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GOZOTODAY 30 August 2024

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11 gozotoday | FRIDAY • 30 AUGUST 2024 NEWS A coalition of Gozitan eNGOs have called for transparency and accountability in how archaeo- logical investigations and moni- toring are conducted. In a joint statement, Wirt Għawdex, Din L-Art Ħelwa - Għawdex, and Għawdix, said that the rich cultural heritage of our country belongs to all Maltese and Gozitans, and it is everyone's right to be informed about any developments that may impact this shared legacy. The eNGOs refereed to devel- opment close to the Santa Verna Temple and insisted the site is not only of immense cultural value but also a testament to our ancestors' rich history, making it imperative that any development in this ar- ea is approached with the utmost care and transparency. The Santa Verna Temple area holds significant historical and archaeological importance, be- ing closely associated with the prehistoric temples that are an essential part of the country's na- tional heritage. During the 2006 rationalisation exercise, a portion of this his- torically significant area was in- cluded within the building zone. In 2012, under PC 40/2013, the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage (SCH) conducted an ar- chaeological investigation, which concluded that while monitoring conditions should be imposed on several plots, there were no find- ings of such importance as to ne- cessitate their exclusion from the building zone. However, the eNGOs insist that in subsequent years, during the monitoring of one of these plots, a local resident reported the dis- covery of bones on-site. "Upon further investigation by SCH, these bones were con- firmed to be prehistoric remains, likely within a secondary burial context," they said. "This discov- ery underscores the importance of continuous and effective mon- itoring in this archaeologically sensitive area." They said that the significance of this discovery was highlighted in the SCH Annual Report for 2023, under Major Archaeolog- ical Investigations conducted by their team. "The report describes the fea- ture as a roughly oval-shaped pit, irregular along its sides and base, measuring 1.65m by 1.13m with a shallow depth of 0.35m. The hu- man remains, consisting mainly of fragmented and disarticulated bones, were found to be placed in an organised manner, suggesting intentional placement within the pit as part of a secondary funer- ary burial practice." The pottery found with the re- mains has been typologically as- sociated with the Temple Period. The three eNGOs said that, given the recent continuation of works in the vicinity, particularly along the new road Triq George McAdam and within one of the plots, they are seeking greater transparency from the Superin- tendence of Cultural Heritage. "Specifically, we request that SCH provide clear information on the interventions currently being undertaken, any discover- ies that have been made, and the future plans for developments in this area," they said. "We trust that SCH will re- spond to these concerns with the seriousness they deserve, ensur- ing that our heritage is preserved for future generations." Coalition of Gozitan eNGOs call for protection of Santa Verna Temple area THE Central Bank of Malta is- sued a €2 commemorative coin and a silver coin, both having the Ċittadella of Gozo as their theme. The coins were launched on 23 August 2024, during a ceremo- ny held in the recently restored surroundings of the Ċittadella. The event was addressed by the Hon. Clint Camilleri, Minister for Gozo and Planning and by Mr Alexander Demarco, Acting Governor of the Central Bank of Malta. The city of Victoria, compris- ing Rabat and iċ Ċittadella (the Citadel), is the regional capital of Gozo. Built on high ground in the centre of the island, the city has ancient roots which date back at least to the Bronze Age. In 1600, the Order of St John commis- sioned Giovanni Rinaldini, an Italian military engineer to re- model and upgrade the defences of the Ċittadella. Although by the 1760s the military importance of the Ċittadella diminished, it re- mained the administrative seat of government in Gozo. In 1887, at the request of some prominent Gozitans, and on the occasion of Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee, the Ċittadella and Rabat were designated as a city, and by the Queen's con- sent named 'Victoria'. In 2014, a large-scale rehabilitation and res- toration of the Ċittadella was ini- tiated. The project won the 2022 Regiostars Awards. The Ċittadel- la has been on Malta's tentative list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites since 1998. The €2 commemorative coin featuring the Ċittadella is the first of a series dedicated to Maltese walled cities. The coins are man- ufactured in Brilliant Uncirculat- ed quality and will be presented in coin cards as well as part of the 2024 set comprising the eight Malta euro coins from 1cent to €2. The silver coin, also featuring the Ċittadella, is the result of a collaboration project between the Central Bank of Malta and the Ministry for Gozo. This coin has a face value of €10, is struck in 0.925 silver, has a weight of 28.28g, a diameter of 38.61mm and is finished to proof quality. It depicts the Ċittadella on the re- verse and the coat of arms of the Republic of Malta on the obverse. This coin will be limited to just 400 pieces. The silver coin and the nation- al side of the €2 commemorative coin were designed and engraved by Noel Galea Bason. Both coins were minted at the Royal Dutch Mint. Presentation of Cittadella coins

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