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GOZOTODAY 20240920

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4 gozotoday | FRIDAY • 20 SEPTEMBER 2024 NEWS THIS year the Gozo Tourism Association is celebrating its 25th Anniversary since its in- ception. In fact, the GTA was set up during a General Meeting held on 11th February, 1999 for all the Gozitan tourism stakehold- ers and operators. With the foundation of the Gozo Tourism Association, a new chapter was initiated in the tourism history of the Island of Gozo. To mark this significant date, on Thursday 12th September, 2024, the association organised a commemorative evening under the patronage of President Myri- am Spiteri Debono. During this event the story of GTA during these past twen- ty-five years was recounted through an audio-visual feature, while sixty-four past GTA coun- cil members were presented with a memento as recognition for their contribution towards the achievements of the Gozo Tourism Association. These me- mentoes were presented by the Gozo Minister Clint Camilleri and GTA Chairman Paul Sciclu- na. Scicluna said that the key words behind the success of GTA were the togetherness and trust of all the stakeholders and members. Whilst thanking the Authori- ties past and present he augured more years of initiatives by GTA. The event was also addressed by the Chairman of the Malta Tourism Authority Gavin Gulia and MTA CEO Carlo Micallef. They both commended the achievements of the Association and highlighted the excellent working relationship between MTA and GTA. Camilleri mentioned his min- istry's commitment towards the tourism sector on Gozo and em- phasised the need to continue building on the tourism success achieved. He thanked the GTA for its responsible approach towards the Gozitan tourism sector and augured the Gozo Tourism As- sociation more years of achieve- ments for the benefit of the tour- ism sector on Gozo. Spiteri Debono congratulated and thanked the Gozo Tourism Association for its commitment and achievements along the past 25 years. She emphasised the need to continue enhancing tourism on Gozo, whilst protecting the unique characteristics of the island which forms an integral part of the Gozitan touristic of- fer. Gozo Tourism Association celebrates 25 years The GTA Council with President Myriam Spiteri Debono (top) and GTA chairman Paul Scicluna (right) addressing attendees during the commemorative event MARK Agius, a business part- ner of Joseph Portelli and owner of the Ta' Dirjanu supermarket chain in Gozo, has once again submitted an application to "re- construct and restore" a country- side ruin in the pristine Ta' Muxi area in Qala. In 2019, Agius had previously attempted to convert this ruin into a dwelling with a swimming pool. The approval of the 2019 appli- cation led to a major showdown between the Planning Authority and environmental NGOs and the Qala local council, prompting the developer to withdraw the application after an appeal was filed by the Environment and Re- sources Authority (ERA). Consequently, the application was withdrawn. This time, the application, filed by architect Alex Bigeni, who also submitted the previous applica- tion, does not include plans for a swimming pool. Moreover, according to the sub- mitted plans, the scope is limited to the reconstruction of the dilap- idated parts of the structure, the rebuilding of a rubble wall around the site, the creation of a beaten earth path linking the property to Triq ta Gafan, and the planting of a large number of trees. Plans also envisage an exten- sion of the property on areas de- scribed as "old ruins." The plans also refer to a small cave entrance at the lower level which is to re- main in its present state. Curiously the current applica- tion also does not propose the use of the ruin as a dwelling, as was foreseen in a permit issued in October 2019. The application was assessed based on the rural policy intro- duced in 2014, which allows the redevelopment of ruins if proof of past residential use is provid- ed. In this case, a death certificate dating back to 1921 was submit- ted as evidence. Following a storm of controver- sy after the approval of the villa by the Planning Authority board, Joseph Portelli announced that he had taken a decision to "vol- untarily renounce this permit with immediate effect". Subsequently the Environment and Planning Review Tribunal dealt a final blow to a permit, declaring that the application as "dismissed". The approval and subsequent withdrawal of the 2019 applica- tion prompted the government to initiate a reform of the rural policy. However, although a draft policy was released for public consultation in 2020, the policy has yet to be amended. In June, a PA spokesperson told MaltaToday that the authority is still "assessing the submissions received during the second stage of public consultation". Mark Agius' Excel Investments reacts On Wednesday, Agius' Excel Investments issued a statement in response to an article pub- lished on sister newspaper Malt- aToday's portal, stating that they had, "listened to public feedback about this site." "Instead, we have decided to re- store the old structure so that it does not continue to deteriorate and lose its historical value." The company claimed that once restored, it will be used as a "store room for agricultural purposes," adding that the will not file fur- ther applications or change the use of the site. Supermarket boss applies to reconstruct Qala ruin In 2019, the Planning Authority had approved a permit to redevelop a 31 square-metre countryside ruin into a villa and swimming pool on the pristine Qala coastline

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