipping a cock- tail at vantage points in Xlendi, Dwejra, and Xwejni. As the mellow vibe of beach evenings sets in, take a moonlit stroll along the beach prom- enade or settle down at a sea- front restaurant while basking in the enchanting flickering reflections of the night lights over the dark sea. Discover the local wines and more authentic dishes in a tranquil Mediterra- nean ambiance under a starry sky. You will soon realise that a laid-back beach in Gozo is not only about the sand, sea, and sun. Embracing simplicity and relaxation at the Gozitan beaches will allow you to un- wind, revitalise, and find new inspirations. ultimate Gozo beach holiday

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