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MALTATODAY 6 October 2024

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YOUR RIGHT TO KNOW WWW.MALTATODAY.COM.MT SUNDAY 6 OCTOBER 2024 • ISSUE 1300 • PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SUNDAY Emanuel Cuschieri on a rant after Jason Azzopardi gets reserved spot PAGE 3 Trappers hoping data gathered may keep their pastime 'legal' PAGES 12 - 13 Parking Defiance maltatoday JAMES DEBONO Flying high PAGE 2 Ryanair CEO Michael Ryanair CEO Michael O'Leary on tourism, O'Leary on tourism, strikes and his airline strikes and his airline becoming Malta's becoming Malta's 'official' airline 'official' airline INTERVIEW MT2 Abortion: Malta in the dark ages, like Ireland used to be MALTA may be a close-knit Catholic community where abor- tion is taboo but Irish pro-choice campaigner Ailhbe Smyth be- lieves change is possible. An academic and long-time ac- tivist, who played a big role in the legalisation of abortion in Ireland, she says eventually Catholics in Ireland made "a distinction be- tween the laws of the State and their own conscience". Maltese concerned about foreigners and traffic CONCERN about foreign- ers working in Malta has re- emerged as the country's top worry, especially among Labour Party supporters and non-vot- ers, a MaltaToday survey shows. The concern about foreign workers tops the list of voter concerns with 22.4%, while a separate concern with overpop- ulation appeared in the list with 8.1% citing it as their topmost worry. The combined results of these two concerns indicates that nearly a third of Maltese vot- ers are concerned about the in- flux of foreign workers and the linked issue of overpopulation. Significantly, concern about foreign workers is the topmost worry (26.5%) for those who say they will not vote if an election is held now. Current Labour voters are also more concerned about foreign workers (24.8%) than Nationalist voters (17.4%). The survey comes in the wake of widespread discontent with overpopulation prompted by a rapid increase in foreign work- ers over the past 10 years. Over the summer government decid- ed to stop new applications by third country nationals to work in Malta as cab drivers and food couriers. The survey also shows that the second-highest concern is traffic with 21%, followed by corrup- tion at 14.1%. Inflation, which was the highest concern in Feb- ruary has dropped to fourth place at 10%. FULL RESULTS PAGES 10 - 11 MALTATODAY SURVEY JULIANA ZAMMIT €1.95

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