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MALTATODAY 16 January 2019 Midweek

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14 maltatoday | WEDNESDAY • 16 JANUARY 2019 CULĊTURE CULTURE WIED il-Qlejgha, popularly known as Chadwick Lakes – will finally be get- ting a well-deserved comprehensive upgrade after the Planning Authority's Planning Commission approved plan- ning permission for rehabilitation and restoration works to be carried out. The valley in the NorthWest of the Island is a frequent recreational haven for Maltese families especially during the winter months and after heavy rainfall. The rehabilitation works will include the reinstatement of the stor- age capacity of existing dams and the restoration of valley's ecology through the removal of debris and silt depos- its which have accumulated over the years. Banks and retaining walls will be rebuilt in an environmentally friendly manner while intrusive development such as a playground in the valley bed, constructed during the 1990s, will be removed. The upper Chadwick Lakes area will be rehabilitated into an educational zone through the installation of visi- tor inception and information panels. A trekking trail alongside the valley bed will be established to provide visi- tors with an educational experience on the important hydro-ecological role of valley systems in the Maltese islands. In order to carry out this rehabili- tation project, environmental stud- ies were prepared by environmental consultants. The studies revealed that the valley is presently in a deplorable state. A lack of maintenance and proper management over the years has led to a number of problems including a re- duced surface water retention capac- ity due to the accumulation of sedi- ment and debris, a rapid growth of invasive and non-native plant species, the dilapidation of the retention walls and illegal dumping. Moreover, most of the original infrastructure designed by Lord Chadwick in 1884, has been left in a derelict state. The project will also include the res- toration of the existing Fiddien Box. The restoration works include the conservation of the existing rooms which will prevent any further dilapi- dation. As a result, the full-restored rooms will house a visitors' centre, pump room and storage space. This project will be managed by the Energy and Water Agency. Chadwick Lakes to be restored to its natural glory Chadwick Lakes will finally be getting a well-deserved comprehensive upgrade after the Planning Authority's Planning Commission approved planning permission for rehabilitation and restoration works to be carried out

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