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GOZOTODAY 29 November 2024

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GOZO Minister Clint Camilleri is insist- ing that due process was followed in the controversial employment Amanda Mus- cat within his ministry, even as tourism minister Clayton Bartolo resigned from the Cabinet and the Labour Party. Earlier this month, the Commissioner for Standards in Public Life found Camill- eri and Bartolo guilty of abuse of power and in breach of the Code of Ethics when employing Muscat - now Bartolo's wife - as a consultant. But Camilleri vehemently denies allega- tions of wrongdoing. "There is no mention in the Commission- er's report of any personal gain, fraud, or misappropriation on my part," he said in a statement he published in reposnce to the report by the Standards Commissioner. PAGE 5 SMALL IS BEAUTIFUL FRIDAY 29 NOVEMBER 2024 • ISSUE 022 • PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY gozotoday PAUL COCKS & MARIANNA CALLEJA €1.00 Gozo General Hospital gets 20 additional emergency ambulance responders Gozo Minister defiant as Opposition calls for his resignation THE Gozo General Hospital recently filled 20 positions for the roles of Emergency Am- bulance Responder Trainee and Emergency Ambulance Responder 1, following a public call for applications issued earlier this year. Health Minister Jo Etienne Abela told Parliament this week that 34 individuals ap- plied for these positions. Of those, 20 candidates were successfully recruited to strengthen the emergency re- sponse team at the hospital. The recruitment aims to bolster emer- gency medical services on the island, en- suring that Gozo General Hospital is better equipped to handle urgent medical situa- tions effectively. In June, Abela also announced an invest- ment of €7 million in new ambulances for the Gozo General Hospital. Two, equipped with the latest advanced medical technology, were delivered imme- diately. The PN is calling for Clint Camilleri's resignation due to his involvement in the employment of Amanda Muscat, but the minister insists "there is no mention in the Commissioner's report of any personal gain, fraud, or misappropriation on my part" Under fire: Gozo minister Clint Camilleri

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