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MALTATODAY 18 August 2024

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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 18 AUGUST 2024 6 COMMERCIAL BOV inaug urates its first financial well-being centre in Floriana BANK of Valletta's first Finan- cial Well-Being Centre official- ly opened its doors last week, marking a significant milestone in the local financial services sector. The opening was at- tended by the Bank's Chairman Dr Gordon Cordina, CEO Ken- neth Farrugia, Chief Personal and Wealth Officer Simon Az- zopardi and Chief Operations Officer Ernest Agius. The Financial Well-Being Centre, located in St Anne Street Floriana, offers a com- prehensive service to both per- sonal and business customers. Services offered include finan- cial planning and budgeting, lending, investments and re- tirement planning. The service is offered specifically through appointments with dedicated relationship managers or other specialised employees who are experts in their field, offering one-to-one personal meetings in a private space to ensure full client privacy and confidence. Customers will be served at their convenience by the same persons who assist them at their branch; they can also request other experts for specific ser- vices. In his opening address, Ken- neth Farrugia, BOV CEO ex- pressed his satisfaction at the Bank's progress in taking cus- tomer experience to the next level. "We are truly pleased to open the Bank's Financial Well-Being Centre in Floriana," he said. "This is both a first for BOV and a first for the Maltese islands, in line with our mission to empower individuals with the knowledge and tools they need to make sound and informed financial decisions. This new Centre represents a crucial step forward in our customer-cen- tric driven strategy as we focus on taking a holistic approach to the Bank's service experience." Dr Gordon Cordina, BOV Chairman highlighted the stra- tegic importance of the Centre. "The establishing of this Centre underscores the Bank's com- mitment to fostering financial resilience in today's society. We are intrinsically linked to the Maltese economy and in our 50-year history have been pres- ent in the lives of the majority of Maltese. The Bank is ensuring that its physical presence in lo- calities around Malta and Gozo is cemented not only by the traditional branch, but also by other more innovative outlets, making the Bank even more relevant today. This Centre re- inforces our aspirations to con- tinue to be leaders and innova- tors in the financial sector and a catalyst for positive change." Customers wishing to discuss their financial circumstances with our team at the new BOV Financial Well-Being Centre can apply online for appoint- ments. Alternatively, they may scan the QR Code available out- side the Centre itself to access the booking application on bov. com. APS Bank announces open call for CSR funding applications for 2025 APS Bank is pleased to an- nounce an open call for fund- ing applications for its 2025 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Programme. This initi- ative aims to support projects aligning with the Bank's three CSR pillars: arts, lifelong learn- ing and sustainability. Jeremy Vassallo, CSR Manag- er, highlighted that following the success of last year's call, the importance of this initiative be- came more evident, as the Bank connected with many new or- ganisations and projects that re- quired assistance with funding. Rachael Blackburn, Head of Culture, added, "This call for funding underscores our com- mitment to being the commu- nity Bank, by fostering econom- ic, societal, environmental, and cultural growth. We encourage individuals and organisations with project proposals to apply and collaborate with us, to make a positive difference in the com- munity, through impactful pro- jects and events for 2025." Applications are to be submit- ted via the form available on the Bank's website, by 15 Septem- ber 2024. An evaluation panel will review all submissions, and decisions will be communicated between December 2024 and January 2025. For more infor- mation and to submit your ap- plication, please visit apsbank. ment/ HSBC Malta Foundation raises awareness for the conservation of the endemic Maltese Honeybee THE Foundation for the Con- servation of the Maltese Hon- eybee (KNM), in partnership with HSBC Malta Foundation, is proud to announce the re- lease of a new A6 postcard promoting the National Insect Initiative. This initiative aims to raise awareness and support for the conservation of the en- demic Maltese Honeybee. The Maltese Honeybee (Apis mellifera ruttneri), a unique subspecies evolved in isolation on the Maltese Islands, faces significant threats due to hy- bridisation and the acciden- tal introduction of the Varroa mite in 1992. Conservation ef- forts are critical to preserving this locally adapted subspecies from extinction. The Maltese Honeybee is currently a candidate to be classified as a National Spe- cies, an initiative of the KNM Foundation. If successful, it would join only five other local species holding this prestig- ious status. The Foundation for the Con- servation of the Maltese Hon- eybee (KNM) is dedicated to preserving the unique Maltese Honeybee through education, conservation, and advocacy. Highlighting these efforts, the new postcard features the Maltese Honeybee on a flow- er of the indigenous Medi- terranean Thistle (Galactites tomentosa) on the front, and on the endemic Maltese Py- ramidal Orchid (Anacamptis pyramidalis urvilleana) on the back, drawn by local artist and architecture student Karl Far- rugia. The postcard's design integrates elements symbolic of Malta, including the white and red colours of the Maltese flag and a detail from the Mal- tese Cross. A QR code links to an educational video about the Maltese Honeybee, available at JTQ. This postcard, sponsored by HSBC Malta Foundation, will be available at HSBC branches across Malta and Gozo start- ing this August, with addition- al copies distributed in schools at the beginning of the new ac- ademic year in September.

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