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MaltaToday 10 January 2024 MIDWEEK

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CULTURE 12 maltatoday | WEDNESDAY • 10 JANUARY 2024 GIOVANNI Curmi Higher Secondary School is pre- senting its third annual soiree between the 19th – 21st of January. Friday 19th, Saturday 20th the show starts at 1930, whilst on Sunday 21st the show starts at 1600. This year's soiree is in- spired by the most popu- lar novel 'Little Women' Generations of readers have fallen in love with the March sisters of Louisa May Alcott's novel 'Little Women'. The well-loved charac- ters, talented tomboy Jo, tragically frail Beth, beau- tiful Meg, and romantic, spoiled Amy are united in their devotion to each other and their struggles to survive in New England during the Civil War. 'Little Women' brought Alcott lasting fame and for- tune, and far from being the "girl's book" her publisher requested, it explores such timeless themes as love and death, war and peace, the conflict between personal ambition and family re- sponsibilities, and the clash of cultures between Europe and America. The production is suit- able for all the family and includes various musical numbers. It is a celebration of students' talent. Past soiree included Rock the Rhapsody and Teen Beach: The Musical. Little Women inspires 2024 GCHSS Soiree Generations of readers have fallen in love with the March sisters of Louisa May Alcott's novel 'Little Women' and they are at the heart of this year's soiree at Giovanni Curmi Higher Secondary School PROVISIONAL data recorded a total trade in goods deficit of €187.4 million during November, compared to a deficit of €310.6 mil- lion in the corresponding month of 2022. Imports amounted to €644.5 mil- lion, while exports totalled €457.1 million, representing drops over the same month of the previous year in both imports and exports of €187.5 million and €64.3 million, respec- tively. The main decrease in imports was primarily due to Machinery and transport equipment (€208.0 mil- lion). On the exports side, the main decreases were registered in Food (€52.5 million), Chemicals (€20.3 million) and Machinery and trans- port equipment (€9.4 million), part- ly offset by an increase in Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materi- als (€26.3 million). Total trade in goods During the first 11 months of the year, the deficit narrowed by €680.1 million when compared to the cor- responding period of 2022, reaching €3,703.8 million. Imports stood at €7,813.9 million whereas exports reached €4,110.1 million, representing decreases of €851.1 million and €171.0 million, respectively. Lower imports were mainly re- corded in Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials (€466.1 mil- lion), Machinery and transport equipment (€433.8 million), and Chemicals (€62.3 million), partly offset by increases in Food (€76.2 million), and Miscellaneous manu- factured articles (€44.2 million). On the exports side, the main de- creases were registered in Mineral fuels, lubricants and related mate- rials (€184.9 million), Food (€73.3 million), and Chemicals (€64.8 mil- lion). These were partly offset by an increase in Machinery and trans- port equipment (€150.9 million). Goods were imported mainly from the European Union (54.6 per cent) and Asia (20.6 per cent). Similarly, exports were mostly di- rected to the European Union (37.6 per cent) and Asia (16.3 per cent). The highest increase in im- ports was recorded from Germa- ny (€230.5 million), while imports from Greece registered the largest drop (€252.6 million). Exports to Germany registered the highest in- crease (€311.2 million), while those to France experienced the largest decrease (€176.4 million). In November, the deficit of trade in goods excluding specific chapters amounted to €132.9 million, com- pared to a deficit of €32.1 million re- corded in the same month of 2022. Imports and exports amounted to €439.3 million and €306.4 million, respectively, thus representing an increase of 2.7 per cent in imports and a decrease of 22.6 per cent in exports over the corresponding month of the previous year. During the first 11 months of 2023, the deficit of trade in goods excluding specific chapters widened by €344.5 million when compared to the same period of 2022, reaching €2,144.1 million. Imports increased by 6.4 per cent, while exports decreased by 1.8 per cent, reaching €4,895.7 million and €2,751.6 million, respectively. €187.4 million trade in goods deficit recorded in November Percentage distribution of total Trade in Goods by major commodity group - November 2023 Percentage change of Trade in Goods over the corresponding month of the previous year

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