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GOZOTODAY 6 September 2024

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THE Gozo Regional Development Au- thority has just launched a Preliminary Market Consultation (PMC) to deter- mine the feasibility of potentially devel- oping a multi-level carpark with some commercial space, complemented with an open green space, in Victoria, Gozo, GozoToday has learned. The scope of this PMC is mainly that of determining the feasibility of a long- term concession lease of a 3,100 sq.m site at Pjazza l-Assedju ta' Għawdex in Victoria. The GRDA is proposing that this site - which currently serves as a parking ar- ea - be transformed into a multi-level car park with some commercial space, com- plemented with an open green space on top. PAGE 3 SMALL IS BEAUTIFUL FRIDAY 6 SEPTEMBER 2024 • ISSUE 010 • PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY gozotoday On hunting and trapping rampant in Gozo OPINION PAGE 7 €1.00 Victoria site for multi-storey underground parking facility, GRDA launches consultation Business lobby calls for an independent debate on Gozo's regional status GOZO'S integral development calls for an independent debate on Gozo's region- al status, the Gozo Business Chamber said in a document outlining its proposals for Budget 2025. This necessitates a level of maturity from across all the political spectrum for Gozo to really move forward, the Chamber said. FULL REPORT PAGE 4 PAUL COCKS The current split-level car park area at Pjazza l-Assedju ta' Ghawdex in Victoria is earmarked for a possible multi-storey underground parking facilty

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