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GOZOTODAY 6 September 2024

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3 gozotoday | FRIDAY • 6 SEPTEMBER 2024 NEWS GozoToday is a weekly newspaper focused primarily on Gozo. It hopes to serve as a source of information on business, culture, entertainment and of course current affairs. Gozo has a special charm about it but it is also a bustling Island with an identity of its own. We will strive to bring you the news over the next three months. At this stage we are planning to take advantage of the influx of local and foreign visitors to this marvellous Mediterranean Island. But we could be tempted to continue with this newspaper project beyond the Summer months. GozoToday will be published every Friday and is available to numerous outlets in Gozo and on the ferries that carry so many visitors to Gozo from Malta and beyond. GozoToday MediaToday Co. Ltd Vjal ir-Rihan San Gwann SGN 9016 EDITOR: PAUL COCKS Tel: (356) 21 382741-3, 21 382745-6 Website: E-mail: GozoToday is published by MediaToday in collaboration with the Ministry for Gozo and Planning MINISTERU GĦAL GĦAWDEX U LIPPJANAR CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Gozo, and in particular the locality of Victo- ria, has experienced a significant increase in economic activity leading to more urbanisa- tion and population growth. This has brought about new challenges in the form of increased traffic congestion and insufficient parking spaces. This has let to a growing demand for both parking spaces and green parks. In this regard, the main objective of the proposed project related to this PMC is to address the lack of parking spaces and open spaces in Victoria by transforming an existing carpark into an open green space with at least 340 designated underground parking spaces and some commercial space. This proposed intervention aligns with the objectives of the Gozo Regional Development Strategy, including 'Providing further Green Spaces', 'Rethinking Mobility', and 'Trans- forming Streets Towards People Centred'. The GRDA is proposing that the site be ful- ly developed and financed by private capital through a public-private partnership, via the issue of a competitive concession tender. Prior to the eventual publication of the con- cession tender, the site would be covered with a PA outline development permit that clearly establishes the development boundaries of the project. Whoever is awarded the tender would then be required to secure a PA full development permit against the submission of its own de- signs and plans at their own expense. This PMC will seek to determine the min- imum duration of the concession lease and the minimum number of car parking spaces (and levels) and commercial area necessary to render this project viable. The GRDA has posted online preliminary drawings - for illustrative purposes only - of the concept proposal. Additionally, geological studies of Triq Ġorg Borg Oliver and Pjazza l-Assedju t'Għawdex were conducted as part of planning applica- tion PA/03790/08. The Authority is currently in the process of obtaining an outline development permit which will clearly establish the designated use and the development boundaries of the pro- posed project. As per initial estimates, based on the devel- opment boundaries and concept outlined in the drawings, the proposed undertaking has the potential to create at least 340 parking spaces, around 2,150 sq.m of purpose-driven commercial space and an open green space of around 2,100 sq.m. Proposed project could create 340 parking spots, commercial space and green rooftop area The GRDA is proposing that the site (highlighted in red) be fully developed and financed by private capital through a public-private partnership

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