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maltatoday, WEDNESDAY, 21 DECEMBER 2016 12 Regular market closed – 20/12/2016 Symbol Code Volume Traded Value Traded Trades High Price Low Price Open Price Close Price Change ▲ BOV 17,000 38,675.00 4 2.275 2.275 2.275 2.275 0.025 ▲ HSB 9,000 17,100.00 4 1.910 1.880 1.880 1.910 0.048 ▲ IHI 56,000 36,303.18 8 0.657 0.639 0.639 0.657 0.018 ● MDI 3,000 990.00 1 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.000 ▲ MDS 15,900 26,220.80 2 1.650 1.649 1.649 1.650 0.001 ▲ MIA 3,000 12,185.85 4 4.070 4.060 4.070 4.060 0.010 ▲ MTP 700 1,429.28 3 2.050 2.040 2.040 2.050 0.030 ▲ RS2 33,150 55,674.22 13 1.680 1.678 1.678 1.680 0.002 ▲ G22A 2,563 3,254.24 1 126.970 126.970 126.970 126.970 0.120 ▲ G23A 25,000 33,062.50 1 132.250 132.250 132.250 132.250 0.200 ▲ G28A 2,000 2,750.00 1 137.500 137.500 137.500 137.500 0.480 ▲ G28B 15,000 20,170.50 1 134.470 134.470 134.470 134.470 0.500 ▲ G29B 55,000 60,547.00 6 110.180 109.740 109.740 110.180 0.510 ▲ G30A 220,000 320,264.72 4 145.760 145.400 145.400 145.760 0.610 ▲ G31A 20,000 29,414.00 2 147.140 147.000 147.000 147.140 0.690 ▲ G32A 34,000 48,093.00 2 141.450 141.450 141.450 141.450 0.730 ▲ G32B 52,500 72,782.75 4 138.650 138.550 138.550 138.650 0.730 ▲ G33A 46,500 63,949.90 5 137.620 137.000 137.000 137.620 0.770 ▲ G34A 145,000 195,974.00 6 135.170 135.120 135.170 135.120 0.830 ▲ G36A 350,100 376,961.43 17 108.000 106.970 106.970 107.710 1.180 ▲ G39AA 145,300 146,862.40 10 101.240 100.500 100.500 101.240 0.920 ▲ G40A 170,700 199,416.28 12 117.020 115.600 115.600 117.020 1.050 ▲ G41AA 392,300 409,570.41 16 104.700 103.700 103.700 104.670 0.850 ● BV19A 800 828.00 1 103.500 103.500 103.500 103.500 0.000 ▼ BV30A 80,000 78,920.00 2 98.900 98.500 98.900 98.500 -0.490 ● GC21A 4,000 4,000.00 1 100.000 100.000 100.000 100.000 0.000 ▼ GP23A 40,000 40,659.00 3 102.000 101.530 102.000 101.530 -0.460 ▼ HM24A 4,700 4,931.71 1 104.930 104.930 104.930 104.930 -0.070 ● HP25A 19,000 19,950.00 5 105.000 105.000 105.000 105.000 0.000 ● IH26A 39,900 40,718.10 6 102.100 102.000 102.000 102.000 0.000 ● MF24A 5,000 5,288.00 1 105.760 105.760 105.760 105.760 0.000 ▼ MI20A 4,400 4,576.00 1 104.000 104.000 104.000 104.000 -0.500 ▲ MM26A 5,000 5,166.00 2 103.500 103.200 103.200 103.500 0.500 ▲ PC26A 32,400 33,026.00 5 102.000 101.700 101.700 101.990 0.340 Market Summary as at December 20, 2016 Equity Official List Session State ................................................................... Market Closed Number of trades ............................................................. 155 Volume Traded ................................................................. 2,048,913 Value of € denominated securities .................................... 2,409,714.27 Value of US$ denominated securities ................................ 0.00 Value of GBP£ denominated securities .............................. 0.00 Current Index ................................................................... 4,593.306 Previous Index ................................................................. 4,549.072 Change in Index (%) ......................................................... 0.972% 6pm Holdings plc ......................... 0.800 0.00% MaltaPost plc ................................ 2.020 0.00% Bank of Valletta plc ....................... 2.250 0.45% Medserv plc .................................. 1.649 -0.06% FIMBank plc ................................. 0.850 -2.86% Mapfre Middlesea plc .................... 2.120 0.00% GlobalCapital plc .......................... 0.440 0.00% MIDI plc ........................................ 0.330 -1.49% GO plc ........................................... 3.249 0.00% Plaza Centres plc ........................... 1.100 0.00% Grand Harbour Marina plc ............. 0.869 0.00% RS2 Software plc............................ 1.678 3.58% HSBC Bank Malta plc ..................... 1.862 0.11% Simonds Farsons Cisk plc .............. 6.900 0.00% International Hotel Investments plc 0.639 0.00% Tigné Mall plc ............................... 1.190 0.00% Island Hotels Group Holdings plc ... 1.101 0.00% Pefaco International plc ................ 2.240 0.00% Lombard Bank Malta plc ............... 2.290 -0.43% Santumas Shareholdings plc ......... 1.260 0.00% Malita Investments plc .................. 0.860 -0.92% Malta Properties Company plc ........ 0.580 -3.33% Malta International Airport plc ....... 