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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 5 MAY 2024 3 ART human condition exhibition Christopher Chetcuti for his guidance in the making of the sculptures, to Andrea Mugli- ett for the soundscape that accompanies the exhibition, to Matthew Mercieca for edit- ing the video of 'Portrait of a Lady on Fire' and to Camilleri Paris Mode, who provided the fabrics on which the works are painted. During the process of putting this exhibition together, did anything surprise you? Yes, I'd never have thought myself capable of working under that kind of white-hot pressure. I'd always considered excessive stress as an impedi- ment. Now I recognise that it pushed me to outdo myself. I wanted my work to be worthy of the space and of the oppor- tunity Spazju Kreattiv were giving me. People had placed their faith in me, and I couldn't let them down. Just remember, we're in the midst of the Mal- ta Biennale and the people at Spazju Kreattiv gave over this grand hall to me. Is this exhibition meant to be consumed in a linear narrative? Is there a starting point when people walk into the gallery, or are they free to walk around see which pieces they are attracted to? No, not really. Human na- ture isn't linear, and my mind doesn't work in a linear man- ner either. As I was trying to say, I go back and forth, in- habiting one version of myself and then another. There are so many facets, nuances, under- currents and crosscurrents in any attempt at depicting the human psyche. I'd rather peo- ple took a more organic and holistic approach. I invite those visiting the exhibition to roam around as whim takes them, to tap into their intuition and give themselves over to the sensory and emotional experience. Do you have a favourite piece from the exhibition, or rather, a piece that stands out to you? No, I have no favourites. Each piece is there because it felt necessary to me. All the works are there for a reason; they all serve the core concept. How- ever, I'm really looking forward to exploring the sculptural ele- ment of this exhibition, which I'm including for the first time. People have been commenting for years on the sculptural ele- ment in my art, the way I ren- der the human figure, my fas- cination with larger-than-life canvases. I'd like to understand the motives behind this. But no, there's no work I like more than any other. Anything else you'd like to add? As I said before, it's a mul- timedia exhibition which it wouldn't have been without the involvement of other peo- ple. I'd like to thank Matthew Mercieca for editing clips from the film 'Portrait of a Lady on Fire'. There is also a sound- scape which my cousin An- drea Mugliett created for me to evoke the specific atmos- phere we felt complemented the works. The sculptures are larger than life-size, and this wouldn't have possible if it hadn't been for Christopher Chetcuti, who recommended the right materials to use, and who placed the tools, materi- al and space at his foundry at my disposal. Finally, it was my curator, Lisa Gwen, always so insightful in her reading of my art, who suggested that I in- clude another layer by working on fabric, kindly sponsored by Camilleri Paris Mode. Chris- tine Amaira was in charge of PR, and Andre Gialanze took all the photos. Above all, I must thank Spazju Kreattiv and its director, Daniel Azzopardi, who approached me about this project. They sponsored this exhibition right in the middle of the Malta Biennale, so I am extremely grateful for their be- lief in me. The exhibition will remain open till the 23rd of June, Tuesday - Friday 9am-9pm, Saturday - Sunday 10am-9pm at Spazju Kreattiv. "There'd be no point to an exhibition if I don't take the viewer by surprise, if it lacked an element of risk or broke new ground." Above: Artist Gabriel Buttigieg

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