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MaltaToday 11 September 2024 MIDWEEK

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7 maltatoday | WEDNESDAY • 11 SEPTEMBER 2024 NEWS JAMES DEBONO MATTHEW AGIUS 5-storey development proposed along protected Mosta valley Developers propose 17.5-metre development with road access along the Speranza valley instead of formerly illegal garages sanctioned in 2005, a year before the area being included in development boundaries in the rationalisation excercise A zoning application has been presented proposing five storey high residential development on a 1693 sq.m along the Speranza valley which was added to devel- opment zones in the controversial rationalisation exercise carried out in 2006. The site already contains a num- ber of garages which were only partially covered by a previous permit and which were complete- ly regularised in 2005 when the Planning Authority over-tuned two previous decisions not to sanction the illegal development because of the sensitivity of the site. Back then the decision was jus- tified because the site was consid- ered an "infill between permitted commitments." Only two years after the garag- es were sanctioned and imme- diately after the rationalisation exercise one of the owners of the site had applied to construct 24 apartments instead of the garage complex but the application was withdrawn in 2011. But the area is now earmarked for residential development me- ters, which is the equivalent of five floors, lies immediately adjacent to an Area of Ecological Importance and the protected watercourse of Wied il-Għasel and in an Area of Archaeological Importance. The application was presented by Ciantar Properties Limited, a company owned by Darren Cian- tar on behalf of the owners of the site. The current application propos- es terraced development of up 17.5 meters and changes to the building alignment to extend a schemed public road. In its objection the Mosta coun- cil took issue with the fact that the road extension will protrude beyond the established develop- ment boundary. Moreover, the council is alarmed by the developers' intention to align the development height with that of neighbouring properties, potentially resulting in a structure of up to 17.5. "This significant increase in height would drastically alter the visual landscape of the area, ad- versely impacting the existing urban fabric and degrading the visual amenity of the surrounding community". While stressing that it not against any form of development within this site, the council is urging the Planning Authority to carefully evaluate the implications of this proposed planning control application. "The potential harm to the envi- ronmental integrity and cultural heritage of the area far outweighs any benefits the development might offer". A man has admitted to causing damage at a boutique hotel in Naxxar after returning from an alcohol bender so extreme that he needed to be hospitalised for several days. 40-year-old Vincent Falzon from Ghajnsielem in Gozo appeared in the dock before magistrate Caroline Farrugia Frendo on Tuesday, accused of causing less than €2,500 worth of damage to the hotel and in- sulting or threatening a police sergeant. Inspector Joseph Mallia, pros- ecuting, further charged Falzon with disobeying legitimate po- lice orders, being drunk and disorderly in a public place, breaching the peace and breach- ing previous bail conditions. "We meet again Mr. Falzon," remarked the magistrate as the sitting began. It is understood that the man had returned to the ho- tel where had been staying on 29 September, after a night of heavy drinking. Hotel staff had spoken to the drunk guest, during which conversation he had damaged the receptionist's mobile phone by throwing it against a wall. Such was the level of his in- toxication that the man had to be taken to hospital, where he spent four days before being discharged. The man pleaded guilty to the charges during his arraignment on Tuesday. When asked by the court, In- spector Mallia confirmed that the damages Falzon had caused to both the hotel and the recep- tionist had already been settled in full. Lawyer George Anton Butt- igieg, assisting the defendant, submitted that his client had cooperated with the police, adding that he deeply regretted his actions and was formally apologising to the police ser- geant. Finding the man guilty on his own admission, the court fined him €2,000, which he must pay within the next six months and ordered the confiscation of his €1,000 bail security. Man fined after causing damage to boutique hotel while drunk

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