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GOZOTODAY 30 August 2024

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4 gozotoday | FRIDAY • 30 AUGUST 2024 NEWS Government should ensure tourism levels in Gozo are sustainable, operators say GOVERNMENT should strive to ensure tourism levels in Gozo are sustainable, oper- ators have said in their 2025 budget proposals. "Gozo as a tourist destina- tion has to be prepared to offer the advertised and marketed tourist product. The upkeep, cleanliness and organisation of Gozo as well as that of the tourist establishments are to reflect and match the expec- tations of the visitors to the Island. Furthermore, Gozo has to remain competitive in the product and services on offer, whilst ensuring that the visi- tors get the value for money spent," the operators said in their pre-budget document. They proposed a smart tick- eting system be introduced, as well as the replacement of the leased Greek ship the Nikolaus. On the environment, they said Malta's planning poli- cies are not fit for Gozo, and should be adapted, so the sister island does end up the same. They said a regional planning policy should be drawn up so that Gozo can be preserved as an "island of villages." They said incentives to pur- chase UCA property should be maintained, while those bene- fiting vernacular and post-war properties where buyers pledge to preserve the property's in- tegrity should be expanded. They also proposed a new fis- cal incentive to encourage the restoration of traditional prop- erties and their conversion in- to boutique hotels. A marine reserve should be established around the Gozitan coast and enforced similarly to the Ċirkewwa marine reserve, they said. To promote Gozo as a dis- tinct destination, the GTA suggested a series of propos- als for upgrading the island's tourism offerings. They added that ECO contri- butions collected from Gozitan accommodations should be re- invested in strategic upgrades, such as creating kiting areas for the diving community. The association also pro- posed VAT applied for tickets for shows, theatres, concerts, museums and other similar events be reduced to 7% from 18%. On the Gozitan capital Victo- ria, the association said a new multi-level car park is needed to address the lack of parking spaces available. A tailor-made tourism invest- ment support scheme should be implemented to encourage local entrepreneurs to upgrade their Gozitan establishments, they said. They also called on authori- ties to amend the summer con- struction break and prohibit all excavation and demolition work within a 50-meter radius of any MTA-licensed premis- es. The association also made ad- ditional proposals to enhance Gozo's marketing overseas and address human resources chal- lenges. Gozo as a tourist destination has to be prepared to offer the advertised and marketed tourist product. The upkeep, cleanliness and organisation of Gozo as well as that of the tourist establishments are to reflect and match the expectations of the visitors to the island. Proposed Budget measures Inter-island connectivity • Retain, improve and sustain the fast ferry service which can also assist in attracting to Gozo other niche tourists. • Build a new fourth ferry identical to the existing ones to replace the Nikolaus. Commence the development of the Airfield for the fixed wing airlink between Gozo and Malta. • Introduce an integrated SMART ticketing system which allows persons to commute on different transport modes with a single common ticket (Fast ferry service, Gozo Channel Service and Malta Transport Service). • Improve berthing and welcoming facilities, as well as introduce first-aid paramedic in case of emergencies for cruise ships and their passengers • Identify, improve and equip landing places for cruise tenders in Xlendi, Marsalforn ix-xatt l-Ahmar and Hondoq ir-Rummien. Tourism product • Ringfence the ECO contribution collected from Gozitan accom- modation establishments to be invested in product upgrading like kitting up areas for the diving community. • A larger hyberbaric oxygen therapy chamber at the Gozo Gener- al Hospital. Ensure and enforce the right of access to the diving sector for the shoreline on the North and North west of Gozo. • Allocate funds to start implementing the actions for the Gozitan diving sector as listed in the Diving Strategy for the Maltese Islands. • The VAT applicable for admission to shows, theatres, fairs, amuse- ment parks, concerts, museums, cinemas, exhibitions and similar cultural events and facilities should be reduced from 18% to 7%. • Implement in full the Master Plans for Marsalforn and Xlendi. • Develop an underground multilevel parking space in Victoria to alleviate the lack of parking spaces and lessen traffic going around the capital looking for parking space. • Introduce Specific initiatives for the preservation and promotion of Gozo's cultural and heritage sites, which could include part- nerships with international heritage organizations. • Fast track the amendments to the Tourism Act 1999 to reflect the new trends in tourism establishments. • Introduce a tailor-made Tourism Investment Support Scheme (TISS), to entice local entrepreneurs to upgrade their Gozitan tourist establishments. Such scheme can be financed and piloted by the Ministry for Gozo and in collaboration with the Ministry for Tourism. • The competent authorities are urged to amend the summer con- struction break time directive. GTA propose that excavation and demolition works be prohibited within a 50-meter radius of any Malta Tourism Authority (MTA) licensed premises. This directive should extend across the entirety of Gozo, rather than being confined to a select few streets. Marketing and promotion • Re-introduce the extended stays scheme for specific periods for the individual traveller and broaden it to incentivise also tour op- erators specialising in winter breaks and longer stays to market and sell Gozo during the low months. • Assist and incentivise touristic establishments to set up their respective user- friendly websites, that are multilingual, including online payments and directing booking patterns towards mobile and tablet booking devices, whilst optimising the use of social media influencers and virtual reality tours. • Create, offer, support and entice new niches like adventure, activ- ity, sports, walking, digital nomads and well-being. Ta' Pinu church in Gozo (Photo: James Bianchi/MaltaToday)

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