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maltatoday, WEDNESDAY, 14 JUNE 2017 23 Sport MOTORSPORTS Answers to the MaltaToday crossword will be published next Wednesday WEATHER: Fine VISIBILITY: Good WIND: West Southwest force 2 to 3 SEA: Slight SWELL: Negligible A B C D E F G H 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 White to play and mate in four moves A B C D E F G H 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Last week's solution Sudoku rules are extremely easy: Fill all empty squares so that the numbers 1 to 9 appear once in each row, column and 9x9 box. SUNNY 29 º C / 20 º C UV INDEX: 11 Today's Weather Chess Sudoku Pursuits Across 6. Velvet-like fabric (6) 7. Social standing (4) 8. Sailors (4) 9. Moist with sweat (6) 10. Full of substance (5) 12. Decoration (5) 15. Alter (6) 17. Young cow (4) 18. Central part (4) 19. Machine that loads (6) Down 1. Threaten (6) 2. Tasks (4) 3. Collide (5) 4. Current of air (6) 5. Midge (4) 11. Cared for (6) 13. Joined by treaty (6) 14. Staggers (5) 16. Foot of a horse (4) 17. Stuff (4) Nxc7+ Kd6 Qb6# ... Kd8 Re8# (Na6#, Na8# Ne8#, Nb5#) ASMK Night Event on Saturday at Ta' Qali THIS weekend is a very busy time for the Assocjazzjoni Sport Muturi u Karozzi with the event being held at Ta' Qali in the association sports com- plex this Saturday. This will be the first night event of this sea- son. This event, in the ASMK Pas- ta Poiatti 2016/2017 National Championship, will consist in the seventh race of the Moto- cross and the ninth event of the Autocross cars. The pro- gramme begins at 4pm with the Motocross and at 7pm the car racing starts and will keep going until late at night under artificial lighting. This day will also be a special day for ASMK and all present as Her Excellency Marie Lou- ise Coleiro Preca, President of Malta, will be visiting this event to see and follow the progress of the association in local mo- torsport. During this event the association will be presenting the sum collected in January 2017 during a special event held in aid of the Malta Community Chest Fund. The association's commit- ment is to continue on the next day, on Sunday, when the En- duro Section will be hosting the last event of the ASMK Pasta Poiatti 2016/2017 Champion- ship. The programme will be held at Quarry tal-Ballut limits of San Pawl tat-Targa. The pro- gramme begins 10am. Saturday, 10th June saw the Trials section of ASMK organ- izing another activity at the Barriera tal-Ballut limits of San Pawl tat-Targa. Eight competi- tors participated, divided into two classes which gave these results: In Class A Bonello Damon on a Gas Gas motorcycle per- formed very well and paved the way to win another champion- ship title. Damon this season finished first in class with only 9 points of penalty. Damon is followed by Sicilian Antonio Leonardi on another Gas Gas motorcycle but he finished the day in 2nd place with 21 points of penalty. Third place finisher is Joseph Scicluna on a Gas Gas too, who closed the day with 41 points of penalty. Class B saw the struggle be- tween Daniel Inguanez and Tony Curmi both on a Beta mo- torcycle. During the day Curmi started very well so that by the first three sections he had al- ready been leading his class by doing his utmost. Inguanez failed to beat Curmi in the sec- ond and third sections yet con- trolled the gap from growing. Curmi ended up winning this class with 56 points penalty while Inguanez followed in 2nd place with 58 points of penalty. Third place finisher is Manuel Camilleri on his Gas Gas with 79 points of penalty. Other Trials activity will be held on Saturday, 1st July. This event will be held inside the ASMK Sports Complex at Ta' Qali. Starting time is at 4pm. Meanwhile during this past weekend the Association was committed outside the country. Motocross Riders and brothers Kyle and Clayton Camilleri par- ticipated in the Sicily Regional Championship organized by the Italian Federation of Motorcy- cles FMI. After a very busy and highly competitive day in Mo- tocross racing with the Sicilian best competitors the Camilleri brothers Kyle and Clayton im- proved on their previous results and each of them won a Podium Finish. Clayton riding a 350cc KTM motorcycle won Third Place in the MX1 class – Over 21. Young Kyle Camilleri who rides a KTM 250cc motorcy- cle won Second Place in Class MX2 for riders Under 21. Both won valuable points in the FMI- Sicily Championship. Further information is avail- able on the website of the Asso- ciation:- or in the Facebook pages named:- A.S.M.K. Malta or Associa- tion Sport Muturi u Karozzi. One can also make contact by email:- and Mobile 99425489.