4.050 0.00% MSE Index Business Today Market commentary: Year-end lull rocked by attacks Markets tend to wind-down to- wards the end of the year, as large players take stock of the past months often reducing their expo- sure ahead of the new year and a possible new portfolio allocation. That is not to say there is no ac- tivity – indeed with the generally lower volumes volatility tends to increase somewhat and large moves are not to be excluded, al- though they tend to manifest them- selves more in areas such as cur- rency markets. So naturally the focus has turned to other events which are, unfortunately, of the worst kind. Monday has seen multiple terror- linked events, noticeably in Berlin and possibly Zurich. In Ankara, the killing of Russia's ambassador to Turkey – apparently motivated by the war in Syria – risks worsening the already strained ties between Turkey and Russia, although official declarations are of the opposite nature. Market Titbits In other news, General Motors is laying off some 1,300 workers as demand for passenger cars slows. Fiat Chrysler and Ford Motor are also cutting or halting production of certain sedans and compact cars in anticipation of slower demand. It's not all bad for carmakers though, as trucks and SUVs continue to sell at record levels. Deutsche Bank could settle the notorious penalty US authorities imposed on it back in September. The bank is set to pay substantially less than the USD $14 billion initially imposed on it though. Cuba Libre Cuba is also looking to settle some dues – this time with the Czech Republic. The South American country is offering some $270 million worth of rum to 'free itself' of a Cold War-era borrowing. It might sound bizarre at first, but that's about 130 years' worth of rum imports. Non-cash settlements are not unheard of, although there is no word yet on whether the Czech Republic will accept the terms. Maybe they should consider throwing in a few cigars… This article was issued by Rebecca Naudi, Trader at Calamatta Cuschieri. For more information visit, www. The information, view and opinions provided in this article is being provided solely for educational and informational purposes and should not be construed as investment advice, advice concerning particular investments or investment decisions, or tax or legal advice. Calamatta Cuschieri Investments Services Ltd has not verified and consequently neither warrants the accuracy nor the veracity of any information, views or opinions appearing on this website. Money Market Report for the week ending December 16, 2016 ECB Monetary Operations On Monday, December 12, the European Central Bank (ECB) announced its weekly main refinancing operation (MRO). The operation was conducted on Tuesday, December 13, and attracted bids from euro area eligible counterparties of €36.82 billion, €1.06 billion higher than the bid amount of the previous week. The amount was allotted in full at a fixed rate equivalent to the prevailing MRO rate of 0.00%, in accordance with current ECB policy. On Wednesday, December 14, the ECB conducted a 21-day US dollar funding operation through collateralised lending in conjunction with the US Federal Reserve. This operation attracted bids of $4.34 billion, which was allotted in full at a fixed rate of 1.13%. On Thursday, December 15, the ECB conducted the third from the second series of Targeted Longer Term Refinancing Operation. This operation attracted bids of €62.16 billion, which was allotted in full at a fixed rate of 0.00%. Domestic Treasury Bill Market In the domestic primary market for Treasury bills, the Treasury invited tenders for 28-day and 91- day bills maturing on January 12 and March 16, 2017, respectively. Bids of €10.00 million were submitted for the 28-day bills, with the Treasury accepting all bids, while bids of €50.00 million were submitted for the 91-day bills, with the Treasury accepting €20.00 million. Since €30.00 million worth of bills matured during the week, the outstanding balance of Treasury bills remained unchanged at €283.80 million. The yield from the 28-day bill auction was -0.394%, unchanged from bids with a similar tenor issued on November 24, 2016, representing a bid price of 100.0307 per 100 nominal. The yield from the 91-day bill auction was -0.380%, up by 0.1 basis point from bids with a similar tenor issued on December 7, 2016, representing a bid price of 100.0961 per 100 nominal. During the week under review, there was no trading on the Malta Stock Exchange. On Tuesday the Treasury invited tenders for 91-day bills maturing on March 23, 2017.

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