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MW 25 October 2017

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maltatoday WEDNESDAY 25 OCTOBER 2017 News 5 Expression of Interest: Provision of Architectural and Project Management Services The Permanent Secretary within the Ministry for Gozo notifies that sealed expression of interest documents marked: EOI/B1017 Expression of Interest: Provision of Architectural and Project Management Services will be received in the tender box, situated at the Procurement Unit at the Ministry for Gozo, St. Francis Square, Victoria, Gozo, by not later than 10.00 a.m. of the 3 rd November 2017. Interested parties may either download a copy of the Expression of Interest document from the Ministry for Gozo website or request a copy by sending an email to clearly indicating Advert Number EOI/B1017. KURT SANSONE ADRIAN Delia earned €153,101 last year, according to income tax records pro- vided by the Inland Revenue Department. The Nationalist Party lead- er claimed expenses total- ling €34,688, to end up with a net profit of €118,413. The income came solely from his profession as a lawyer. Delia's wife, Nickie Vella Defremaux declared an in- come of €12,660. The tax assessment was obtained on the basis of a legal provision that allows editors to ask for the income tax returns of members of parliament. The request was filed with the Speaker of the House when Delia was sworn in as an MP. This newspaper received a statement of declared in- come, which, however, does not specify the amount of tax paid. Delia had failed to submit his income tax returns when asked by the media to do so during the Nationalist Party leadership campaign when questions were raised about his ability to finance his per- sonal debts on the salary of Opposition leader. Delia had admitted having debts of €728,000 during the campaign, leaving open the question as to how he could finance the repayments on an annual salary of €43,000 – the amount due to him as Opposition leader. The PN leader had insisted he had a financial plan drawn up by his advisors to manage his family's finances but had also not ruled out taking a salary from the party as well. Delia's predecessor had re- fused a salary from the party, relying only on his parlia- mentary honorarium as Op- position leader. In an interview with Lovin- Malta, Delia had insisted there was "nothing at all untoward about someone receiving a salary for a full- time job" when asked wheth- er he would be paid by the PN for his leadership role. The statement had raised concern within the party that is reeling under debts of €25 million. It is unclear whether Delia has started to receive a salary from the party and if so, how much. The income declaration shows a disparity of more than €100,000 between what Delia earned last year and what he is expected to re- ceive now in his new role as Opposition leader. Delia had promised to shed all business interests if elect- ed PN leader, a process he said would take a few months to complete. Delia faces salary gap of more than €100,000 Income tax shows gross earnings of €153,101 last year Daphne Caruana in Malta KURT SANSONE A minute's silence was held in the European Par- liament this afternoon as MEPs paid tribute to slain journalist Daphne Carua- na Galizia. Present in the plenary session held in Starsbourg were also Caruana Gali- zia's sons and husband. In a short message, EP president Antonio Tajani described the journalist as "a courageous woman" who spared no effort to investigate and discover the truth and facts "with- out fear or favour". Tajani said that through- out her 30-year career, Caruana Galizia never lost her spirit of commit- ment. "She stood upright and was only answerable to her readers," he said. He said it was thanks to the free and independent press that society could stand up in defence of de- mocracy, rule of law and freedom of expression. The EP president called for an international inves- tigation into the murder. "I hope the Maltese au- thorities will spare no ef- fort to get to the bottom of this crime and I hope they leave no stone un- turned. I reiterate my call for an international inves- tigation where all police forces can make an appro- priate contribution to en- sure the perpetrators are apprehended and brought to justice." The EP also decided to name the Strasbourg press room after Caruana Galizia in remembrance of her journalistic work. Tajani promised that the parliament would not turn away until the truth was revealed. "We will not remain silent until the perpetrators are brought to justice," he said. Tajani leads Caruana Galizia tribute in European Parliament

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