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maltatoday WEDNESDAY 25 OCTOBER 2017 News 4 MASSIMO COSTA THE murder of Daphne Caru- ana Galizia, which has gripped the attention of international media, is currently being dis- cussed by MEPs in the Europe- an Parliament, during a plenary session. The debate, which is being framed within the context of the protection of journalists and the defence of media freedom in Malta, sees various MEPs con- demning the barbaric crime, and emphasizing that the per- petrators be brought to justice. Frans Timmermans, First vice-president of the European Commission said that the eyes of Europe and the world were on the Maltese government to ensure that whoever is behind this crime is brought to justice. "A healthy democracy requires a free and pluralistic media, free from state pressures," he added, "the right of a journalist to in- vestigate is at the heart of our values and needs to be guaran- teed at all times." "If journalists have to fear for their lives just for doing their job, they cannot operate in the way they need to serve society." He maintained that it was the duty of the Maltese government to investigate and prosecute this case. The Maltese authorities and institutions must deliver, he said, and Malta had to show Eu- rope and the world that its rules and regulations were healthy and robust. He emphasized that the only way we could honour Caruana Galizia is by investigating the issues which underly what hap- pened. "If problems of a more struc- tural nature are brought to light, the Commission will not hesitate to take up its responsi- bility," he stated. Esteban González Pons from the People's Party said that Caruana Galizia's murder was more than the tragic murder of a troublesome journalist; it was a message that we are supposed to remain silent. "The EU failed Daphne, no- body protected her enough and the Maltese authorities who should have protected her and her family did not act. I call on the European Commission to look into the situation of the rule of law in Malta - as Daphne said, the situation is desperate, González Pons maintained. Gianni Pittella, leader of the Progressive Alliance of Social- ists and Democrats said that whoever carried out the attack was the enemy of Europe, and the member states had to make available to the Maltese enquiry their best services. He maintained that journal- ists' work of checks and balanc- es were important for democra- cy, and they had to be protected. Monica Macovei, from the Eu- ropean Conservatives and Re- formists asked who was going to investigate Prime Minister Joseph Muscat. "The prime min- ister and the entire government of Malta should resign," she said. Sophia in 't Veld from the Alli- ance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe said that the investi- gation into the corruption and crime which Caruana Galizia undertook, had to be continued. The Maltese government had to give explanations about the al- legations of corruption, she said, and the Commission had to in- vestigate such allegations. "If one member state does not uphold the European standards in terms of rule of law, then it means there is no rule of law in the EU," she said. MEP Miguel Urbán Crespo, making reference to Caruana Galizia's work on uncovering the Panama Papers scandal, argued that the interests of whistleblowers and journalists had to be put before those of businesses and had to be pro- tected. German MEP Sven Giegold said it was clear why the mur- derers did not place the bomb under the seat of the police commissioner of attorney general. They killed Caruana Galizia because it was she who uncovered numerous cases of corruption and money launder- ing, he claimed. "Malta has replaced the rule of law for a culture of impunity for the powerful," he maintained, as he proposed that an inde- pendent investigator should be appointed to investigate the murder, and Malta should join the European Public Prosecu- tor's Office. A European Galizia prize for investigative journalists is also being suggested, he said. Thank You Perhaps you sent a lovely card, or sat upon a chair, Perhaps you sent us beautiful flowers, if so, we saw them there. Perhaps you spoke the kindest words that any friend could say. Perhaps you were not there at all, just thought of us that day. Whatever you did to console our hearts, We thank you so much, whatever your part. The Family of Susan Mulvaney 11.11.1946 – 7.10.2017 European Parliament debates Daphne Galizia's murder, media freedom in Overarching message of MEPs is the that journalism is essential for democracy, Malta and the EU failed to protect Daphne Caruana Galizia, the Maltese government is duty bound to ensure the murderers are brought to justice and to address institutional issues

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