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MALTATODAY 22 September 2024

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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 22 SEPTEMBER 2024 6 COMMERCIAL Celebrating a decade of The Malta Airport Foundation MALTA International Airport's commitment to supporting the Maltese Islands and the airport's neighbouring communities led to the establishment of the Malta Airport Foundation a decade ago. The Foundation's primary objec- tive is to invest in the tourism in- dustry by funding projects aimed at preserving and protecting the rich heritage for which the Mal- tese Islands are renowned. This article highlights select pro- jects in three key categories: safe- guarding architectural heritage, conserving artistic heritage, and protecting marine heritage. Safeguarding Architectural Heritage The Foundation's initial project entailed a collaboration with Din l-Art Ħelwa on the restoration of Torri Xutu in Wied iż-Żurrieq. This tower, built during the reign of Grand Master Lascaris in the 17th century, played a crucial role in enabling the Knights of St John to defend the Maltese coastline. Torri Xutu also functioned as a watchtower during the Second World War and later as a police station before being abandoned in 2002. The restoration project breathed new life into the tower, which was reopened to the public in 2019. Another project proudly spon- sored by the Foundation was the restoration of the Combined Operations Room and ancillary rooms that form part of the Las- caris War Rooms beneath the Up- per Barrakka Gardens in Vallet- ta, originally built in 1566 by the Order of Saint John and convert- ed into war headquarters by the British in 1941. Among the most fascinating findings of the project was the discovery of two maps hidden beneath a 20-meter-wide map used by NATO to track Rus- sian submarines. Following years of neglect and vandalism, this complex is today one of Malta's main war museums and an im- portant attraction in the capital city of Valletta. In recent years, the Foundation supported the restoration of a hidden gem located within the grounds of Saint Luke's Hospital. Villa Hay, a small cottage dating back to 1740, was used as a re- treat by the Rt. Honourable John Hookham Frere and provided refuge to Maltese intellectuals, including Mikiel Anton Vassalli. Over time, the building suffered significant damage, leaving it in a state of disrepair. In 2021, the Friends of Villa Frere initiated a rehabilitation project and under- took the villa's refurbishment with the Foundation's support. Today, Villa Hay is a venue for exhibitions and lectures, emerging as a popu- lar heritage site within the Villa Frere gardens. Conserving Artistic Heritage Small as they may be, the Mal- tese Islands boast a rich artistic heritage. The Foundation has made substantial investments in the conservation of artistic her- itage through various projects, including the restoration of signif- icant works of sacred art, particu- larly in response to the religious tourism sector, which is becoming increasingly popular. One notable project was the restoration of the Triptych of the Madonna del Soccorso, which dates back to the 1490s and is a valuable piece in the Mdina Ca- thedral's art collection. Originally thought to be created by other artists, studies during this project credited the piece to Antonio de Saliba, showing that Malta was ex- periencing the Renaissance in art before the arrival of the Knights of Saint John. Another important project was the restoration of a Mattia Preti painting in the Parish Church of Saint Catherine of Alexandria in Żurrieq. This work of art was commissioned during the plague outbreak that devastated the Mal- tese Islands in 1676 and depicts Saint Roque, Saint Blaise, Saint Dominic, and Saint Nicholas of Tolentino interceding for the Maltese during this difficult peri- od. A recent project that took the Foundation back to the capital city entailed the restoration of the his- torical Via Sagra at the Ta' Ġieżu Church. This 11-month project uncovered the work of Maltese artists Francesco Zahra and Gian Nicola Buhagiar in several of the paintings. As part of Malta Internation- al Airport's mission to support neighbouring communities, the Malta Airport Foundation is cur- rently involved in an embellish- ment project at the Parish Church of Saint Leonard in Kirkop. Artist Anthony Spagnol has been com- missioned to paint the south tran- sept dedicated to the Holy Cruci- fix. The new paintings will feature contemporary saints. Protecting Marine Heritage In recent years, there has been increased awareness about our is- lands' marine environment, which attracts thousands of divers and tourists each year. This aspect of Maltese heritage remains very close to the heart of the Malta Air- port Foundation. The Foundation has supported the excavation of a 7th-century BC Phoenician shipwreck at a depth of 110 meters off Xlendi Bay in Gozo. This discovery emphasis- es Malta's role in the Phoenician maritime network. The Malta Airport Foundation has assisted international divers in recovering the ship's well-preserved cargo. Recently, the Foundation teamed up with Heritage Malta to estab- lish the world's first deep-water archaeological park. Discovered in 1993 just off Xlendi Bay, the site is 105 meters below sea level and consists of a wide area of Pu- nic archaeological material spread across 67,000 square meters. The Foundation has also invest- ed in two documentaries to con- tinue raising awareness about the marine environment of the Mal- tese Islands. The first series provided an in-depth look at the mysterious island of Filfla and the famous is- land of Kemmuna, exploring the rich marine life surrounding the two islets. The second series, ti- tled 'Submerged World', explores six famous shipwrecks around the Maltese Islands. The first decade of the Malta Airport Foundation stands as a testament to Malta International Airport's unwavering dedication to investing in the Maltese tour- ism product and the communities it serves. Numerous projects are already in the pipeline, reflecting the Foundation's commitment to continue showcasing the diverse offerings of the Maltese Islands, and promoting the country as a destination of choice, beyond its exceptional weather and pictur- esque beaches. Other investments of the Malta Airport Foundation • Supporting the transformation of an art gallery in Vallet- ta to showcase the works of Victor Pasmore. • Installing two seabins for cleaner seas in Marsaxlokk and Marsascala. • Supporting Żibel's mission to rid our waters of ghost nets. • Collaborating with two local subaqua clubs on annual seabed clean-ups, resulting in the collection of more than 10 tons of waste in four years. Torri Xutu in Wied iz-Zurrieq was restored by the Malta Airport Foundation and reopened to the public in 2019. Members of the Foundation Board and conservators at the unveiling of the restoration project for a Mattia Preti painting at the Parish Church of Zurrieq. Submerged World is a series of documentaries (available on YouTube) exploring six shipwrecks in the Maltese waters and the marine environment surrounding them.

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