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MALTATODAY 15 September 2024

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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 15 SEPTEMBER 2024 3 CULTURE The power of curiosity at Science in the City 2024 RESEARCH propels humanity forward. It's fueled by curiosity – an innate hunger for discovery. To learn is to thrive. Without curious minds, the world would be a far more dull and tiny place, devoid of knowledge and innova- tion. Science in the City was created to nurture curiosity, to encour- age people of all ages, genders, identities, colour, ability and creed to engage with their desire to learn. This year's event, taking place on 27th and 28th Septem- ber in Valletta, will empower and enable citizens with the latest re- search from Malta and beyond. One research project at a time, Science in the City connects peo- ple with discoveries that shape and improve our lives. Dream, Discover, and Save the World For those who dare to dream of discovery, this festival offers unique insights into research that directly impacts our daily lives. Many aspects will be show- cased through different zones, each focused on a specific theme. From innovative research link- ing the mighty zebrafish and heart disease treatments to a teddy bear hospital teaching children about healthy living, the Body and Health Zone offers a deep dive into how science can improve our well-being. Explore the mysteries of the gut micro- biome that can influence your physical and mental health, with The BioArte Limited, discov- er the importance of accessible medicine with the Malta Medi- cines Authority and the Univer- sity of Malta's Department of Pharmacy, and learn about acne treatment and healthy skin with La Roche Posay. Other highlights from this zone include Doctors for Road Safety's Vision Zero initiative and the Malta Health Students Association's work to eliminate discrimination in healthcare. With contributions from 17 organisations, the Environment, Agriculture & Food Zone spot- lights how we can all care and safeguard the planet's natural resources. GreenPak is tackling battery recycling, while Piscopo Gardens is creating a Green Hub near Triton Fountain for visitors to enjoy the benefits of plants and trees. Aquabiotech Ltd. is pro- viding the oppor-tuna-ty to learn about the research that goes into fish farming, while Argotti Gar- dens is bringing multisensory plant activities to the festival. University of Malta projects, VARCITIES and JUSTNature (H2020 EU-funded projects), will showcase green urban spac- es, while Birdlife Malta, Sharklab, the Institute of Earth Systems, the RIDT and many more, will focus on flora, fauna, and green modes of transport. This zone celebrates the planet's resilience and importance. Other zones around Triton fountain include Hands on Sci- ence, VR & Technology, As- tronomy, Brain & Forensics, and Community & Culture. Hands on Science groups the mathe- matical brain twisters, engineer- ing, science experiments and the thrills of BMX and skateboarding pros that will be defying gravity. The VR & Technology Zone of- fers a glimpse into many distinct worlds, including a virtual dive into the watery graveyard of shipwrecks and crashed planes, an electrifying racing simula- tor, engineering marvels and of course robots of all shapes and sizes. The Astronomy Zone will be tiny but mighty, with rocket launches and intergalactic fun. The Brain and Forensics Zone brings neurology to the fore, looking to prevent or recognise the symptoms of a stroke, link- ing maths and neuroscience to understand the functions of the brain, and inviting visitors to take on the role of crime scene investigator to decipher crimi- nal minds. The Community and Culture Zone offers a medley of topics, including support for start ups, information about ca- reers in transport and mobility, a legal laboratory, and the annual EU corner which highlights the EU's continued support for de- mocracy, inclusion, research and youth. Everyone is invited to Sci- ence in the City 2024, an annu- al celebration of curious minds! Whether or not you are a science enthusiast, remember – curiosity is the spark that leads to new ad- ventures and exciting discover- ies. Let your curiosity guide you to the Science in the City festival on 27th and 28th September! Co-Funded by the European Union's Marie Skłodowska-Cu- rie Actions of the Horizon Eu- rope Research and Innovation Programme. Grant Agreement No 101162176. Views and opin- ions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency. Nei- ther the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. It Is recog- nised by Europe for Festivals and Festivals for Europe (EFFE). The Science in the City con- sortium is led by the University of Malta and the Malta Cham- ber of Scientists, in partnership with the Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and In- novation, Parliamentary Secre- tary for Youth, Research and In- novation, Ministry of Transport, Infrastructure and Public Works, Arts Council Malta, Malta Enter- prise, Life Sciences Park, Institute for Methods Innovation, Esplora, APS Bank,, PBS, Spazju Kreattiv, Valletta Design Cluster, Valletta Cultural Agency, The Bio Arte Limited, Queen Mary University of London, SEM, Eu- ropean Parliament, La Roche Posay, Green Pak, AquaBioTech Group, MCAST, Mighty Boards, MED-WET, Piscopo Gardens, Trust Stamp Ltd., Storm Design, Tech MT and the Floriana and Valletta Local Councils. Get your thinking cap on with the Malta Police Forensic Science Laboratory at Science in the City

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