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maltatoday, WEDNESDAY, 1 APRIL 2015 News LIBYA'S legally installed govern- ment, the General National Congress (GNC), has removed Omar al-Hassi from his post as prime minister. Omar Hemidan, the spokesman for the GNC, said yesterday that the de- cision was the first step for dialogue among Libya's warring factions. "The meeting of the GNC today de- cided to oust Omar al-Hassi due to the government's lack of performance and complaints made by several ministers of the national salvation government," Hemidan told reporters. Omar al-Hassi's removal is believed to be a step in the right direction for Libya to achieve a government of na- tional unity. Hemidan said Hassi's dismissal could be a step towards an agreement with the Tobruk-based parliament. "The government of national salva- tion is still ruling and the dismissal of Hassi might be the first step of a national unity government in the UN talks," he said, without giving details of how the move might help. Hassi's deputy, Khalifa Mohamed Ghwail will lead the rival government until a new leader is named within a month, another GNC member Ab- dulqader Al-Hawaili told Reuters. The GNC operates out of the capital Tripoli while the UN-recognised gov- ernment, the House of Representa- tives (HoR), was driven out of the capi- tal last year and has been confined to the small eastern city of Tobruk. In an effort to address the country's political crisis, delegates from the rival administrations have been meeting at UN-brokered talks in what has been described as one of the last chances to stop the country from plunging into a full-scale civil war. Libya has been wracked by violence since the NATO-backed uprising top- pled longtime ruler Muammar Gadd- afi in 2011, with the rival administra- tions and their allied militias battling for power. According to the Libya Herald, Hassi has shown "little understanding of economic reality in the few pub- lic statements on the subject he has made", constantly insisting that Libya has plenty of money at hand and that there is no financial crisis. "It has resulted in accusations that he was in denial about Libya's in- creasingly grim financial situation. A month ago on TV, he tried to convince a sceptical public that there was no cause for austerity and that the Cen- tral Bank of Libya and Libyan banks had over LD 100 billion available, im- plying that the money was available to spend. The previous week he likewise claimed that the country's finances were sound," it reported. The claims prompted the Congress' Finance Committee to launch an investigation over Libya's financial position. In January, Omar al Hassi report- edly claimed the US government was working with his administration on humanitarian reconstruction in Libya and that the US was sending aid including electricity generator ships to Libya. The report, the Libya Herald said, was instantly dismissed by the Americans. Earlier the same month, he also claimed that a British military del- egation had been to Tripoli to assess security conditions there and had ex- pressed satisfaction at the situation. That too was dismissed as untrue, by British Ambassador Michael Aron. "Other surprises have included his description of Ansar Al-Sahria as beautiful," the Libyan journal said. Al Hassi, a firm Islamist originally from Benghazi, was appointed prime minister by the Congress in August. Allegedly just 20 members took part in the proceedings, with just 16 vot- ing for him. No foreign governments, however, ever recognised him as prime minister. Some careers shine brighter than others. 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The accident happened when the person slipped while walking. A helicopter had to be called in to take the man to Mater Dei Hosptial because the area cannot be accessed by an ambulance. In a statement, the Armed Forc- es of Malta (AFM) said they were called to assist the injured man who had sustained injuries in a fall. Civil Protection officials were on site to render assistance but due to lack of accessibility, the AFM had to dispatch an Alouette III helicopter which, within minutes, located the injured man. Subsequently, AFM rescuers successfully winched the patient aboard and transferred him to St Luke's helipad. An awaiting ambulance took the patient to Mater Dei hospital for treatment. Omar al-Hassi, removed

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