Illum latest edition

ILLUM 9 April 2023

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illum • IL-ĦADD 9 TA' APRIL 2023 Gudja/Airport to Kirkop Tunnels Kirkop Tunnels to Airport/Ħal Far Kirkop Tunnels to Valletta Kirkop Tunnels to Luqa/Qormi Ħal Far/Airport to Qormi/Valletta The sole responsibility of this production lies with the author. The European Union is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information therein. Temporary diversions around the Airport KIRKOP TUNNELS & AIRPORT INTERSECTION P R O J E C T Use alternative routes when possible Plan ahead to avoid inconvenience Drive cautiously within recommended speed limits 95% C O M P L E T E D MINISTRY FOR TRANSPORT, INFRASTRUCTURE AND CAPITAL PROJECTS PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARIAT FOR EU FUNDS

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