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MALTATODAY 22 September 2024

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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 22 SEPTEMBER 2024 3 ART 'Midsummer Diaries' is young mother's account of her family's summer Journey of a summer in the life of artist Mariam De Giorgio in second solo exhibition at Phoenicia Malta THE Phoenicia Malta is wel- coming back artist Mariam De Giorgio in her second solo exhi- bition of acrylic painting, "Mid- summer Diaries". The exhibition is a journey of a summer in the life of De Giorgio and her family, with viewers invited to join the fam- ily on outings to the beach, San Anton Gardens, and Gozo. "You will see paintings of the family very much enjoying the outdoors, whether it's during breakfast or a candlelit gar- den dinner. Despite her busy days, Mariam finds moments of self-reflection and an appre- ciation for the simple joys that many of us often overlook. In her world, nothing is mun- dane – everything is imbued with meaning. She elevates the mundane," curator Dr Char- lene Vella said. The exhibition is rich with scenes of everyday life, cap- turing the beauty in the ordi- nary. "You will find yourself immersed in exquisite table settings, still life compositions featuring fish, oranges, and flowers, and, of course, the playful, tender moments of her children – whether they are eating, bathing, reading, or simply playing by or in the glit- tering sea." De Giorgio's life is por- trayed in the works, executed in acrylic on canvas, looser in style compared to her previ- ous collection, with attention to detail on objects – teacups, tiles, cushions – that become focal points, with textures viv- idly rendered. "Through these paintings, we feel the joy of family life, but we also experience a deep sense of tranquility. There is a calm, a peace that envelops us when we stand before a Mari- am De Giorgio creation," Vella said. Mariam de Giorgio's exhibi- tion is open until 30 Septem- ber 2024 at the Palm Court Lounge, The Phoenicia Malta. De Giorgio has illustrated a number of children's books, including 'Sensiela Fanali', published by BDL Publishing and 'Juliet Finds Peace In The President's Secret Garden' published by the Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society. A Bachelor of Fine Arts grad- uate from the MCAST Insti- tute of Art and Design, she is a member of the Malta Commu- nity of Illustrators. De Giorgio's work was select- ed for exhibitions in Malta and overseas by the National Book Council and the Maltese Em- bassy in Spain. She has partic- ipated in several group shows, such as Malta Design Week in 2011, 'An Educated Guess' and '6:6', both in 2012. Her paint- ings are enjoyed in private col- lections in Malta, Spain, Phil- ippines, Guam (USA). Let's Build A Sandcastle, Mariam De Giorgio

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