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MALTATODAY 29 September 2024

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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 29 SEPTEMBER 2024 7 COMMERCIAL Finco Trust announces rebrand to reflect evolving services and vision for the future FINCO Trust, one of Malta's leading multi-disciplinary pro- fessional services organisations, has announced a rebrand which reflect its growth, evolving ser- vices, and renewed commitment to innovation and sustainability. Having built a strong reputa- tion over the years, Finco Trust continues to grow and adapt to meet the dynamic needs of its clients. The rebrand signals a new chapter for the firm, with a focus on delivering tailored, high-quality solutions while maintaining its core values of professionalism, integrity, and client-focused service offering. The company is also making significant investments in HR and Technology to enhance its internal operations, stream- lining processes and enhanc- ing efficiency. It has also been collaborating closely with key stakeholders, such as Finance Malta, and will be a key partner in their upcoming annual con- ference. Finco offers a broad range of services, including a ful- ly-fledged suite of corporate ser- vices as well as trustee and se- curity trustee services. The firm remains a trusted partner in spe- cialised sectors such as maritime and aviation. Clients also have access to ex- per t investment services and wealth management. Finco's expertise in invest- ment, trustee, and accounting services coupled with a robust technology platform place the firm in a strong position to as- sist investors and existing fam- ily offices seeking to outsource and consolidate various aspects of their activities. The teams' approach focuses on provid- ing comprehensive solutions, covering wealth management, financial reporting, fiscal and regulatory advisory, and gov- ernance services, making Finco a highly efficient and effective outsourced multi-family office solution. The new brand identity fea- tures a modern depiction of a falcon, with its wings creatively forming the letter 'F'. This de- sign symbolises the strength and reliability that underpin Finco's reputation as a trusted business partner. For more information on Fin- co Trust visit https://fincotrust. com/ MeDirect renews Island Car Club sponsorship MEDIRECT Malta has contin- ued to support the Island Car Club's National Hill Climb and Sprint Championships through- out the current season. This agreement further strengthens the long-standing collaboration between MeDirect and the club, which works tirelessly to grow and sustain one of the most pop- ular sports in Malta. Jeremy Cassar, Club Secretary of the Island Car Club, said, "Hill climb racing came to Mal- ta more than 60 years ago and to this day, the Island Car Club continues to develop this sport and put together an exciting and competitive calendar. None of this is easy and we are grateful to sponsors like MeDirect who help us make sure our events are highly professional and safe, as well as fun for both drivers and spectators." The Island Car Club which started life in 1950s as a motor- ing club of the British Forces in Malta began organising regular hill climbs in 1961. Throughout its history the club has retained its reputation for its serious ap- proach to organising events, leading the way in using the latest equipment and applying stringent regulations to ensure safety for all involved. Roderick Bugeja, Senior Wealth Manager at MeDirect Malta, said, "MeDirect has sup- ported the Island Car Club for several years as we share core values of innovation and profes- sionalism. We look forward to continuing this partnership and providing all those who love mo- torsports with more great expe- riences." More information on the Is- land Car Club is available at BOV empowers employee growth in business lending EARLIER this week, Bank of Valletta launched its first-ever Commercial Financing Train- eeship Program, a pivotal in- itiative designed to foster tal- ent development, by equipping employees with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the Bank's credit function, particu- larly in the highly specialised area of business lending. This program is part of the Bank's broader commitment to con- tinuous employee development, supported by the BOV Acade- my and extensive support when furthering their studies with external bodies at different lev- els. As part of Bank of Valletta's ongoing commitment to con- tinuous learning and profes- sional growth, this Program provides employees with op- portunities for career advance- ment, offering clear trajectories from junior to more specialised roles. Through this initiative, the Bank is investing in its em- ployees, ensuring they have the resources and support to suc- ceed while contributing to the Bank's customer-driven strate- gy. The program will provide intensive, hands-on training for employees, ensuring they are well-prepared to meet the demands of the Commercial Banking sector. With a focus on both personal and professional development, participants will engage in mandatory training modules, assessments, and on- the-job experience, culminating in opportunities for promotion to more senior roles. Simon Grech, Chief Commer- cial Officer commented on the importance of this initiative in addressing the challenges the Bank is facing, "In recent years, we have faced challenges in re- cruiting skilled talent for the commercial sector, a techni- cal and highly specialised area. This program, developed in collaboration with our People and Culture team, is designed to create a sustainable pipeline of a prepared and qualified pool of people. We aim to ensure we have a steady stream of talent ready to step into these criti- cal roles, keeping pace with the growth of the business." Ray Debattista, Chief People and Culture Officer added by saying, "We are committed to ensuring that our employees are not just trained but fully supported in their professional journeys. Such training needs to be complemented by on-the- job mentoring by experienced colleagues. This program exem- plifies our 'People First' strat- egy, aligning with our broader goal to create a culture where employees feel valued and em- powered." The Commercial Financing Traineeship Program aligns with the Bank's strategy to be the Employer of Choice in Mal- ta.

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