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9 gozotoday | FRIDAY • 1 NOVEMBER 2024 CULTURE IL-MITHNA tax-Xewkija is hosting "Scenes of Gozo – Ur- ban Pulse and Rural Calm," an enchanting exhibition by Audrey Mercieca that cele- brates the breathtaking beau- ty of Gozo's rural and urban landscapes. This carefully curated selec- tion of paintings offers visitors a visual journey across the is- land's many distinct and cher- ished scenes. Through plein air sessions, Mercieca has captured a range of landscapes, from the tran- quil rural settings of lush vine- yards and ancient farmhouses to the energetic urban life of Gozo's unique heritage sites. Her work features evocative sunsets, vibrant seascapes, and iconic landmarks, each telling a story of place and time. Among the highlights of the exhibition is Mercieca's por- trayal of the Ġgantija Temples, a UNESCO World Heritage prehistoric site depicted from an intimate angle, celebrating its grandeur and mystery with warm, earthy tones. This work invites viewers to connect deeply with the an- cient history of Gozo, present- ing the temple's timeless ele- gance and resilience. Another focal point of Mer- cieca's work is Iċ-Ċittadella, the fortified cathedral atop Victoria. The artist presents two per- spectives of this iconic land- mark, capturing both the intri- cate paths within the bastions and the panoramic view of Gozo from a distance, cele- brating the architectural maj- esty of this hilltop site. The coastline of Gozo, from the red sands of Ramla Bay to the mesmerizing views of Dwejra, is depicted in rich, at- mospheric compositions that reflect Mercieca's passion for her surroundings. Her works blend elements of contempo- rary impressionism, realism, and expressionism, show- casing Gozo's natural beauty and historical depth in every brushstroke. Each piece in this exhibition is an invitation to explore Gozo through Mercieca's eyes, re- vealing both famed landmarks and hidden gems with equal intensity and reverence. The artist's dedication to capturing atmospheric effects through open-air painting sessions has given her works a unique im- mediacy, creating a sensory ex- perience for viewers. "Scenes of Gozo – Urban Pulse and Rural Calm" offers a rare glimpse into Gozo's es- sence, uniting its natural and historical landscapes in an ex- pression of calm and vigor. The exhibition is open dai- ly until 30 November, from 9:00 to 19:30, at Il-Mithna tax-Xewkija. Don't miss this opportunity to experience Gozo's beauty as interpreted by Audrey Mercie- ca, an artist whose love for her island home resonates in each canvas. Exhibition showcases 'urban pulse and rural calm' of Gozo