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GOZOTODAY 6 September 2024

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5 gozotoday | FRIDAY • 6 SEPTEMBER 2024 NEWS Gozo to celebrate its 3rd Pride March as Malta honours 20 years of Pride TOMORROW, 7 September, Gozo will be donning its rain- bow colours to celebrate the 3rd Annual Gozo Pride March as the island continues to uphold its commitment to equality. This year's celebration is es- pecially meaningful as it coin- cides with Malta's milestone of 20 years of Pride—two decades of embracing love, diversity, and the resilience of the LGBT- QIA+ community. LGBTI+ Gozo said Pride is an important time for the LG- BTQIA+ community because it commemorates those who have fought for gender and sex- ual equality, honours the pro- gress that has been made, and inspires the community to live authentically and inclusively. "LGBTI+ Gozo is proud to stand in solidarity with the Gozitan community as we cel- ebrate a day dedicated to love, diversity, and acceptance." The day begins with the first Gozo Pride Village hosted by LGBTI+ Gozo. From 10am to 5pm, Villa Rundle will be trans- formed into a colourful gath- ering of LGBTQIA+ NGOs, local artisans, and advocates, where participants can get in- formation about services, con- nect with the community, and purchase Pride merchandise in preparation for the march. The Village will conclude with a performance from stun- ning Gozo-native and drag art- ist Olivia Lilith at 4:30pm. The Gozo Pride March will begin at 6pm in Triq Repub- blika, just outside Arkadia, and will make its way up to It-Tokk and Independence Square. LGBTI+ Gozo will be joined by fellow activists and NGOs, along with the community to stand in solidarity for inclusivi- ty, acceptance, and unity. The march will culminate in Independence Square and festivities will continue at La Grotta with the official Pride Afterparty hosted by ARC, starting at 8pm. Tickets can be found on the official Malta Pride website. LGBTI+ Gozo said it recog- nises that while Pride is a beau- tiful celebration, it can also be a struggle for those who are not able to openly be themselves. "LGBTI+ Gozo remains de- voted to the well-being of our community and reminds LG- BTQIA+ people and their fam- ilies that we offer free counsel- ling services to our members. This initiative ensures that everyone has access to compas- sionate support in a safe and welcoming environment, and if you or someone you know is interested in accessing this ser- vice, please contact +356 9935 6622 or servicelgbtigozo@ ," it said in a state- ment. LGBTI+ Gozo said that this Pride, Gozo is not just cele- brating, but also honouring the love, diversity, and unity that define the LGBTQIA+ com- munity. "Together, we continue to build a future where every per- son is embraced for who they are, so join us for a beautiful gathering and take part in di- versity." The 2nd Annual Gozo Pride March in 2023 MEMBER of the European Parliament Daniel Attard continued his work with a series of meet- ings in Gozo, where he held discussions with representatives from Gozo Channel, the Gozo Regional Development Authority (GRDA), and the Gozo Tourism Association (GTA). These meetings focused on the specific chal- lenges Gozo faces as an island on the Union's pe- riphery, particularly issues of connectivity, and how these challenges can be transformed into opportunities for sustainable growth. The aim is to preserve Gozo's unique character while promoting economic and social progress that benefits all Gozitans. Attard explained that his work in the Europe- an Parliament would involve the Transport and Tourism Committee, the Regional Development Committee, and the Industry, Research, and En- ergy Committee — among the most important and relevant committees for Gozo. In this context, Attard reiterated his commit- ment to being a strong advocate for Gozo's in- terests in the European Union. He promised sincere cooperation and consist- ent communication with all those who, like the above-mentioned entities, are dedicated to the best interests of Gozo. Gozo a top priority for MEP Daniel Attard Daniel Attard (centre) with representatives from the Gozo Tourism Association

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