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31 maltatoday, GLADIATOR GAMES pg 34 SUNDAY, 1 DECEMBER 2013 JOYOUS JAKARTA pg 35 TASTY THAI pgs 40, 41 The anatomy of Maltese laughter Stand-up comedian Malcolm Alden chats to TEODOR RELJIC about 'Are You Havin' a Laugh?', a comedy show he's hosting at Mojo's Bar, Paceville – featuring comedians Steve Hili and Malcolm Galea Sam Sultana "You don't hear this kind of talk abroad. If you don't like the place, you move elsewhere. Considering the fact that we are an island, the energy does not diffuse – it remains concentrated and localised. We are delimited and defined by the sea, which is a great advantage when it comes to networking and knowing who is doing what and what's going on. The geography has defined our psychology. We feel suppressed by the vastness of the outside world. We feel like we have to prove ourselves. We have an inferiority complex, which translates into a hungry thriving spirit. "The Divergent Thinkers exhibition was a great context to discover, network and work alongside other Maltese artists. It was another great opportunity for the collective I work with – Izaxa – to conceive something fresh. "Izaxa is made up of people with a strong vision and who come from different academic and career backgrounds in order to network and diverge. This unique marriage of practices allows for a multidimensional approach to different concepts, problems and projects otherwise out of reach of any one individual member. "Fluxus will be my first solo show held at my new base studio/gallery in Zebbug. Although I have had artwork around in different galleries and shows in Malta, I hope that this The London squat Sultana spent time in event will serve as the true introduction to the world I wish to introduce the public to. The audience will have the opportunity to be surrounded by and be immersed inside an abundantly turbulent atmosphere, bursting at the seams with vibrant and explosive colour. "I hope to sink into the tranquil and undisturbed environment that the Zebbug outskirts have to offer. This will allow me to concentrate and focus wholly on my work: providing dedication and discipline. "I would also like to use the studio/ gallery as an open experimental environment to continue collaborating with other artists, which I find incredibly enriching; so to anyone interested: please do not hesitate to contact me with ideas. "I have another show in the works with Izaxa, which will be held at St John the Baptist Church, Bristol, which we are all very excited about. "I have plans to send work to Paris and I also am planning a show at the Brick Lane Gallery in London, amongst other shows lined up in Malta. Busy is good." Fluxus will be on display at Off Road Studio, G. Pullicino Street, Zebbug from December 13–23. For more information log on to: Malcolm Alden There has been a sudden boom in stand-up comedy on the island over the past year. Why did this happen so suddenly, do you think? I think stand-up comedy has always been a favourite form of entertainment on the island. We could see that from the 'LOL Stand-Up Comedy Shows' that are hosted annually, they're pretty successful. The Wembley Store Boys were then able to give confidence to local aspiring comedians by providing them with a reliable venue. They've shown what potential this form of art has here, and that has influenced many others to follow suit. Before that I never thought anyone would find Maltese stand-up that funny. I never had much faith in it. Turns out I was wrong! What do you think Maltese audiences respond to most readily when it comes to comedy? From my experience, it's easy to say that the audience responds pretty well to everything, though it's clear that the mockery of Maltese stereotypes, slapstick humour and the occasional political joke are mostly favoured. What was most surprising to me was how well some audiences responded to dark or black humour. Considering the conservative mentality we have on this Island, I did not expect it. What led you to choose Steve Hili and Malcolm Galea for this particular show? Well, both Steve and Malcolm have built a reputation as comedic greats in the local scene, not just in Stand-Up comedy but also with their involvement in plays, pantomimes, radio shows and sketch shows. They differ in styles too, so there will be something for everyone when watching these guys perform. They're energetic, witty, they have brilliant stage presence and just a touch of dark humour. There will be a bit of everything, that's for sure! Can we expect more stand-up Comedy shows at Mojo's in the near future? That's the plan. We would like to transform it into a venue that is renowned for entertaining evenings that provide top notch stand-up comedians, good atmosphere and the right crowd. It all depends on how well we do this time round. But we are confident that we have the talent to attract enough people to keep this going for years to come, helping us expand the local stand-up scene and exploit its obvious potential to the fullest. Are You Havin' a Laugh will be taking place on December 8. Doors open at 18:00 YOUR FIRST CLICK OF THE DAY

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