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MT 1 March 2015

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Events 29 maltatoday, Sunday, 1 March 2015 Eurofound launches sixth edition of survey assessing working conditions across Europe What the best companies do Leadership Development & Employee Engagement are two key aspects that successful companies seek to create and improve in order to achieve re- markable goals. Famalco Group, of Attard, has partnered up with Ulti- mate Performance to design and de- velop a programme for performance excellence. This approach is being driven by motivation and engagement, rather than the more traditional approach to human resources management through systems and processes. The aim is to converge the needs of the various companies' customers, those of the employees, management and the shareholders into common stra- tegic goals. "The progamme, expected to last up to a year, will aim to develop long term solutions to improve 'people performance' through job satisfac- tion and self-fulfillment, thus cre- ating a strong foundation for new growth and further achievements. The ultimate goal is to increase busi- ness performance, with engaged and high performing employees and managers," explained UP founder Nathan Farrugia. "We believe that we need to invest in people as much as infrastructure in order to gain competitive advan- tage. This approach is innovative and fits with our vision for our group of company's future," said Hermann Mallia, Director at Famalco Group. For the second consecutive year ROCS Travel launches its Disney- land contest for all its clients travel- ling to Disneyland. Moreover, each client stands a chance of winning a Renault Captur worth 20,000 eu- ros. ROCS Travel has been Malta's leading travel agent in providing its clients a magical holiday at Dis- neyland Paris. Following last year's success, ROCS Travel is giving their clients yet another reason to choose ROCS as their ideal travel partner. Disneyland is a unique product for all the family, where the young and not so young get to experience the magical kingdom of Disney and em- bark on an adventure of a lifetime where parks are fa more than just fun parks. ROCS Travel can guar- antee all of this, providing their best rates, both for individual and group tour packages. This is what makes ROCS Travel stand-out from other agents, not to mention giving their clients experienced tour managers along with sensational and unfor- gettable experiences. Besides the amazing packages ROCS Travel will be giving one of its clients a Christmas they will never forget. With every €50 spent when booking this spectacular journey ROCS is giving out tickets and become contenders in winning a Renault Captur. Winner will be chosen on 24 of December 2015 Ben Bonnici Kind, Director at Au- tosales Limited said, "Auto Sales Ltd are pleased to announce their association with ROCS Group, who are offering all clients travelling to DisneyWorld Paris the opportunity to win a stunning Renault Captur, which is adaptable for any lifestyle and comes in a range of superb colors and combinations." She added, "The outstanding suc- cess of last year's campaign , ROCS Group decided to repeat the same promotion which gives customers an added incentive to choose ROCS Group for all their travel plans. Without a doubt this is an attrac- tive incentive for young families and individuals alike." Rachel Vella, ROCS Group direc- tor, said, "At ROCS Travel we strive to provide the best accommodation, itineraries and excursions. We have managed to obtain such standards as we pride ourselves in giving only the best to our clients, at the most affordable prices on the island. It is an honour for us to have Renault on board for second year in a row, as we believe the Renault Captur is a fabulous car and the choice of many Maltese who have chosen both ROCS and Renault as their preferred partners!" "We guarantee to not only offer the best package prices on the lo- cal market, but also outstanding itineraries, including better hotels, fun-filled experiences and the most knowledgeable tour managers" con- cluded Vella. To find out more about this and other current ROCS Group news and offers, kindly visit the offices in Floriana or Mellieħa. You can also call the ROCS Group on 2015 1515, or check out the ROCS web- site Alter- natively, email the team directly on for more infor- mation. You can also visit their Fa- cebook page at ROCS Group. On Monday 2 February 2015 Euro- found launched the fieldwork for the sixth European Working Conditions Survey (6EWCS). Based on interviews with over 43,000 workers, this critical and timely research tracks the current state of working conditions in Eu- rope, highlights the quality of work and employment, and monitors changing trends. The first findings of the 6EWCS will be presented at the end of 2015. The European Working Conditions Surveys (EWCS) provide valuable and unique comparative information about working conditions, including issues such as working time, health and safety at work, work organisa- tion, work-life balance, training, and overall satisfaction with working conditions. The underlying aim is to help policymakers improve overall living and working conditions. To date, Eurofound has carried out five European Working Conditions Surveys (1991, 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2010). This sixth wave of the survey will build on the lessons learned from the previous five surveys and will provide a rich portrait of work- place trends in Europe over the last 25 years. The survey offers an opportunity for workers to make their voices heard about the state of their work- ing conditions and about how work- ing conditions and quality of work affect their lives. In cooperation with Ipsos, Euro- found will interview around 43,000 workers in 35 European countries during the period February to June 2015. Interviews will be carried out face-to-face in the person's home. The collected information will be treated in the strictest confidential- ity, guaranteeing the anonymity of interviewees. The survey targets a random sample of working people ranging from 1,000 to 3,300 in each country. The trending workout that eve- ryone's talking about has set the rhythm for this latest proposal from Oysho. Once again, the firm is in line with the latest trends, this time turning to dance, the art form that takes femininity to unparal- leled heights. The new Gymwear Studio col- lection features garments that adapt to the body's movements for maximum subtlety and a truly natural look and feel. The stream- lined, laid-back lines take the form of f lowing skirts, gauzy T-shirts, ergonomic crop tops and comfort- able jumpsuits. Comfort is top of the list of pri- orities of this new collection, and particular attention has been paid to the study and application of technical patterns to ensure that the garments deftly adapt to the movements the body makes. In this sense, all the garments are made from top quality fabrics of- fering outstanding adaptability. Feminine fits are firmly at the top of the style stakes, designed to slim and f latter the female fig- ure thanks to the now improved 'bonded' technique: seamless gar- ments that display endless sensi- tivity when it comes to adapting to the body's choreography. Fabric combinations blend in perfectly with a range of powdery tones such as soft pink, forming a perfect partnership with neutral tones like grey, black and white. Remaining true to its essence, the Gymwear Studio collection by Oy- sho is designed for modern women that love dance and are looking for the perfect balance between fash- ion and sport as well as the chance to wear the latest trends. Oysho presents "A beautiful film about love", the launch video for the Gymwear Studio campaign that transports us to the world of art in movement. Filmed in Bar- celona and directed by Alexander Tregon, the images tell a tale of love and fashion performed by the members of the Martz Contempo- rary Dance Company with music by Nils Frahm & Anne Müller. To the sounds of Let my key be C, Oysho's garments become infused with strength, passion and skill, accompanying the dance with cleverly choreographed trends and emotions. Oysho presents its new Gymwear Studio, a collection inspired by the world of dance Win a Renault Captur when you travel to Disneyland with ROCS Travel

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