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maltatoday, WEDNESDAY, 12 AUGUST 2015 5 News set for approval CAREER OPPORTUNITY CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER MIMCOL / MGI MIMCOL / MGI are currently seeking a dynamic, talented, experienced and service driven CEO. A well-qualified candidate will be afforded an exciting opportunity, being responsible to lead and manage the advisory services provided to Government of Malta and also Malta Government Investments' subsidiaries. The successful candidate will maintain and continue to develop a culture that leads to ongoing excellence and effective growth of the business while preserving maximum integrity. Responsibilities: tUPMFBEJODPOKVODUJPOXJUIUIF#PBSEPG%JSFDUPSTUIFEFWFMPQNFOUPGUIF$PNQBOZTTUSBUFHZ tUPJOTQJSFBOEFNQPXFSUIFUFBNPGIJHIMZRVBMJmFEBOEFYQFSJFODFETUBõXJUIJOUIFPSHBOJTBUJPO tUPQSPWJEFIJHIRVBMJUZBEWJTPSZTFSWJDFTUP(PWFSONFOU tUPQSPWJEFPOHPJOHTUSBUFHJDTVQQPSUPOBOVNCFSPGJTTVFTJODMVEJOHUIFSFTUSVDUVSJOHPGTUBUFFOUJUJFT tUPEFWFMPQOFXBSFBTPGmOBODJBMBOENBOBHFNFOUTVQQPSUGPS(PWFSONFOU&OUJUJFT tUPDPNNVOJDBUFFõFDUJWFMZXJUITIBSFIPMEFSTFNQMPZFFT(PWFSONFOUBVUIPSJUJFTPUIFSTUBLFIPMEFST and the public. Qualifications and Requirements: t6OJWFSTJUZEFHSFFPSFRVJWBMFOUJO.BOBHFNFOU'JOBODFPS"DDPVOUBODZ t"QPTUHSBEVBUFRVBMJmDBUJPOXPVMECFHJWFOQSFGFSFODF t"UMFBTUZFBSTPGFYQFSJFODFJOBTFOJPSNBOBHFNFOUSPMF t"QSPWFOUSBDLSFDPSEPGTUSBUFHJDMFBEFSTIJQBOEUSBOTGPSNBUJPOBMDIBOHF t"EWBODFEJOnVFODJOHBOEOFHPUJBUJOHTLJMMT t1SFGFSBCMZTLJMMFEBUXPSLJOHJOBQVCMJDTFDUPSFOWJSPONFOU 1MFBTFTVCNJUEFUBJMFEDVSSJDVMVNWJUBFSFTVNFBOESFGFSFODFTCZNoon of Monday 17 August 2015, BEESFTTFEUPUIFBUUFOUJPOPGUIF$IJFG'JOBODF0öDFSBU MIMCOL Clock Tower, Level1 Tigne Point Sliema, TP01 All applications received will be treated in strict confidence. &5$1FSNJU/VNCFS C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Output file.pdf 1 Thursday/August6/2015 11:3753AM typical of redevelopments along the Waterfront The site is protected as a Grade E Archaeological Area where a late Roman catacomb was discovered in the land known as Qasam il- Fawwara, near the road leading to Fort Manoel and Sliema. According to the parameters set by the FAR policy document, the total public open space should not be less than 705sqm. The total public open space being proposed at ground level is 695sqm and hence, slightly less than laid down by the policy document. However, according to the case officer the proposed develop- ment also includes an extension of 195sqm of public open space fully accessible to the public at street level, which is roofed over at the upper levels. Therefore, it is considered that the intentions of the FAR policy document to ensure that tall build- ing schemes prioritise public open spaces are not being prejudiced by the proposed development. The report also acknowledges that the site is a designated resi- dential area where large scale commercial and office uses are not normally permitted, but notes that the site has long been com- mitted to industrial/commercial/ office purposes. Furthermore, the heights policy parameters acknowledge that the Gzira employment node is pre- dominantly considered for office purposes and a mix of uses is more appropriate for tall buildings. Thus, in view of the above, the proposed land uses are considered appropriate in relation to the site contest and the proposed building typology. Traffic impact A Traffic Impact Statement (TIS) was carried out in 2007 to assess the transport impact of the development approved in 2012. The TIS considered the existing transport network, current traffic conditions and committed high- way works to establish and com- pare the impact of the approved and proposed developments on site, including access, parking and traffic generation while proposing modifications to improve junction capacity where possible. While noting that the total trip generation of the proposed devel- opment is slightly higher than that of the approved development, the case officer report concludes that area wide traffic management so- lutions as recommended in the original TIS are required to "re- duce the continuous increase in demand on the key junctions and safety-related improvements are required independent of the pro- posed development (refer to docu- ment)." MEPA's Transport Planning Unit (TPU) concluded that an updated TIS is not required since the addi- tional 10 residential units over and above what was approved in 2012 will not generate more traffic than the 1,130sqm of office space that were reduced. Therefore, as long as the devel- opment does not exceed 4,300sqm office space, 10 residential units and 125 car parking spaces, no TIS update was required. The case officer is recommending approval of the project subject to a planning gain to the value of €29,719.80, which would be deposited in the Planning Gain Fund. The funds raised from the planning gain shall be used to fund environmental and urban improvement projects, traffic management, green trans- port and similar projects in the locality of the site. An artistic impression of the 12-storey tower MDA lobbied to lift ban on regularising ODZ illegalities Ban on regularising illegal development in ODZ was described as a straitjacket by MDA JAMES DEBONO THE Malta Developers Associa- tion had lobbied for the removal of the sixth schedule, a provision in the 2010 policy that forbids the Malta Environment and Planning Authority from regularising illegal development in outside develop- ment zones. This emerges in submissions pub- lished yesterday on a consultation document issued by the government in 2014 on the proposed demerger of the planning and environmental arms of the MEPA. The MDA argued that laws should "give discretion" to those who are responsible for enforcing them. The MDA argued that the prohi- bition on sanctioning illegalities in the ODZ resulted in circumstances where owners of ODZ properties could not regularise any minor ille- galities on buildings, which already had a permit. The MDA added that planning of- ficers should have more discretion in determining which cases should be regularised or not. The deletion of the sixth sched- ule was opposed by environmental NGOs and by the archaeological society, with the latter warning that "the removal of such schedule encourages developers to carry out abusive developments in scheduled property and protected areas". The Ramblers Association warned that the Sixth schedule as proposed is tantamount to rewarding perpe- trators of illegal development, and is to be condemned at all costs. "Sanctioning rewards law break- ers and penalises honest citizens, let alone when the illegal development is situated outside the development zone, and thus is an affront to the common good". According to the Ramblers As- sociation the change in this policy results in yet another amnesty, un- dermining the rule of law. It also described as illogical the introduction of daily fines from the moment the application for sanc- tioning is submitted. "The penalty should apply from the moment the illegality was com- mitted and the law defied, some- thing which can be confirmed from aerial photographs and proper en- frorcement". YOUR FIRST CLICK OF THE DAY

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