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MaltaToday 10 January 2024 MIDWEEK

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13 maltatoday | WEDNESDAY • 10 JANUARY 2024 CULTURE TODAY'S challenges are more complex than ever. To find impactful solutions and ways forward, we need diverse people with distinct backgrounds and mindsets to work together effectively. SciCultureD (ERASMUS+ funded) hosts an intensive course from 15–19th April 2024 that fosters transdisciplinary team collaborations, co-creation, civ- ic participation, and a system-thinking mindset to drive positive change in lo- cal communities. The course has been run in Greece and Germany with more than 50 par- ticipants connecting to local stakehold- ers under the guidance of SciCultureD mentors from European institutions and SMEs. In April 2023, our partners in Germa- ny hosted a successful course tackling the challenges brought by the cultural transformation of the Ruhr Region and the role of Third Places. This year's theme challenges us to re- think the role of communities in shap- ing the present of urban contexts to- wards a socially- and ecologically-just future in Malta. The course will make participants re- flect on how to engage urban communi- ties in co-creating greener, more inclu- sive and just cities. Groups will be guided to explore and connect the diversity of peoples' voic- es, to ultimately foster a common sense of caring for today's and tomorrow's cities. The course will provide participants with training on embodied learning, design thinking, and an array of artistic and entrepreneurial tools to creatively tackle this theme. Course participants will be mentored to challenge themselves and explore multiple perspectives by immersing in the local context. The transdisciplinary programme will encourage them to diversify their skill sets in project management, teamwork , design and systems thinking, entre- preneurship, creativity, and ethical de- bating. At the end of the course, groups will share their experience and share their experience. Erasmus grants are available to stu- dents or academics associated with the University of Malta until the 12th of February. The course is also open to paid partic- ipants from external organisations: paid applications are open until the 18th of February. Arts, science, and entrepreneurship course to start in April THE Do-Re-Mi fun-filled musical journey continues with the introduction of the character of Mi (Flute). Although small in size, Mi will always ensure that she is heard. Mi has an even more annoying baby cousin – known as the Piccolo. Children will have the unique opportunity to forge connections with this charming musical character created by script-writer Simon Barto- lo, listen to professional music performances and participate in an engaging age-appropriate work- shop. "Do-Re-Mi meets MI" will take place at the Rob- ert Sammut Hall in Floriana on Sunday 14 January at 11am. Do-Re-Mi is where learning and fun harmoni- ously unite. Anyone who would like to join the workshops which will start at 10am, is invited to send an email to The workshop has limited spaces on a first-come- first-served basis. Free entrance is provided for children but chil- dren under 5 must always be supervised. New character Mi joins Do-Re-Mi musical journey

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