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15 News maltatoday, SUNDAY, 1 DECEMBER 2013 took revenue. Bonello also served as a director at Malta Enterprise, the government's investment promotion arm, between 2008 and 2013. Testifying in court in September, Bonello said his company was never awarded contracts from Malta Enterprise during his time as director. Yet, documents tabled by economy minister Chris Cardona show that Content House benefitted from 22 direct orders from Malta Enterprise between 2011 and 2013, which amounted to just over €10,000. These direct orders were awarded for newspaper and magazine adverts among others. Bonello also admitted that during his spell at Malta Enterprise he did consultancy for government, and when in 2011 Air Malta was under political siege, he was asked to help. While admitting that he had done some work for Air Malta, Bonello told court that he could not remember who had given him the work and what it had amounted to. Between 2005 and 2012, Content House was awarded up to €90,000 in direct orders from the national airline, including €16,301 in media and PR consultancies. Moreover, Bonello was involved in the organisation of large-scale events including the PR and media strategy of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) held in Malta in 2005. A personal friend of former Malta Enterprise chairman Alan Camilleri, who had captained the organisation of the CHOGM, Bonello's company was also awarded the PR contract for the euro changeover campaign during the time that Camilleri was chairman of the National Euro Changeover Committee (NECC). Details of the contracts awarded to Content House in relation to these two events have not yet been tabled in Parliament. When a government ministry or entity appoints a service provider directly, this can only be done with the right justification and if the contract does not exceed a certain amount of money. Furthermore, approval must be obtained from the finance ministry, with such approval indicating reasons justifying the expenditure. Documents show that between 2009 and 2010, the Office of the Prime Minister directly approved five contracts for advertising and communication services rendered to the parliamentary secretariat for dialogue and information. The contracts awarded directly by the OPM to Content House amount to over €15,000. Furthermore, between 2010 and 2012, the company was awarded two direct orders by the National Commission for the Promotion of Equality (NCPE) and another two direct orders by MEUSAC. The total cost of these four direct orders reaches €9,000. Among the direct orders awarded, the biggest contract amounted to €127,900, issued by the government's IT agency MITA in 2011, for the provision of publicity services. In 2008, the company was also awarded a €275,574 tender by MITA for the provision of advertising and communication services over a fouryear period. In November 2011, Content House was awarded two contracts by the Malta Communications Authority for the perennially delayed digital television switchover campaign. One contract worth €34,741 was awarded by tender for various purchases while another contract worth €35,851 was awarded for the same purposes, but through direct order. CACHIA CARUANA Notes from Inside Castille PART 4 RICHARD Cachia Caruana's travel arrangements were prepared with obsessive focus: his arrival at Malta International Airport was traditionally accompanied by a sense of anxiety from most of the person- nel involved. On the few occasions I accompanied him, he was greeted by Air Malta managers in airports abroad. Time was effectively wasted by these managers to simply linger around until Cachia Caruana would have boarded his plane. Naturally, all flights were in club class, preluded by time spent inside the VIP lounge. His selfimportance was manifested by his insistence that airport personnel meet him on the apron – this for the prime minister's personal assistant, not for a Cabinet minister. His preference for police super- intendent Godfrey Scicluna may explain why Scicluna would later be assigned the post of head of the Malta security service (MSS). Scicluna resigned in 2013 when MaltaToday broke the news that the police had failed to investigate a complaint that the MSS chief had hit an elderly man with his car. Mr Richard Cachia Caruana's Travel on the day of arrival. Once Mr Cachia Caruana's flight lands at MIA, the Assistant Manager, Airport Security (or his representative) is to meet Mr Cachia Caruana as he leaves the aircraft and accompany him throughout baggage collection and Customs clearance, and into the Arrivals section where his Personal Security Officers are to be waiting. SAVIOUR BALZAN Security Arrangements 1. Personal Travel (by Air) / Official Travel (through ministerial/VIP lounge) Mr Cachia Caruana's secretary to inform Superintendent Godfrey Scicluna regarding flight details as soon as these are finalised (a minimum of 48 hours before departure). Superintendent Godfrey Scicluna to liaise with Mr Mario Bugeja, Assistant Manager, Airport Security. 48 hours before departure Mr Cachia Caruana's secretary to confirm with Superintendent Godfrey Scicluna that all arrangements regarding his personal security detail on day of departure have been made and that Airport Security have been advised. On day of departure Mr Cachia Caruana arrives at the [depatures/ministerial/VIP] section, MIA, accompanied by his Personal Security Officers. Assistant Manager, Airport Security (or his representative) to meet Mr Cachia Caruana in Departures section and accompany him on to the apron and up to the aircraft. Once Mr Cachia Caruana leaves, his Personal Security Officers are to take Mr Cachia Caruana's car to the Police Headquarters to be garaged. The keys are to be handed over to Superintendent Scicluna immediately and are to be kept in his possession until Mr Cachia Caruana's Personal Security Officers collect the car on day of arrival. Employment Aid Programme Over €1.9 million of funds For Gozo Need to Employ? Gozitan Enterprises and Employers including those, whose Thursday 12th 48 hours before Arrival Mr Cachia Caruana's secretary to confirm with Superintendent Godfrey Scicluna that all arrangements regarding his personal security detail on day of departure have been made and that Airport Security have been advised. Superintendent Godfrey Scicluna to liaise with Assistant Manager, Airport Security as necessary. It pays to employ! On day of Arrival Mr Cachia Caruana's Secretary to confirm with Superintendent Godfrey Scicluna that Personal Security Officers on duty that day have been advised regarding flight details. Personal Security Officers to collect Mr Cachia Caruana's car from the Police Headquarters Operational Programme II – Cohesion Policy 2007-2013 Empowering People for More Jobs and a Better Quality of Life Investing in your future

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