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22 maltatoday, WEDNESDAY, 14 JUNE 2017 Sport MOTORSPORTS ATHLETICS 2017 Olympic Day Run to be held this Sunday THE Maltese Olympic Com- mittee together with the Malta Amateur Athletics Assoca- tion will be hosting the annual Olympic Day Run which serves as a celebration of the anniver- sary of the Olympic Movement. The Olympic Day Run will consist of three categories aimed towards catering for as wide a sporting population as possible, irrespective of age or ability. Runners can choose from the following:- Classical Run – 10k - Starting line: Love Monument, St. Ju- lians, along the Sliema sea front to Gzira and back. Relaxed Run – 5k - Starting line: Love Monument, St. Ju- lians, along the Sliema sea front till Preluna and back. Junior Run – 2.5k - Start- ing line: Love Monument, St. Julians, along the Sliema sea front till Family monument and back. The Maltese Olympic Com- mittee encourages organisa- tions to form teams. The Mal- tese Olympic Committee will present trophies for groups that bring along the largest num- bers in the following categories: School, Local Council, Bank, Club, Company. For recipients of these prizes a Group Application Form must be completed and handed in before the run. A Team Repre- sentative should be nominated to receive the trophy on the day. Participation is FREE of charge. Official Olympic Day Run T-shirts and an official Olympic Day Run IOC Certifi- cate will be given to all partici- pants. Applications are available at the offices of the Maltese Olympic Committee as well as on the website - http://noc- day-run/ Registration will also accept- ed on the day of the between 07.00 and 07.30am. Races will start at 7:45am and several wa- ter stations will be placed along the route. 1st Round of National Time Attack Championship in Sicily A group of Maltese driv- ers has returned from Ag- rigento, Sicily, after taking part in the first round of the National Maltese Time Attack Championship at the Autodromo Concordia. The circuit is run by the Brucoleri family of whom both the father and his two sons are well known racing drivers. This championship, al- though Maltese, is being organised in Sicily by 360 Motorsport Club Malta due to the lack of facilities in our country. 360 Motor- sport Club Malta is an af- filiate club within the Mal- ta Motorsport Federation. Most of the Maltese sailed on the Thursday and re- turned on the Monday on the Virtu Ferries cata- maran. The Maltese par- ticipated in several differ- ent classes, always racing against time. Jeffrey Shaw and Jason Cini, the brains behind this relatively new club, ex- plained that there is strong interest in this champion- ship and that the second round is expected to be held between 15 and 19 June at the same circuit. The podium of the 1st round of the National Time Attack Championship Open Class Under 2,000 cc at the Autodromo Concordia in Agrigento, Sicily: Mario (Sky) Agius placed first in an Escort Mk 1; Mauro Brincat came second in a Honda Civic EG; and Jeffrey Shaw came third in a Honda Civic EP3