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MaltaToday 15 May 2024 MIDWEEK

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NEWS 12 maltatoday | WEDNESDAY • 15 MAY 2024 The Convenience Shop empowers community wellbeing with second edition of Caritas Run THE Convenience Shop, a leading player in Malta's con- venience sector, has proudly sponsored and participated in the second edition of the Cari- tas Run For Life, a community event dedicated to promoting health and well-being across all age groups. This year's Caritas Run For Life took place on Sunday 12th May and started from the San Blas Therapeutic Centre in Ħaż-Żebbuġ. The event sur- passed expectations with a re- markable turnout of 1,300 par- ticipants, including children, from various backgrounds and age ranges. Due to overwhelm- ing interest, registrations had to close earlier, and the num- ber of eligible participants was capped for health and safety reasons. Participants had the option to choose from various race cate- gories, including a 10 km race, a 5 km race, a 4 km walk, a 1 km race tailored for children aged 6 to 9 years, and a 2.5 km race designed for children aged 10 to 13 years. The event not on- ly encouraged physical activity but also fostered communi- ty spirit in support of a noble cause. As the principal sponsor, The Convenience Shop reaffirmed its commitment to the Caritas Run For Life. Over 30 employ- ees participated between the walks and run marathon. To show appreciation, T-shirts and goodie bags were distrib- uted as tokens of appreciation to employees for their involve- ment and support. Furthermore, The Conveni- ence Shop mobilised support from patrons across its 91 out- lets spanning 50 locations. The company facilitated partici- pation by providing transpor- tation for staff, their families, and interested patrons, under- scoring its dedication to com- munity involvement and well- ness promotion. Andrew Attard, Executive As- sistant to the Directors at The Convenience Shop, remarked, "The Caritas Run For Life em- bodies the values close to our company's ethos, promoting healthy lifestyles and fostering community unity. We were thrilled to be part of this im- pactful initiative for the second consecutive year." Anthony Gatt, Director of Caritas Malta, extended sin- cere appreciation, stating, "We are immensely grateful to The Convenience Shop for their steadfast support of the Caritas Run For Life. Their involve- ment significantly contributed to the success of our mission to aid those in need within our community." A newly revamped website for iconic Maltese beer brand Cisk has just been launched in line with the brand's new bold and vibrant visual identity launched last year. The website displays the full line-up of the Cisk portfolio in a visually at- tractive parade, also listing all international awards for each beer. The eventful beginnings of the brand as well as the histo- ry and heritage of the compa- ny behind the brand, Simonds Farsons Cisk, are showcased prominently as the brand went on to play a definitive role in the local beer industry. With an original recipe that has remained unchanged since its launch, Cisk Lager is the re- cipient of several international awards. Today, the Cisk port- folio has expanded significant- ly and now includes Cisk Excel, a low-carbohydrate beer with half the carbs of the original but the same great taste, Cisk Pilsner, a pilsner of exceptional quality, Cisk Premium, mainly available in Italy, Cisk Strong, a 9% alcohol content lager, the Cisk Chill variants, available in lemon, berry, ginger & lime, and the latest addition to the portfolio, Cisk 0.0, a no-alco- hol version that has taken the non-alcoholic beer segment by storm. Visitors outside of Malta can also view the countries Cisk is available in. These include Australia, Canada, France, Ger- many, Bahrain, Oman amongst many others. Ms Susan Weenink Camill- eri, Head of Sales & Market- ing at Simonds Farsons Cisk, commented on the importance of ensuring that the bold and iconic look is carried across all the brand's touchpoints. "Brands today play a huge role in our consumers' lives and our digital platforms allow them to reach out and engage with the brands more effectively and efficiently. Moreover we recog- nise the significant importance that our website has in reach- ing and attracting new custom- ers and consumers both locally and overseas." The Cisk portfolio is brewed, marketed and distributed by Simonds Farsons Cisk plc. Visit New website for iconic Maltese beer brand

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