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maltatoday | WEDNESDAY • 4 JULY 2018 3 NEWS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 "We will be putting a law in place so that such areas could be subject to affores- tation. If someone doesn't want to do it, I will take it in my hands and do the af- forestation myself," he said. The year for trees "I am not being ironic when I say that this year is the year for trees, nor am I provoking those who are criticising the fact that some trees are being removed, though they may be justi- fied in doing so," Herrera said, adding that he, too, is concerned about the issue. "Sometimes... this is what infrastructural develop- ment brings," he said. "But this year will break the re- cord with the amount of trees that will be planted." Herrera acknowledged that when trees are re- moved from an area, say to widen a road, the envi- ronment of that area is de- graded, even though trees will be planted elsewhere. "It is fair criticism," Her- rera said. For this reason, Her- rera said that the ministry will try to plant new trees in the same areas where older ones were removed. "Perhaps in that respect we were lacking. But one learns from mistakes." "The time has come to make our cities green, be- cause they are dry," the minister said. "As soon as Ambjent Malta kicks off, I will direct it to focus on ur- ban areas." Herrera said that the fo- cus right now is on Nat- ura2000 sites and natural capital – and the work is therefore not observed by a lot of people. Jose Herrera (seen here helping to plant a sapling) has put afforestation at the top of his agenda Minister says protests against removal of trees might be justified MATTHEW AGIUS A woman forced into having sex with other men by her drunken partner has told the court how she lived as a prisoner at home. The woman testified yesterday in court proceedings against the 31-year-old Libyan man, who was charged with forcing her into prostitution and living off her earnings. The man was also charged with insulting, threat- ening and slightly injuring the woman. Testifying via video conference, the woman recounted her har- rowing experience of violence and blackmail at the hands of her partner. She told Magistrate Claire Sta- frace Zammit that she had be- friended the accused online and eventually went to live with him in St Paul's Bay with some other people. The woman said she lived as a prisoner and over time the man became increasingly aggressive and violent. On one occasion the man punched her in the chest, causing her to collapse. The po- lice had been called in but the vic- tim withdrew her report after the accused promised to change. The victim said that she lost her job because she could not go to work with a badly bruised face. This led to money problems and although her son would send money from abroad, the accused – an alcoholic – would spend it all. The woman said the accused then started to use her mobile phone to chat with men and in- vite them to the apartment for sex against payment. She had filed a domestic vio- lence report with the police but had not mentioned the prostitu- tion issue out of shame and fear. After the accused was arraigned over the beating, the woman started being followed by men who would threaten her with death if she did not withdraw her complaint. The woman eventu- ally withdrew the complaint. However, things came to a head last week in Birżebbuġa when the accused, after a two-day drinking spree, insisted that she contact a certain man to give her some money. When she did so, the person said he was at work, but the ac- cused went after the man with a knife and attacked him. Neighbours saw the ensuing commotion and to exculpate himself, the accused forced the woman to say the man had raped her. She later confessed to this dur- ing questioning by the police and the Libyan man was subsequently investigated. The woman told the police that she had never reported the ac- cused because she was terrified of him. He had also threatened to release video recordings of her performing sex acts if she diso- beyed him. The man was arraigned under arrest by Inspectors Roxanne Ta- bone, Roderick Attard and Joseph Busuttil. The defence did not request bail. The case continues. Lawyers Arthur Azzopardi and Alfred Abela are appearing for the victim while lawyer Martin Fenech was legal aid to the ac- cused. Names are being withheld to protect the identity of the victim. Man charged with forcing partner into prostitution

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