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MaltaToday 25 September 2024 MIDWEEK

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10 OPINION maltatoday | WEDNESDAY • 25 SEPTEMBER 2024 IN recent years, universities worldwide have experienced a surge in the number of stu- dents choosing their comput- ing programs. This situation is unsurprising, considering the growing demand for tech-savvy professionals in an increasingly digital world. However, it has brought to light significant chal- lenges for higher education in- stitutions. They must now grap- ple with the delicate balance of meeting the demands of the job market while maintaining the integrity of a well-rounded ed- ucation. The rapid increase in comput- ing majors, particularly at pres- tigious institutions like Stanford and MIT, signals a societal shift towards valuing technical skills over a broader educational mis- sion. This phenomenon, often called the "STEM-ification" of society, underscores a prioriti- sation of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields at the expense of the humanities and social sciences. The implications of this trend are multifaceted. On the one hand, the surge in computing graduates is a response to the high demand for tech profes- sionals, driven by the rapid pace of technological advancement and the lucrative job opportu- nities in the tech industry. For instance, 18% of Stanford Uni- versity seniors graduated with a computing degree. This propor- tion has more than doubled in the past decade. Over the same period, at MIT, the rate of com- puting graduates increased from 23% to 42%. Students are drawn by the promise of high salaries and job security in a field that shows no signs of slowing down. However, this emphasis on computing and other STEM fields raises concerns about the potential marginalisation of the humanities and social sciences. A well-rounded education is crucial for developing critical thinking, ethical reasoning, and cultural awareness—indispensable pro- fessional skills, especially in the tech industry where ethical con- siderations and cultural sensitiv- ity are increasingly important. Integrating technical skills with broader intellectual develop- ment can produce well-rounded professionals proficient in their fields, capable of thinking criti- cally and ethically about the im- plications of their work. Interdisciplinary programs that combine computing with the humanities and social sciences offer a promising solu- tion. For instance, some univer- sities have introduced programs allowing students to major in computing while taking cours- es in philosophy, sociology, or history. These programs, such as Stanford's 'Computing and Society' or MIT's 'Computing, Culture, and Society ', aim to produce graduates who under- stand the broader societal im- plications of their work, equip- ping them with the tools to navigate the ethical and cultural challenges they may encounter in their careers. In response to the changing demands of the job market, many companies are now focus- ing on candidates' competencies rather than their formal educa- tion. Initiatives like Google Ca- reer Certificates exemplify this shift. These certificates offer an alternative pathway to tech careers by providing job-ready skills through short, intensive programs. Unlike traditional university degrees, which can take several years to complete, these certificates can be earned in months. They focus on prac- tical skills directly applicable to the job market, such as IT sup- port, data analysis, project man- agement, and user experience design. These certificates provide a quick and accessible route to employment for individuals who may not have the time or resources to pursue a tradition- al degree. They address the im- mediate needs of the job market by equipping individuals with the skills employers are looking for. However, this trend also raises questions about the long- term value of such programs compared to a comprehensive university education. As com- panies increasingly focus on candidates' competencies rath- er than their formal education, the value of traditional degrees may be challenged. While these certificates provide a quicker path to employment, they offer a different level of knowledge and critical thinking skills than a traditional degree. Universities must adapt to this new landscape by ensuring that their programs remain relevant and by offering more flexible and diverse pathways to educa- tion. This could involve revising curricula to integrate technical skills with broader intellectu- al development and promoting interdisciplinary programs that combine computing degrees with the humanities or social sciences. Moreover, collaboration be- tween academia and industry is crucial. By working together, universities and tech compa- nies can ensure that curricula stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and that gradu- ates are equipped with the skills needed to succeed in the job market. This partnership can also provide students with valu- able internships and real-world experience opportunities, bridging the gap between theo- retical knowledge and practical application. The challenge for universities is to find a balance between Balancing technical skills with a well-rounded education Alexiei Dingli is Professor of Artificial Intelligence Alexiei Dingli

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